Doomsday: I Become Invincible By Picking Up

Chapter 118

C118 – Poland City

Due to the fact that the western continent was the birthplace of the apocalypse, its population was significantly smaller in comparison to the eastern continent.

The entire continent housed only a few tens of millions of inhabitants and a mere few hundred cities.

This explained why Loong Chen had not encountered a single soul during his lengthy journey.

The nearest city to their current location was Polish City, a bustling metropolis boasting a population of nearly a million people. The city was known for its numerous skilled individuals, with a Level 6 Grandmaster serving as its city master.

Along their journey, the young girl found Loong Chen to be amicable, gathering her courage to strike up a conversation with him.

This development caused the captain of the guards considerable anxiety. He had been on edge throughout the journey, fearing that the young girl might inadvertently say something to upset Loong Chen.

However, as time passed, the captain of the guards observed that Loong Chen and the young girl were engaged in cheerful conversation.

Particularly noteworthy was Loong Chen’s occasional jokes, which he shared with the girl.

Through their dialogue during the journey, Loong Chen learned the young girl’s name and background.

The girl’s name was Amy, and she happened to be the daughter of the City Lord of Polish City.

Her reason for venturing into the wilderness this time stemmed from the rumor of a spiritual remedy that could cure all ailments.

Her father had sustained severe injuries some time ago. Were it not for his formidable strength, his condition might have deteriorated much more rapidly.

Nonetheless, his condition continued to worsen, causing Amy great distress.

“Is he injured? Don’t worry, I may have a solution to heal your father’s ailment.”

Loong Chen reassured her with a smile. Following their recent conversation, he had developed a favorable opinion of the young girl.

He pledged his assistance to her.

“Really? Big brother, you possess medical knowledge too?” Amy’s wide eyes brimmed with excitement.

Amy gazed at Loong Chen with enthusiasm.

“I have some understanding,” he responded.

In truth, Loong Chen didn’t possess medical knowledge, but he wielded the Law of Life.

Regardless of the gravity of Amy’s father’s injury, as long as he remained alive, Loong Chen harbored the confidence to heal him.

Upon hearing this, Amy’s previous melancholy vanished, and she once again radiated vitality.

The captain of the guards cast a skeptical glance at Loong Chen.

He recognized that Loong Chen was more than a mere young miss. While Loong Chen undeniably possessed great power, strength and medical expertise were distinct realms. Even a King Level warrior might lack medical skills.

Nevertheless, he chose not to voice his doubts. He didn’t wish to upset Loong Chen, and he was delighted to see the young lady regain her vivacity.

If it was a falsehood, it was a well-intentioned one.

An hour later, a colossal city wall suddenly loomed ahead of Loong Chen.

This city wall appeared to be constructed from mechanical materials, standing dozens of meters tall with more than ten Laser Cannons positioned atop it.

The defensive fortifications of Polish City rivaled those of the ancient city in Yandu.

However, the safeguarding of the ancient city in Yandu didn’t rely solely on city walls; it was the Dragon God Temple at its heart that provided true protection.

The presence of the Dragon God Temple proved far more effective than any technological defense systems.

Upon their arrival in the city, the city’s guards recognized the young princess from Polish City and allowed them to pass without hesitation.

Despite the vibrant atmosphere in Polish City, Loong Chen noticed a troubling issue.

Although Polish City had a sizable population, the available living space was limited, leaving many in the slums without proper housing.

As Loong Chen observed this situation, he couldn’t help but feel sympathy, even though he knew there was little he could do.

In comparison to the western continent, the people in the eastern continent were relatively content, but there were still numerous individuals who endured hardship.

It was a reflection of the prevalent poverty in this post-apocalyptic era.

Upon entering the city, they were greeted by a fleet of luxurious vehicles sent to pick them up.

Loong Chen occupied a seat in Amy’s car, and after half an hour, they reached their destination: a grand estate.

The estate was immense, adorned with a prominent plaque at its entrance.

Although the estate could easily accommodate over ten thousand people, it was exclusively reserved for the City Lord’s family and a select group of servants.

This stark contrast in living conditions underscored the existence of social class disparities, with some lacking shelter while others enjoyed the splendor of such a vast estate.

Ultimately, if someone sought to change their circumstances, they had to rely on their own strength.

Without the assistance of the system and his personal strength, Loong Chen might have remained an ordinary resident in the slums of Jinling City.

Or worse, he might not have survived at all.

Following Amy and her companions into the estate, she led Loong Chen to the entrance of a spacious villa.

Shortly after their arrival, a group of individuals approached them. The leader was a well-dressed young man, accompanied by a few middle-aged men in white coats carrying medical supplies.


As soon as the young man laid eyes on Amy, his gaze widened, revealing a hint of disbelief.

However, he quickly concealed this disbelief, though Loong Chen noticed it all.

Loong Chen’s heart skipped a beat, sensing that something might be amiss with this young man.

Amy, too, appeared slightly taken aback upon seeing the young man, and she spoke with a hint of fragility.


Loong Chen detected a trace of fear in Amy’s voice.

But why would she be afraid of her own brother?

“Amy, I heard that you left the city without telling anyone. Do you realize how worried our father was when he received this news? His health is already fragile, and upon hearing this, he immediately suffered a severe health setback.”

The young man’s tone carried a touch of reproach.

Upon hearing her brother’s words, Amy was visibly shocked and rushed toward the villa’s second floor.

Loong Chen also attempted to follow but was halted by the young man.

“Who are you? I don’t recall anyone like you in the City Lord’s Mansion!”

Before Loong Chen could respond, the captain of the guards promptly explained in a respectful manner.

“Young master, this gentleman is a friend of Miss Amy’s. He’s also the one who rescued us in the wilderness.”


Upon hearing this, the young man cast a glance at Loong Chen, his eyes betraying a subtle but unmistakable hostility.

In a logical scenario, he should have expressed gratitude upon learning that Loong Chen had saved his sister. However, he instead revealed a hostile intent.

This only served to reinforce Loong Chen’s suspicions.

“Captain Charlie, as the leader of the loyal guards assigned to protect the City Lord’s Mansion, shouldn’t you be aware of the current sensitive situation? We’re in a precarious time, and any outsider could pose a threat. Amy may not comprehend it, but do you not? You actually permitted him entry into the City Lord’s Mansion? What if he’s a spy sent by our adversaries?”

The young man spoke with stern authority, causing an immediate change in the guard captain’s expression.

“Young Master Abby.”

The guard captain attempted to provide an explanation but was swiftly cut off by the young man.

“Even if he rescued Amy, what if it’s part of the enemy’s scheme? Our father’s condition is extremely critical. We cannot afford to take any risks. You all must escort him out of the City Lord’s Mansion!”

“Dr. Romanov, let’s depart.”

With that, he led the medical team to the mansion’s second floor.

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