Game’s Dogma

Chapter 115: Taking the Game by Storm

Chapter 115: Taking the Game by Storm

Yeah, dodge, dont block my attacks.

Wai Kius long knife, after being evaded by Drako Yau, hacked heavily into the ground. A shockwave rippled from the spot along with a loud crash.


Drako Yau was a bit surprised. Although he managed to evade the initial attack, the follow-up shockwave was something he hadnt expected. Still, he understood what happened after giving it some thought.

His opponents exaggerated vertical slash contained a surprise attack. As long as he moved laterally or backwards, the slash would land on the ground and trigger the Level 15 warrior skill, Shockwave Slash. The little trick was enough to make him nod in appreciation.

Wai Kiu didnt have a hidden class and was only a warrior of the four basic classes. However, while classes were fixed, humans were flexible beings. The player himself was the soul of his class.

In Fong Sai Yuks case, he had a powerful close range combat class, yet he only cast his skills without utilising them fully. In other words, he was merely operating his powerful class instead of integrating the skills with his body to improve himself.

This Wai Kiu, though, used a simple trick to display his understanding and flexible usage of his own class and skills.

Drako Yaus eyes brightened up below his mask and he showed an interested look. People who were familiar with him, such as Zephyrwolf, Hades, and Danting, would surely shiver upon seeing his current expression. It was proven that the people whom he was interested in would end up suffering in one way or another.

Wai Kiu looked at the masked man who acted like a hotshot tumbling backwards and made a smile which said I knew it. Shockwave Slash couldnt deal a lot of damage and was a short range attack, but it was very useful because it inflicted the Knockback status on the enemy for half a second.

Half a second was enough for skilled fighters to chain their next attack. Wai Kiu tightened his grip on his weapon and sent a heavy slash at Drako Yau who was still under the knockback ailment.


Drako Yaus spear coincidentally blocked the supposedly certain-kill slash. Wai Kiu was startled briefly as he thought, This bastard has some wicked luck!

He didnt dwell on the thought and continued to attack with a storm of slashes and cuts. His nickname, the Crazy Swordster, came from his extremely quick attacks; he was in fact so quick that his attacks exceeded his own speed of thought by a little.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

Wai Kiu was rendered speechless as he attacked Drako Yau who was wobbling left and right. This guy blocked five strikes with pure luck while losing his balance? How often does he worship the goddess of luck to be so lucky?

Still, Wai Kiu pressed on. Five strikes, then ten, then fifteen After making his twentieth slash, he was starting to run out of breath. It wasnt possible to attack indefinitely in the game because it gauged players stamina and mental state, similar to how Idyllic Poet would receive the red alert after casting Scorching Brand.

Wai Kius eyes turned bloodshot. Just a little more!

It ticked him off to see Drako Yau wobble like a drunktard. He was so close every time, so close So damn close

Hell fall after this strike

Hell really fall down after this strike

Wai Kiu held such belief every time he slashed his weapon. Drako Yau was overwhelmed by his attacks and swayed all over the placeat least it appeared that way. However, his attacks always came up a little short while Drako Yau ever closer to falling over every time.

Once he falls, Ill slaughter him like a butcher!

Drako Yaus expression beneath his mask wasnt one that belonged to a person in peril. He shook his head and thought, Looks like thats all hes got.

Considering Drako Yaus temperament, it was a rare event for him to feign ignorance for so long. It wasnt easy to act like the underdog for so long after all. He had fooled around enough.

Seeing that Wai Kiu had no more tricks up his sleeve, Drako Yau abruptly steadied himself and thrusted his spear out like a dragon.

Wai Kiu froze on the spot. He had already been teleported out of the ring, and his consecutive win record naturally came to an end.

His mind still in a daze, he had been standing blankly in the Arena hall for five whole minutes. Every time he tried to recall his last fight, nothing but a spears aftershadow came to mind.

Every one of his attacks were so close to bringing him victory. He would add a bit more force in his next strike Or so he thought, but just when he was about to win, the spear came at him out of nowhere.

Soon, the news that a mysterious man had gained his 38th consecutive win in the Arena blew up the forum and the game. It was an unprecedented feateven players who werent familiar with the Arena were astounded.

Thirty eight consecutive wins, just how difficult was it? Especially when it was Casual instead of Ranked.

In Ranked battles, equipment was accounted for, which was why spendthrifts who donned themselves fully in Epic equipment could dominate others. However, equipment had no effect in Casual battles. The only things that mattered were ones skill tree and actual technique; even attribute points gained through levels were averaged out.

There were only two possibilities for someone to gain 38 consecutive wins in such conditions. The first was the person had godly luck that he came across 38 newbies and easily destroyed them all. The second was that he had overwhelming combat techniques.

Meanwhile, Drako Yau who was still within the pit had yet to realise how much of a storm he had stirred up. Just when he was about to initiate the next battle, he received a message from Danting.

Boss, boss! Are you at the Arena?

Surprised, Drako Yau asked, How did you know?

Danting almost screamed in an exaggerated tone, Boss, youve astounded everyone!

After hearing Dantings explanation, Drako Yau finally understood why. Still, he found it a little strangewas his feat really worthy of so much attention? His class progression quest was to get 100 consecutive wins. He received the quest, so he started working on it. He never planned on gaining so much attention because his only goal was to finish the quest.

Anyways, he clicked Solo Casual battle and entered the pit again. Countless players were searching for the pit he was in. It wasnt possible to spectate him because he hid his name, so the crowd could only look through the rooms one by one.

With tens of thousands of players focusing their attention on Drako Yau, it didnt take long before someone publicly posted his room number, and his spectator count went through the roof in no time.

Everyone was there for the same reasonjust how far could the masked person make it to?

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