Game’s Dogma

Chapter 116: Windstrider

Chapter 116: Windstrider

Soon, the system randomly assigned Drako Yau his next opponent.


Woah The name had apparently stirred up the crowd.

Windstrider, a Level 21 ranger, was a well-known reaper in the Arena. Similar to Wai Kiu, he frequented the Arena as well. However, he also managed to keep up with his levels, which was one of the reasons why his ranking was higher than Wai Kiu. Due to his exquisite technique and control, it was rumoured that he was already an elite gamer in other games before switching over.

Those who were anticipating Drako Yaus next win couldnt help but frown. They thought 38 wins was already a spectacular feat, yet the masked man didnt settle for that and pushed his luck even further? It would be a massive blow to him if he lost.

Meanwhile, others who were hoping to see him fall couldnt wait to gloat about it. Did he really think hell face newbies all the time?

Guild master, Mask showed up again. The player who was in charge of gathering intel and news in the game reported to Chau Yu.

Chau Yu acknowledged his report with a Hm and said with a confused look, Whats he up to this time?

After hesitating briefly, the player answered, Hes fighting in the Arena in Solo Casual mode. Its his 38th consecutive win now.

Chau Yu patted his chairs handle with his feather fan lightly. What is he trying to do this time Gather attention? No it isnt like him to be in the spotlight, but hes gathered everyones attention regardless. In that case hes forced to do it?

Chau Yus eyes lit up; he seemed to have seen through his masked nemesis. Hes working on a quest! One that requires him to get consecutive wins!

The player who reported the news dropped his jaws. Theres such a quest?

The quest is really difficult to clear. If it requires Mask who loves to keep a low profile to draw so much attention, he wont do it unless it gives extraordinary rewards, or

What level is he now?

Its hidden, but I followed your orders and investigated him in detail. He should be wearing the Level 20 Skeleton King set, so hes likely to have reached Level 20. However, his skills didnt seem to have changed greatly. Im not sure if hes hiding it or

Chau Yu was sure about it at that point. Hes working on his class progression quest! Order all the guys who hang around the Arena all day long to enter Solo Casual matches. We must put an end to his win streak and stop him from finishing his class progression quest.

The player replied somewhat awkwardly, But tens of thousands of players play Solo Casual. The chance of matching Mask is extremely low

Its better than sitting here doing nothing. Chau Yu was resolute with his order.

He then sat there with his guild member who was in charge of gathering intel as they watched the 3D holographic projection before them. Many players had already found Drako Yaus pit and were spectating him, some even live streaming it online. The two of them became one of the many spectators.

In the Arena, both parties could see how many people were spectating their match.

Windstrider was awestruck to find 60,000 people spectating his match. It was an insanely high spectator counteven famous Arena veterans didnt get so many spectators when they fought in Ranked.

Whenever the spectator count reached five digits in Ranked, both parties would receive broadcast fees in the form of gold coins, which could then be exchanged for real life currency. It was practically a proper source of income.

Windstrider was your average white collar whose life was all about work. Still, he was persistent when it came to gaming; there was something he sought from it. While he was a confident person, he wasnt so prideful to think that 60,000 people were spectating the match because of him.

So its him Windstrider listened to the systems one minute countdown and gazed at the masked man at the opposite of the pit through the translucent barrier. He hopped right into the Arena after logging in, so he was oblivious to Drako Yaus 38 match win streak.

Windstrider took in a deep breath and let it out as he unholstered his hunting rifle from his back. Rangers could use two types of weapons, longbows and hunting rifles. The former had high attack speed and quick cast speed, while the latter had greater range, greater damage, and higher critical hit chance.

Ever since Windstrider started playing the game, he had never gone all outbecause no opponent was worth using his full strength until now.

Perhaps now was the moment.

Five, four, three, two, one, the systems emotionless voice announced, begin!

Drako Yau dashed past the translucent barrier and charged straight at the guy who held a hunting rifle. He had no intention of gathering intel from his opponent; anyone who stood before him was an enemy.

Windstrider had the same thought in mind. He steadied his rifle and fired two shots at the masked man who rushed at him.

Double Shot!

It was the most basic skill of the hunter class, but it was also a powerful skill in battle: short cooldown, quick cast speed, no post-skill recovery time, and can stiffen the enemy briefly.

While its damage wasnt high, it was still higher than basic attacks. Double Shot was a melee players nightmare in battle thanks to its cooldown of several seconds.

It was especially so for warriors. Warriors would enter a charging state when using Dash which could be interrupted by certain attacks. Basic attacks couldnt stop their charge, but the brief stiffness caused by Double Shot could.

Dash had a cooldown of three seconds. However, that was enough for a precise ranger to land a Double Shot on a charging warrior to stop his charge and make him wait until Dash was available again. Before a warrior could reach a ranger and engage in melee combat, he was no more than a live target.

Of course, Drako Yau didnt have the Dash skill and simply ran. Still, his movement speed was by no means slow because he had invested a good amount of skill points into Wandering after giving it some thought.

Wandering: It is the fate of wanderers to wander around. Increases movement speed by 1%.

Drako Yau was now Level 20, meaning he had 20 skill points plus a few more he had gotten from quests. He invested 1 point into Might which maxed out at Level 1, the passive skill which increased his basic attack damage by 10 per cent. Next, he invested 15 points into Spear Mastery, increasing his spear-type weapon damage by 15 per cent.

As for the 9 remaining skill points, he invested them all into Wandering, giving him a 9 per cent passive movement speed buff. He wasnt as quick as a warrior who used Dash, but he was running faster than most players nonetheless.

Drako Yau saw the incoming Double Shot and immediately moved to evade it. However, Windstrider was no ordinary player eitherhis two shots didnt travel in the same trajectory. After he fired the first shot, he flicked his rifle in anticipation to where Drako Yau would move to evade his shot.

Oh? Drako Yau was a bit surprised and became vigilant about his opponent.

Windstrider couldnt care less and followed up with his next attackHeart-Piercing Shot.


Description: A class progression of the cleric class, priests symbolise mercy and care.

Skill type: Priests further hone their light magic to improve their healing capabilities. As wielders of light magic, they support their allies from the rear with heals and buffs that take their allies to the next level.

Skill tree: Healing skills, Buff skills.

Weapon type: Long staff.

Class progression: ???

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