Game’s Dogma

Chapter 95: Sky Dominion and Allurers

Chapter 95: Sky Dominion and Allurers

Being employed and belonging to a guild were entirely different things. Back in Age of Scholars, Idyllic Poet joined the guild out of free will and had the freedom to reject her guild masters demands, such as appearing in guild promotional events. However, being employed by a guild meant the guild masters orders were absolute.

Not many players chose to work for guilds, nor were there many guilds which were entirely composed of full-time employed players like Empyreal Spire. Not only did proficient players dislike losing their freedom, investors who dumped so much money into a game were far and few.

Dakki only attracted players to join her guild with her beauty and her guilds slowly accumulated reputation. Apart from core members, everyone else were normal players who didnt receive a single penny.

Drako Yau knew Idyllic Poet was up to no good the moment she pointed at him.

I dont care about your boss or whatnot, just get out of our sight right now. The voice belonged to a young man standing behind Sky Chun. Im not as talkative as my guild master. If you dont get out now, I dont mind making you.

Sky Chun flashed his sharp gaze at the young man behind him, but he didnt stop the young man from speaking.

Idyllic Poet sized up the young man whose ID was Fong Sai Yuk.

Such an arrogant name.

[Note: Fong Sai Yuk was a Chinese martial artist and folk hero from the Qing dynasty.]

Idyllic Poet wasnt taunted by his words and instead kept her gentle smile as she replied, Master Chun, does the young mans words represent your thoughts?

The slick Sky Chun naturally wasnt going to fall for the trap either. Haha, Sai Yuks still young. He speaks a bit too bluntly, but he has a point. Its first come first served, and to be fair, my guild members were here first together with Allurers. Your squad may I request that you leave this place? The Highlands of John is a vast place, theres no need to compete for this particular zone.

Idyllic Poet covered her mouth with her hand and chuckled. Our intentions are just to greet you all and ask for directions. We do not intend on competing for this place. Now that both guilds made it clear that they do not welcome our presence, we will be taking our leave. Dan, lets go.

Fong Sai Yuk clicked his tongue after seeing off Idyllic Poet and Danting and said, Quite good-looking, but shes a woman after all, chickening out after just a few words. Boring.

Dakki sent the young man a sidelong glance before saying, Master Chun, it appears the quality of your guild members is deteriorating, but I digress. This place, lets decide it by rolling the dice.

Even then, Fong Sai Yuk had yet to realise that his words just now had insulted Dakki who was also a woman.

Idyllic Poet and Danting went back to their group and summarised what happened briefly. Drako Yau nodded and said, Lets travel in a random direction then.

Seeing the five of them leave, Sky Chun and Dakki who were discussing what to do next both stole a glance at them.

Cheh, how did we lose such a good spot to that woman through rolling the dice, said Fong Sai Yuk, clearly dissatisfied.

Sky Chun finally couldnt hold back any longer. Shut up, you dumbass! Dont make me lose face any further!

Fong Sai Yuk was startled; the generous Sky Chun was actually yelling at him?

Just because they retreated doesnt mean theyre scared! It just goes to show they know where they stand! Everyone here in the Highlands of John is no ordinary player! They are doing us a favour, yet youre acting smug as if youve won. From now on, dont talk without my permission! Really You piss me off! It was embarrassing!

Although Sky Chun was the one who allowed the young man to yell at Idyllic Poet, his intention was to probe her. He hadnt expected Idyllic Poet to remain so calm and even managed to smooth things out easily before leaving; it only served to make him more wary of her squad.

What ticked him off was what Fong Sai Yuk said afterwards. Couldnt he see that an iron lady was standing right before him? To say something so disrespectful about women right before Dakki he mustve been out of his mind.

Hm? Theres monsters?

Zephyrwolf ran over to fight the monster excitedly; he finally managed to beat Danting to the bush. Meanwhile, the naive Danting was receiving a lecture on how wicked the world is from Idyllic Poet.

Theres quite a few monsters here. Theyre pretty strong too. Poet, enough with the lecture, time for the real deal, Drako Yau shouted and readied himself.

In his version of Real World, the Highlands of John also existed, but only as a transitional zone which was completely different from the vast and spacious place it now was. As such, he was also venturing into the unknown along with his squad members. From his experience, there seemed to be a bit too many monsters.

Idyllic Poet, ignoring Dantings pleas, gave him a look which suggested that she would continue the lecture later and took the field as well.

In Real World, every levelling zone contained blind spots where monsters rarely spawned. They were designed as resting areas, but with the New Year event, these areas no longer existed because new year bogeys would spawn in these spots as well. Levelling zones were more dangerous now, especially those where monsters spawned frequently and in close packsand the five of them were in such a place now.

Unsure whether he should be glad about it, Drako Yau said, Looks like we somehow managed to find a decent spot.

Fong Sai Yuk was in a really bad mood. It was the first time Sky Chun had yelled at him in such a way.

He was very confident in his gaming skills and talent, or else he wouldnt be a part of Sky Dominions core members in the first place when the guild was so massive and reputable. Sky Chun even personally funded him under the table for the sake of keeping the talented young man in the guild.

Yet today The two random passersby were the culprits!

What was their guild name again? Wolf something? He had never heard of it. Where did those country pumpkins even come from!

The sounds of battle drew his attention. Fong Sai Yuk immediately followed the sounds through the forest, the clashes and booms gradually turning louder and louder.

He peeked through the forest to have a look at the area beyond the trees. It was a somewhat complicated terrain, but the most troublesome thing of them all had to be the swamp. Once anyone stepped into it, they would definitely get stuck in it.

However, monsters were abnormally dense here, especially those new year bogeys. All sorts of new year bogeys charged at their enemies, but they immediately met their demise after getting bombarded with attacks by the five players. Fong Sai Yuks jaw dropped at the sight of the countless firecrackers laying on the ground.

Theres a better place than the zone occupied by Allurers! The next moment, a dangerous thought emerged in his head: Seize it!

Wheres the guild master? Fong Sai Yuk asked in the guild channel.

Hes tending to private matters offline and will be back in half an hour.

Fong Sai Yuk was starting to lose patience after hearing his guildmates reply. After parting ways with Allurers, Sky Dominions 10 players spreaded out in search for a good farming spot.

Screw it! Fong Sai Yuk gritted his teeth. I found a good spot. All of you, come over here. The coordinates are

The Sky Dominion players werent too far away, so they gathered quickly within 15 minutes. Apart from Sky Chun, everyone else was present. Together, they observed the five players and the tempting loot laying on the ground.

But isnt there someone farming here already? Someone finally asked after pondering about it for a while. After all, the proper manners were first come first serve.

Another players eyes shone as he refuted, Screw them! Its also about who were up against. Allurers is an opponent of our level, but these guys? Just who do they think they are? Do they even deserve such a good spot?


Description: A class progression branch of the hunter class, it is a ranged class which can deal devastating damage.

Skill type: Rangers have the highest Attack Speed among all ranged classes, but it is also a class which emphasises shooting accuracy. No matter how powerful a skill was, it was useless if it couldnt hit the enemy. Even so, the ranger class has plenty of advantagesan extraordinary ranger is the enemys nightmare.

Skill tree: Physical Projectiles, Magical Projectiles.

Weapon type: Longbow, Hunting Rifle.

Class progression: ???

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