Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants

Chapter 121: life and death crisis

Chapter 121: life and death crisis

Chapter 121 Life and death crisis!

Others oral accounts are not as shocking as what they saw with their own eyes.

This is the power of the only two Omega mutants?

So the Omega Mutants are so powerful?

They naturally knew the outrageous news about the weird man in white who had modified reality. They didn't believe it at first, but now that they saw the crushing power displayed by the Messiah, they couldn't help but believe it.

Hearing faint discussions, Su Yao, who was floating in the air, glanced at them, and then didn't pay attention to them. At this moment, he was cleaning up the remaining people while looking for the person in charge of the base.

What surprised him was that after searching for a long time, he could not find the so-called person in charge.

Su Yao caught a guy who was escaping and asked, "Where is the person in charge of the base?"

The person who was caught had a look of panic on his face and said subconsciously, "Are you talking about Base Commander Alessandro or Dr. Bolivar?"

Where are they? Su Yao asked with a frown.

The next second, he heard an answer that made him frown.

They seemed to have left the base when the sentry robot disappeared by the weird man in white. I dont know where they went

Su Yao casually dealt with this guy and murmured with a frown, "Did you expect it and ran away so quickly?"

So vigilant?

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but feel trouble.

If Alessandro, the base commander of Base 23, is not eliminated, what is the use of just eliminating his subordinates? The most he can do is make the opponent suffer for a while.

There is also Dr. Bolivar. He naturally knows who this name is. He is the guy who developed the Sentinel robot. Even the sudden improvement of the Sentinel robot is probably related to him.

If these two troublesome characters are not solved, what is the use of destroying this experimental base...

The two directors of the Alessandro base secretly spied on the place through the surveillance camera. Looking at the experimental base that was shrouded in fire and almost turned into ruins, they couldn't help but feel a sense of panic.

This Messiah

At this moment, Alessandro felt happy for a while.

Fortunately, Dr. Bolivar had the foresight to arrange an evacuation plan in advance, otherwise...

While they were panicking, Su Yao suddenly felt the prying eyes of the satellite again.

Not long after, the urgent sound of venom came from his right hand.

Su, there is danger!

"in the sky!"

Su Yao frowned and ignored the screaming and running people around him. He gradually flew higher and then scanned the sky.

Then, with his keen eyesight, he quickly noticed several white dots approaching.

With his extraordinary eyesight, Su Yao saw clearly what they were. They were eight white-shelled missiles.

Floating flight experience +1

Without thinking too much, he immediately prepared to leave as soon as his figure moved.

However, what surprised him was that these eight missiles were very fast and locked onto him. No matter which direction he flew in, they would turn around.

Boom, boom, boom

A violent explosion occurred!

Roaring flames, shrapnel, and shock waves instantly covered the entire experimental base at extremely fast speeds, and were even rushing towards Su Yao.

Without any time to think, he immediately used a rebound shield to block the front.

Bounce Shield Experience +1 Bounce Shield Experience +1

Bounce Shield Experience +1

Three rebound shields directly surrounded him. Even after the fire shock wave completely overwhelmed him, in order to prevent the rebound shield from being unable to hold up, Su Yao also used Chaos Magic.

A red energy shield completely enveloped him.

Even the venom is ready to move, ready to cover his whole body in an instant.


Horrible explosions sounded one after another, and the flame shock wave covered at least one or two hundred meters, like a mushroom exploding on the ground.

Base No. 23 was destroyed almost instantly and was flattened by the fire shock wave!

The terrifying high temperature and heat wave are scorching this area, which is countless times scarier than basking in the sun in summer.

In just a short moment, countless people in the base died!

While Su Yao was resisting the missile bombing, he called the military base for missile bombing. A group of people were nervous and expecting.

Not long ago, because of the Omega mutant ability of the weirdo in white, whether it was out of fear or something else, several countries including the United States secretly signed an agreement to eliminate Omega mutants.

Other countries will provide funding to assist the United States in eliminating the Omega mutants, the Messiah and the weirdo in white.

At this moment, they are performing their mission.

At this time, watching the Messiah being overwhelmed by the missile shock wave, a colonel named Antone, wearing a green military uniform with blond hair and blue eyes, clenched his fist hard and showed excitement on his face.

Hahaha, this Messiah must be dead!

This is what happens when you go against us, the United States!

Looking at the Messiah who didnt splash at all, the other soldiers also looked excited, including a general.

The reason why they are excited is because Messiahs mutant ability attack is strong, but that does not mean that his defense is also strong!

According to analysts analysis, Messiahs weakness is likely to be its defense!

At this time, in the eyes of dozens of soldiers at the military base and some powerful people watching the footage through equipment, the fire shock wave slowly subsided.

When everything calmed down, what they saw was a dark, carbonized ruin.

Without paying attention to other places, their eyes quickly looked towards the position where Messiah was submerged by the shock wave.

The next second, something happened that shocked them.

What caught their eyes was the Messiah, who seemed to be unscathed and even his clothes were not torn!

This series of missiles did not completely kill him, or even injure him?

Many people looked shocked.

Are Omega Mutants so scary?

The scene of the missile explosion.

Su Yao, who was terrifying in their eyes, was not as relaxed as they thought at this moment. He had just relaxed.

Just now, the three rebound shields were directly broken by the shock wave, and even the shield of chaos magic disappeared.

Had it not been for the last bit of the aftermath and the venom to hold him up, he might have really been injured!

However, even so, Venom has also suffered a lot of injuries at the moment and is recovering in his right hand. After all, its weaknesses are things like flames and sound waves.

The next second, Su Yao moved and flew towards the city without saying a word.

If he continues, there's no guarantee he can hold on!

His figure passed through the air, leaving an afterimage.

Sure enough, after flying for only a few minutes, another white missile appeared in the distant sky.

The missile is so fast?

Su Yao wanted to get rid of them, but found that the speed was not comparable to them. In other words, he had always underestimated modern technology.

Although these missiles are not nuclear warheads, each one is very powerful, and even has a speed of several Mach, which is several times the speed of sound!

Everyone is pitiful, feed a little monthly ticket ()

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