NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 88: It's Not A Crime to be Shameless While Collecting Loot

Chapter 88: It's Not A Crime to be Shameless While Collecting Loot

He took everything; even normal clothes and other ornaments he found on their bodies. After finishing this, he headed straight towards the three caravans to check his main loot.

Just as he was heading there, a horse popped up, then a second, and they both neighed. "What? Still loyal to your fallen owners?" he asked, with obvious discontent, as he didn't have time to waste on these horses.

However, at the next moment, he received four system notifications, driving a smile over his face.

"System alert: the horse has acknowledged you as its master. As the player's level is currently so low, the player can take the horse inside his inventory by simply touching its head for one minute."

The four messages were the same, and instantly he put his hand over the first horse while ordering his shades:

"Go and uncover these three caravans. Leave the fabric on the ground, it seems too valuable to waste."

His shades hurried to execute his orders, while he waited for the one minute to pass. Just as the minute passed, the horse instantly vanished, and he received a prompt telling him about the success of the process.

He glanced at the other thee, smiling in a weird greedy way before heading to the next and did the same with it and others.

As he was doing that, his shades had already uncovered the caravans, gathering the three fabrics together in one place. After finishing from the four horses, he went to the first caravan, and turned to find a treasure box waiting for him there!

It was of no known rank to him, as it was simply made out of wood, closed by a lock. "Go and smash that lock," he ordered, and a group of the shades climbed the caravan and started hammering the lock with their swords.

It didn't take minutes for them to break this lock, and Bloom instantly jumped over the caravan, opening the chest treasure himself while saying:

"Go there and break any other chest with locks like this."

His shades all moved in unison, and as he opened the chest, he heard some knocking coming from behind. He smiled, as his luck was good this time, and he had more than one chest treasure.

The moment he opened the chest, he found it full to the half with gold coins, potions, and few scrolls. He just laughed while taking everything to his inventory, without glancing for a second at any item he took.

Once he emptied the whole chest, he jumped off the caravan, heading to the next one. He found there another treasure chest like the one he just looted. After waiting for a couple of minutes, he took everything inside, which was basically the same, and headed towards the next caravan.

The last caravan had the same treasure chest, plus a large strange box. The box was made of metal, with nothing there to lock it, as it was a compact box, with a strange cone above its centre.

It was dark blue in color with long red stripes covering its surface. The shape of it made Bloom feel how special it was, and instantly he put his hand over it and tried to get it into his inventory.

And he managed to do that! "So it's a special item, lucky me," he smiled while shifting his attention towards the final locked chest treasure, waiting for it to be opened.

"Can I get these caravans inside as well?" he muttered as he tried putting his hand over its rail, trying to shift it inside his inventory.

"System alert: DON'T BE THIS SHAMELESS!!!"

He instantly laughed, as he didn't think the system would be this funny. He totally ignored the system comment, while focusing over another thing; the timer of the arrival of the village reinforcements.

There was already less than thirty minutes remaining. "Going back to the village is impossible right now, so I have to retreat fast through this road," he thought to himself as he opened the map again, assessing the distance to the village, making sure of his conclusion.

The road to the village was long, and it needed at least one hour to do so. He thought of using a ticket to return to the village, however he needed to cancel his disguise first, plus he wasn't sure in the system to let him easily escape like this.


The chest treasure was opened, and he instantly went ahead and took everything in it. "Hurry up and run with me," he ordered, before jumping off the caravan, heading straight towards the opposite direction of the village.

Just as he went ahead, he took out a ticket and tried using it, however a system notification popped up, making him smile helplessly from this system tight scheme.

"System alert: Player is still under special circumstances enforced by the quests he has. Player can't use a ticket to return to the village."

"And you say I'm the shameless one! Sigh!"

The road heading to the outside territory of the village wasn't that short though. Just as he ran and walked alternatively for fifteen minutes, a sudden change appeared on his map, coupled with a system prompt.

"System alert: Player has gotten out from the close vicinity of his crime scene. If a player wants to be safe, a distance of at least one hour difference between him and the pursuing forces must be achieved."

He closed the system windows as he glanced again over his map. There was a large red dot, heading fast towards his direction coming from the village. when he clicked it, he got an instant scare!

"A full three hundred high leveled guards!!! What the hell are they doing here? do they think I'm the leader of the rebellion or something?!!"

He hurriedly picked up his pace, running as much as he could, trying to get as far away from here as possible.

This time he didn't walk at all! He burnt down three village basic stamina potions during the way, while his eyes were only glancing at the moving red dot.

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