NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 90: A Mysterious Being

Chapter 90: A Mysterious Being

So, he ducked further to the ground, until his own belly touched the warm soil of the forest, while his eyes like a tiger, set on his pursuers.

However he wasn't hunting them, he was escaping their hunt!

The moment they got out, they stopped for a moment there, while glancing at the three options they had in front of them; a road, a shack, and a forest.

They discussed something, and from his far position Bloom couldn't hear a single word said! After that they got separated into three groups, with each heading to one of the possible places for him to hide.

"I'm doomed!" he muttered, and while he started to retreat, crawling away on his abdomen as far as possible from the forest frontline trees, a sudden change occurred.


This shout came from one direction, and suddenly the other two groups moved in unison, swiftly responding to this calling. Bloom froze instantly, as he watched the three groups regrouped again, all standing in front of the big shack!

In front of the shack, a person appeared. From his far place, with all these tree leaves and long plants standing in his eyesight, he couldn't make sure of the features of this NPC, but he was standing talking with the riders, telling them something.

"Shit! I was careless and got seen by someone!"

He hurriedly retreated further to the back when he heard a distant roar that gave him an instant scare!

The next moment he turned around to see approximately hundreds of meters away from him the trees shook violently while another roar erupted, weaker than the first, with signs of distress.

"Shit, there is a fight between monsters, here? right now?!!"

He stopped at once, hesitated, as he thought about something.

"If I got killed, won't I be sent back to the village?"

He was talking to himself, but the system wasn't this generous to let him try this and see the fate by himself.

"System alert: Player can't escape with any means other than using his survival skills to evade the following NPCs. Killing on the hands of others is considered a failure."

Bloom just swallowed his throat, and all his curses at this moment he had for the system, as he heard the loud hooves of the riders coming towards his direction from far.

He glanced at once, neglecting the ongoing fierce monsters' battle going on behind him and tried to spot anything. From the few gaps between the green all over him, he could see the general shapes of the riders, coming fast, from the direction of the shack, towards here.

"I'm done for then," he helplessly sighed, as he prepared for the next fight. He wouldn't fall without giving out a proper fight, and so he was well prepared for putting out his desperate last stand here.

However, the next moment he heard the sounds of the hooves getting a turn, moving away from his place. He also lost sight of them, making him feel quite speechless and rather happy.

He had the courage when the sounds of the hooves started getting away from his place, and their location on the map showed to him that they went into the road, instead of coming here to hunt him down.

"What is going on here?!"

He wasn't pessimistic, or masochistic looking to be captured and killed, instead he felt quite puzzled. He glanced at the direction of the shack, where this mystery held its veil covered there, to witness the man over there waving his hand to him, raising a single closed fist in the air, then instantly vanished like he wasn't there to begin with.

In the next moment, his questions were partly answered by the system prompt.

"System alert: Player got the attention of a mysterious being. The mysterious being decided to lend the player a hand here, helping divert the riders away. In ten minutes, the player will be considered to have escaped safely from his pursuers, and he can reuse his ticket after this time, and the two quests are considered done."


Bloom was speechless, before he recalled the strange prompt he had once his feet touched the ground of the village. "Who is this being?" he muttered, and again the system gave him an unexpected reply.

"System prompt: The being prefers his identity to be hidden at the current time. However, he is sending the player one single message; keep wreaking havoc here and I will get your back supported."


Bloom had current turbulent waves inside him right now more than ever! He didn't think the system would detect his intentions, decided to aid him, and appointed one NPC to give him a hand at time of distress.

"Anyway this is good news, so I can go berserk as much as I like, right?" he shook his head, while letting this topic down for now. He was once an NPC, and knew the bizarre nature of some.

If one NPC decides to keep himself hidden from players, he will easily accomplish that. NPC's community was different than players, and he was sure it was the same case here like it was back in his previous game.

So, he waited for a couple of minutes, and when the roaring behind him grew louder, and the ruckus of that strong fight was getting closer to him, he decided to go out of the forest, after confirming the current locations of all three NPCs groups.

They were all very far currently from his position, so when he exited the forest he found himself alone. He didn't mind this loneliness and waited for more minutes until the ten minutes passed.

Then he took out his token, and tried using it to go back to the village, and in a few seconds he was moved from here heading back towards the village once more, as Bloom, the one who just hijacked a high ranked merchant caravan and killed many NPCs in the process!

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