Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 365

Chapter 365

When the cold wave came, everyone in the Damocles Military Academy happened to be in the center. At that moment, everyones minds went blank and they couldnt think of anything.

It was Jin Ke who reacted first, and his voice rang in everyones mind: [Enter the mecha!

At this time, the main team members were the first to react and entered the mecha first.

The mecha is cold-resistant and can adapt to extreme environments. Several people split up to remind the school team members who had not yet entered the mecha.

After everyone entered the mecha, their brains finally woke up. They looked at the large white fog around them and slowly came to their senses.

Is this is a cold wave? Wei San looked around. She could no longer hear the sounds outside the white mist. All her senses were conveying a message: cold.

How could it be a cold wave? Didnt they say that the cold wave wouldnt come until the seventh day after we entered the field? Liao Runing almost froze to death just now, but now he was still trembling after entering the mecha, and his words are trembling.

Jin Ke suppressed the heavy feeling in his heart: Since the cold wave can be advanced by a year, it is entirely possible to advance it by a few days.

Fortunately, we are standing in the center. Ying Chenghe tentatively stepped towards the outside where the white fog was thicker, and immediately retracted his feet, Its not as cold here as outside.

The center will change. We wont be able to stay here for long. Everyone should check the combat readiness packages and summarize them in ten minutes. Jin Ke ordered.

Huo Xuanshan looked up and saw that the sky was also covered by the heavy cold air, leaving only white mist: Is our game still continuing on?

Ying Chenghe lowered his head and counted his combat readiness bag: Once the cold wave comes, all the current surveillance cameras in the federation will fail and explode in this environment. If we have guessed it correctly, people in the live broadcast stadium should no longer be able to see our footage.

Jin Ke looked at the increasingly thick white fog: At this rate of spread, the entire extremely cold track will soon be covered by the cold air. In previous years, it would be covered within five days, but now it seems that it can be covered in two days or even one day. . The game will definitely not go on. We are in the center and must be the first military academy to have problems. It depends on whether other military academies can take the initiative to get out of the game. If we get on the aircraft, we still have a chance of survival.

After Wei San heard what he said, he asked: Those of us who have not boarded the aircraft have no chance of survival?

Nonsense, young master, I, will still be alive and kicking. Liao Runing retorted, even performing a mecha somersault on the spot.

Jin Ke looked at the red button in the mecha cabin, gritted his teeth and pressed it directly.

Liao Runings sharp eyes discovered that his energy lamp was dimmed, and she was startled: Fatty Jin, what are you doing?!

Jin Ke didnt care about the nickname Liao Runing said. He raised his head and waited for a while, but the rescuer didnt come.

Sure enough, the cold wave can destroy all communication signals. Although Jin Ke did not receive the news that they have left the competition, he felt even heavier. There should be something wrong with the high-altitude aircraft. We can only save ourselves.

Ten minutes later, Jin Ke received everyones combat readiness package list. He spent five minutes integrating everything and told Wei San and Ying Chenghe: You assist other mecha masters in checking everyones mechas and energy distribution.

Then Huo Xuanshan and Liao Runing went out separately to test whether they could get out.

Jin Ke connected with all the commanders and used his senses to detect changes in the cold wave around him.

In contrast, the Imperial Military Academy was not so lucky.

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