Stolen Life of the Poor Girl, Top Luxury Family's Group Favor

Chapter 118: Grandfather Shocked

Chapter 118

"The second young master is back! The little young master is back too!" The servant came running in, shouting.

Wei Xuanming was on the phone with an old friend.

The friend said on the other end, "Our people are all positioned on the perimeter, but unfortunately Ke Muning's men have taken the high ground. If a fight breaks out, it'll still cost us some manpower."

Wei Xuanming replied, "That's fine."

"I heard someone died on the island today, identity unknown, still investigating..."

Wei Xuanming's breath hitched: "Is that so? How did they die?"

Just as the old man was about to continue, he was interrupted by the servant's shouts.

"What? Who? Who's back?" Wei Xuanming hadn't hung up the phone yet, but he turned his head and asked sternly.

The servant, hands on knees, took a breath, not having time to repeat himself.

Wei Wenqing pushed his brother in.

Wei Wenjuan was dressed sloppily.

But Wei Wenqing was even more outrageous—he was actually dressed in garish colors, chest bared, looking like a playboy fresh from a party.

Wei Xuanming thought he must be seeing things.

Hadn't they nearly lost control emotionally on the phone just yesterday? How did they come back looking so... "festive"?

Wei Xuanming almost thought his younger son had been possessed.

"What's wrong? Don't worry! It might not be your two boys," the old friend on the phone hurriedly consoled, hearing Wei Xuanming's prolonged silence.

Snapped out of his shock by the voice, Wei Xuanming said to his friend: "Sorry, we can put our plans on hold for now. I'll call you back later."

After saying this, he handed the phone to a servant nearby and asked his first question: "Where's Li Xiaoya?"

"Still on the island," Wei Wenjuan answered.

They hadn't even had time to change clothes before rushing over to see the old man.

Wei Xuanming didn't feel like his son had taken his words to heart after hearing this.

He asked coldly: "Are you trying to spite me?"

Wei Wenjuan frowned: "No."

"I told you not to rashly try to rescue her, so you simply left Li Xiaoya on the island. If not spite, then what?" Wei Xuanming questioned.

Wei Wenjuan scoffed and said, "You don't have that much influence over me and Wenqing. Young Master Sheng persuaded us to come back, saying Li Xiaoya was very safe..."

Wei Xuanming didn't lose his temper again. He gripped the armrest of his chair and asked, "The Sheng family would allow him to get involved? Is he planning to rescue Li Xiaoya?"

"I heard the second young master and the others are back!" Wei Lin's voice rang out from outside the door, getting closer, and in a blink, he was in front of them.

He took a couple of breaths and said, "That's great, as soon as I heard, I came right back..." Wei Lin finished speaking, then turned his head and his gaze also paused briefly on Wei Wenqing's outfit.

"This, why are you dressed like that?"

But no one paid attention to Wei Lin.

Wei Wenjuan continued, "The situation is a bit strange."

"What do you mean?"

"Ke Muning is..." Wei Wenjuan took a breath, and though he didn't want to say it, he did, "...treating Li Xiaoya quite well."

Wei Xuanming: ?

Wei Lin: ???

Is there something wrong with their brains? Or is there something wrong with his ears?

"So us coming back is a good thing," Wei Wenjuan said, glossing over it without intending to elaborate in front of Wei Lin.

Wei Lin smiled and said, "I never thought the second young master and little young master would be so at ease about the young miss's situation now."

"Then you can rest easy too," Wei Lin looked towards the old man.

Wei Xuanming only felt that this matter had an eerie flavor to it.

He'd have to send some people to the island to see who else was helping behind the scenes...

And that Young Master Sheng's reach was getting longer and longer. If they wanted to keep him from interfering, it would actually be quite simple.

They just needed to let the Sheng family elders know how dangerous the situation on the island was, what kind of madman Ke Muning was, and that there were many more enemies of the Gui family just like Ke Muning...

A gentleman doesn't stand beneath a dangerous wall. The Sheng family naturally wouldn't want their son playing with her anymore!

Wei Lin lowered his head, still pondering strategies and plans.

At this moment, a servant came over with the phone again.

"Your phone call, sir," the servant swallowed, "The caller claims to be Ke Muning."

Wei Lin, worried, blurted out, "Could it be that he's discovered the young miss's identity, captured her, and wants to threaten us?"

Wei Xuanming swept his gaze, calm and full of authority, over them before taking the phone with one hand.

"Hello, this is Wei Xuanming. What's the matter? Do you want to settle the score for your missing shipment?" The old man spoke in English.

Of course, he wouldn't reveal his weak points, so he continued to pretend he knew nothing.

"Hello." However, the voice that came through was in the language of Hua Country.

A childish, female voice.

Wei Xuanming's heart tightened, and his vision blurred for a moment.

Was that Li Xiaoya's voice?

"Have you had dinner?" The voice on the other end sounded again, still childish and soft.

It was familiar, definitely Li Xiaoya's voice!

Not "Grandpa, save me", not "Grandpa, I'm scared"... but as if chatting casually, asking if he had eaten dinner.

Wei Xuanming lowered the phone and asked the servant beside him, "Are you sure it's Ke Muning calling?"

The servant replied blankly, "That's what the caller claimed, yes."

They had all come back from abroad together, so their English was certainly not bad. They even knew a bit of Italian and French.

On the other end of the phone.

Ke Muning was also asking Li Xiaoya, "What did you say to him?"

Li Xiaoya translated, "In Hua Country, there's an insult that goes 'you're so full you're about to burst'. I asked him if he was full."

Ke Muning looked at Secretary Wang, "Is there such an insult?"

Secretary Wang nodded with a smile.

At this moment, Wei Xuanming took a breath, picked up the phone, and not daring to call Li Xiaoya by name, only said, "Not yet."

Li Xiaoya asked again, "Are your two sons alright?"

Ke Muning asked Secretary Wang what she was saying.

Secretary Wang was almost unable to hold back from laughing out loud. He lowered his head slightly to conceal his expression and said, "She's saying exactly what a kidnapper would say in their first phone call."

Ke Muning raised an eyebrow, "This sentence is a threat."

If a stranger were to ask about your sons right off the bat, it would indeed sound like a threat. The next sentence would typically be "I have your son."

So this wasn't wrong at all.

Li Xiaoya continued, "I wonder if they brought back what they were supposed to?"

The old man, unable to hide the turmoil in his heart, said in a deep voice, "No."

They hadn't been able to bring Li Xiaoya back.

"You should ask them."

"...Alright, I'll ask." The old man said with a complex expression.

"What is she saying now?"

"Telling that old man to ask his two good sons properly."

Ke Muning snorted, "He should ask them how they became such cowards. The old man is a hardliner, he'll surely be furious."

Ke Muning snatched the receiver from Li Xiaoya's hand and cursed in English at the other end, essentially saying you bunch of idiots, what are you hiding from, sooner or later I'll shove a gun up your asses.

After saying this, he hung up the phone.

On the other end, Wei Xuanming: "…………"

For once, he didn't get angry at Ke Muning's crude and overbearing style.

Now it could be confirmed that the call was indeed from Ke Muning.

Wei Wenjuan hadn't lied.

He wasn't being spiteful.

Li Xiaoya was indeed very safe, even safe to the point of being... unbelievable.

Wei Xuanming suddenly asked Wei Lin and his two sons, "How is Li Xiaoya's English coming along?"

"She's still not quite keeping up with the school's teaching progress," Wei Lin answered.

Wei Xuanming immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Wei Lin: ?

Why did he breathe a sigh of relief?

Wei Xuanming thought to himself, that's good then, so she couldn't understand Ke Muning's foul language.

At this moment, Ke Muning also turned to Secretary Wang: "Don't let her use the phone translator for that last part."

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