Strongest Mage with the Lust system

Chapter 97 Second Test

Chapter 97 Second Test

Max's grade seven affinity didn't cause much uproar thanks to Neer's revelation of being a dual elemental mage. However, there were still exclamation of surprise and sighs and more.

Envoys were racking their brains to think of some way to make them join their academy. Although there were many disciples in their academies, those who have such high grade affinity weren't numerous. So if they could have Max and others join them, it will be counted as a great service to their respective academies.

Elder Zhan looked at Max with interest as he returned to his seat. Many gazes followed him from the arena untill he reaturned and sat beside Neer and his driver.

However there were some paid special attention to him. Dalton's eyes were almost spitting flames as he glared at Max.

A man by his side whispered in his ear ''Young master why don't we make a move on him in the third test. Even if he is a higer grade talent, no one could blame us if we cripple or even kill him in third round.''

This man was Dalton's most trusted servant and follower since he was just a kid. Therefore, he knew what his young master had in mind.

After witnessing Max flirting with Miss Flavia, he knew that his young master had considered Max as his enemy but due to some things he couldn't sent his men to teach him a painful lesson.

''I was also thinking that. However we don't know how powerful he is. This might prove to be a bit tricky." Dalton frowned. Although he was arrogant, he didn't underestimate Max.

''Young master you don't need to worry about this. I'll put a few two-star mages to work. If he gets matched with them in the third round, they will take him out. I don't believe that someone so young can be a match for those mages who you spend so many resources to cultivate."

After contemplating for a moment, Dalton nodded and gave him permission to go ahead with the plan. However, he was regretting not eliminating him beforehand.

Vincent on the other hand was feeling excited seeing two talents comparable to him emerge. 'I hope you two won't disappoint me.'


Soon everyone has been tested ending first test effectively. 

After talking to all eight supervisors, Elder Zhan announced "Everyone, the first test has come to an end. Out of around two hundred thousand candidates, only one hundred and ten thousand passed. The second test will start shortly. Those who have passed prepare yourselves.''

As stopped speaking, a group of twenty people came towards the arena with a giant ten feet tall cubic shaped black rock. Even to twenty people who were at least two-star mages, the rock was very heavy. They walked with very slowly due to its weight.


The giant rock was placed in the middle of the arena. After setting it up, the group of twenty retreated.

Elder Zhan then turned toward audience ''I hope you are ready for the second test. As i stated before, your overall strength will be tested in this test. You need to use your strongest attack to strike this limit testing artefact. A number will appear on it after analysing the power of your attack. If it is lower than 20 for one-star mages and for two-star mages if it is lower than 50, then you will be disqualified. Now you may come and test yourself.''


The more impatient ones flocked to the arena. However this time there was only one artefact for testing so they formed one line. When more candidates didn't have any room to stand in line because the line was already so long that it reached sitting area. The supervisors asked the rest of candidates to remain seated.

First candidate who was a woman in a knight's attire stood in front of the rock. She took out her sword from it's sheathe.


With a shout, she swung her sword fiercly at the rock. She wanted to get qualifed in one try, therefore, she didn't held back at all and use every bit of her mana to strenthen this strike.



The sword struck with a bang and she was thrown around 5 meters back on the ground due to the recoil but the spot where her full powered strike had struck, there wasn't even a single mark proving the toughness of the rock.

She stood up, blood trickling down her lips. However, she had a content expression on her face. The was the best she could do at the cost of small injuries.

Elder Zhan nodded slightly. This girl was not bad. Even after knowing that if she didn't hold back at all, she would suffer some injuries due to recoil, she gave her best. 

After a few moments, mana around the giant rock twisted and a number appeared on its smooth surface.


"Yay, well done girl." A few cheers from her relatives sounded. Other people also started cheering seeing the number on the rock. She stood at peak of one-star mages, she deserved some cheers.

The supervisor smiled at her and announced " "One-star mage. Power level 43 units. Qualified."

More candidates started testing one by one.

One-star mage. 30 units. Qualified.

One-star mage. 17 units. Disqualified.

Two-star mage. 53 units. Qualified.

Two-star mage. 60 units. Qualified.

One-star mage. 39 units. Qualified.



After a few hours, sun was starting to set when Dalton stood in front of the rock. He turned around to look at Max and sneered. Max was dazed at this. 'Is this guy right in the head?'


Mana around Dalton swirled around him as he raised his fist. He used his earth element to cover his hand and made his fist half a meter large. After talking a step back, he punched at the rock with all his might.

"Woah! this guy also has awakened earth element." People in the crowd exclaimed after seeing this. Only five percent of the candidate has shown that they awakened an element. So the audience took note everyone of them.


His giant earthen fist collided with the rock with a great impact. The rock trembled ever so slightly while Dalton was pushed back by the recoil of the impact, however, he wasn't injured like the previous girl.

He raised his head and looked at the rock. A number slowly appeared. Seeing the number, a smile appeared on his face.

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