The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 465

Chapter 465 - Your Progress Is a Bit too Fast

Ning Zhiyuan had barely finished speaking when a man came running over from the stairwell, drenched in sweat and in a hurry. As he ran, he bellowed, “Who is Zhang Defu's relative?”

Startled by the commotion, Lee Xiuhua quickly responded, unsure of what was unfolding. “Dr. Liu, are you responsible for Zhang Defu's care?” The man halted, leaning against the wall to catch his breath.

”Yes, it's me, Dean Shen. What's happened?” Dr. Liu asked urgently. The revelation that the man was the hospital's dean sent a ripple of surprise through the onlookers.

Dean Shen, still catching his breath, managed to convey his message, “The Capital Hospital just called me. They're sending several doctors tomorrow to perform surgery on Zhang Defu.”

“You've received the lab results, haven't you? You need to go upstairs immediately; the doctors from the capital are waiting for your video call.” His excitement was palpable, and he was practically shaking with the intensity of his emotions.

Dean Shen felt dwarfed by the eminent doctors from the capital, having rarely had the chance to meet them. Now, they were coming to his hospital to operate on his patient, which filled him with a mix of joy, excitement, and apprehension.

”What!” Dr. Liu was momentarily dumbfounded, his words tripping over themselves. “Wait… they're waiting for my video call? I-I-I'm… I'm quite nervous…”

“Idiot! If you don't take the call, I will!” Dean Shen shot him a stern look.

“I'm on it! I'm going right now!” Dr. Liu's excitement surged; he would not let this opportunity slip through his fingers.

To him, it was like being an ordinary basketball player suddenly graced with the presence of the legendary Kobe and Jordan in their prime. How could he contain his exhilaration?

Turning to Lee Xiuhua, Dean Shen reassured her, “Are you the patient's wife? Rest assured, your husband's condition is under control. The surgeons coming to treat him are among the best in the country. Any one of them would be more than capable of performing the surgery on their own, let alone seven. Please, continue your conversation. I must be off.”

With that, Dean Shen hurried off, following Dr. Liu's eager pace toward the conference room. The villagers, upon hearing the news, were filled with happiness.

Su Tao and Lee Sumei were beaming with pride, but there was one person who couldn't share in the joy. That person was Ning Zhiyuan, who felt utterly humiliated.

It was as though he had been metaphorically slapped in the face by Su Ming multiple times. He had initially boasted about how easy it would be to find a doctor, only to come up short. He had even doubted Su Ming's honesty, only to find out that Su Ming had been telling the truth all along. Later, he questioned whether Su Ming was just boasting, but Su Ming proved him wrong again by actually helping Zhang Defu find a doctor.

Each time, just as he finished speaking, it was as if Su Ming slapped him in front of everyone. He couldn't stand it any longer.

Now, Ning Zhiyuan found himself in a quandary. He couldn't bear the thought of returning empty-handed, yet he couldn't bear to stay and face the scornful looks from those around him.

“Su, I owe you a great deal for this. How can I ever thank you?” Lee Xiuhua grasped Su Ming's hand, her eyes brimming with tears.

Zhang Tao stood by, surreptitiously dabbing at his eyes.

”Brother Ming, you're incredible,” Zhang Qianqian said, gazing at Su Ming with admiration. “Brother Ming, I've made up my mind. I'm going to apply for graduate studies at Eastsea University and then settle down in Eastsea.”

Su Ming was at a loss for words upon hearing this. He thought to himself, “What are you up to? Are you and Su Qiu planning to never let me off the hook? Su Qiu is manageable; she's my cousin, and although she's a bit of a prankster, she surely doesn't harbor romantic feelings for me. But you, Zhang Qianqian, your intentions are written all over your face.”

With no other recourse, Su Ming sought assistance from Zhang Tao, who was, after all, Zhang Qianqian's father. There's a well-known adage that a daughter is a father's precious gem. In Su Ming's view, it seemed as though Zhang Tao was about to let his daughter be whisked away by Su Ming without a word.

But upon closer inspection, Su Ming noticed something amiss.

“Uncle Zhang, what's with that satisfied expression? Shouldn't you be upset and eager to pull your daughter away from my side? Something's not adding up here,” Su Ming mused.

Finding himself in a bind, Su Ming had no choice but to turn to his own parents for support.

However, he noticed his parents were also wearing expressions of relief.

“Mom, Dad, I'm still young; there's no rush. Are you really that eager for me to tie the knot?” Su Ming couldn't help but inwardly groan.

Feeling the need to escape, Su Ming coughed and excused himself, “Uh, I need to use the restroom.”

With that, he promptly left without another word.

But Su Ming didn't head for the bathroom; instead, he made his way upstairs to seek out Dr. Liu.

At that moment, Dr. Liu had just finished a video call and was conversing with Dean Shen. Spotting Su Ming, he quickly stood up, recognizing the importance of the man before him.

Without Su Ming, he wouldn't have had the fortune of meeting such esteemed doctors.

“Dr. Liu, Dean Shen, how much will the surgery cost?” Su Ming inquired.

The two exchanged glances. Dean Shen stroked his chin thoughtfully before responding, “It's difficult to give an exact figure. I've inquired, and the doctors are offering their services for free, but we'll still need to cover the cost of their medications and equipment. I'd estimate you'll need to contribute at least a million.”

Su Ming nodded; the surgery wasn't outrageously expensive.

Even though the doctors weren't charging him, the cost of shipping their supplies would certainly incur expenses.

Old Master Qin would never expect Su Ming to foot the bill, but Su Ming was not one to shirk his responsibilities. He was prepared to contribute financially to the surgery.

Moreover, to someone like Su Ming, such an amount was merely a drop in the bucket.

“Dean Shen, I'll deposit two million later. I'll leave you my contact information. If the funds fall short, give me a call and let me know what's needed,” Su Ming offered after a moment's thought.

“Of course, rest assured,” Dean Shen quickly agreed, nodding. “Mr. Su, I understand your concerns. Rest assured, our hospital will spare no effort in ensuring Village Chief Zhang receives the best post-operative care.”

”That's reassuring to hear,” Su Ming said with a nod, then took his leave from Dean Shen and Dr. Liu and headed downstairs.

Descending the stairs, he noticed that most of the villagers had already dispersed.

Village Chief Zhang had essentially been declared out of danger. Once he underwent the surgery, everything was expected to improve. The doctors in charge were some of the best from the capital, and they were sure to handle the operation with ease.

Ning Zhiyuan had left as well, overwhelmed by the judgmental stares from the villagers. Their glances seemed to accuse him, “All you do is boast all day. Why are you still here?”

Despite his thick skin, he couldn't bear to stay any longer.

Lee Sumei, Su Tao, and Village Chief Zhang's family were still around, engaging in conversation.

”Brother, you're Su Ming's dad, right? Su Ming and my daughter, Qianqian, are about to tie the knot. How about we celebrate with a drink after my dad gets out of the hospital?” Zhang Tao suggested, draping an arm around Su Tao's neck.

“Absolutely, count me in!” Su Tao responded, slapping his chest in agreement.

“Sister, that's a gorgeous dress. Where did you find it?” Wang Faang, Zhang Tao's wife and Zhang Qianqian's mother, complimented Lee Sumei with a smile.

Su Ming, overhearing the conversation, was taken aback. He was puzzled about the marriage talk involving him and Qianqian.

When had this been decided?

And how was it that he had no clue about it?

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