The Humble Family's Daughter Has A Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 118: 104, Flower Shop l

Chapter 118: Chapter 104, Flower Shop l

Daohua’s flower shop opened before the Mid Autumn Festival arrived.

Regarding this, the reactions from various factions of the Yan Family were mixed.

Yan Zhigao didn’t pay much attention to the happenings in the backcourtyard, and unless it was a matter of importance, he wouldn’t care much. After knowing that the money to buy the shop was earned by Daohua herself, he left her to her own devices.

The people from the second house looked on with disapproval.

In their opinion, only a minority of people would buy flowers, and even with good pricing, making money would not be easy; moreover, flowers are difficult to maintain and could easily succumb to disease or wither if not properly cared for.

Before the opening of the shop, Yan Zhiyuan and the Sun Family had tried to persuade Daohua to do business in what they saw as profitable ventures and even wanted to take over managing the shop themselves.

After failing to persuade her, they stood aside with the attitude of onlookers, seemingly waiting for Daohua’s flower shop to close down.

The third house’s response was to silently support her. Transplanting flowers, choosing pots, and transporting soil were all tasks Yan Zhiqiang busied himself with.

As for the Auntie Lin from the Shuangxin Courtyard, besides pitying Yan Yishuang in front of Yan Zhigao, she could only dryly observe.

Madam Li was the most concerned about this matter. The butler was personally acquired through a letter she wrote to her eldest brother, Li Xingchang. Although Daohua could treat running the shop as a hobby, she couldn’t afford to do so.

She had to consider her daughter’s future; the Yan Family’s foundation was as such, and even if they started accumulating wealth now, how much could be saved? Not to mention, there were quite a few people of the Sun generation in the Yan Family.

The shop would inevitably be used for her daughter’s dowry in the future, so it had to be managed well.

On the first day the flower shop opened, Daohua dressed as a man and personally oversaw the situation from behind the scenes.

The flowers she cultivated were nourished with special soil from her space, blooming luxuriously and vibrantly, drawing the attention of many passersby.

However, that was mostly limited to looking; few actually spent silver to purchase.

Regarding this, Daohua wasn’t worried. Life wasn’t easy for the common people in ancient times, and before opening the shop, she hadn’t intended to sell flowers to the ordinary folk. Her target customers were those with disposable income who had an appreciation for elegance, such as scholars, literati, and sons and daughters from wealthy families.

After observing the flow of customers for a while, Daohua shifted her focus to those working in the shop.

The butler, surnamed Wang, was in his early forties, a cheerful person well versed in social etiquette and managing transactions. Her mother said he was a butler with exceptional management skills in her uncle’s shop, and he had been sent here because she needed him.

The shop assistant was from a Zheng family that she had chosen from the estate. In his younger days, Old Man Zheng had managed a flower house for a wealthy family and had learned some skills in caring for plants, making him a passable florist.

His two sons, Zheng Dawu and Zheng Xiaowu, were fairly sharp and worked diligently on the estate.

Daohua thought that employing a whole family would be convenient and easier to manage, so she had the entire Zheng family working in the flower shop.

“Grandfather, come look, there’s a new flower shop here.”

A finely decorated carriage stopped in front of the flower shop, and immediately after, a pretty little girl hopped down from the carriage briskly.

“You little madcap, slow down, don’t fall and hurt yourself.”

A voice full of concern and authority followed, and soon, an old man, with graying hair and an aura of dignity, slowly descended from the carriage with the assistance of servants.

Zhou Jingwan hurriedly came forward to support her grandfather’s arm, “Grandfather, look, the flowers in the shop are blooming so beautifully!”

Following his granddaughter’s pointing finger, Old Master Zhou looked towards the flower shop and, seeing the flowers competing to bloom, his face showed pleasure, “Let’s go in for a look.”

The moment the two entered the shop, Daohua noticed them.

Seeing Old Master Zhou fondly handling the flower pots, Daohua deliberated and then decided to go out. Had she not seen them, she would have let it be, but having seen them, as the younger generation, she should take the initiative to greet them.

“Sister Zhou!”

As Zhou Jingwan hesitated indecisively over which pot of flowers to choose, she heard a rather familiar voice behind her. She turned around and saw Daohua, dressed as a male, “You are… Yan Yiyi!”

Seeing the uncertainty on her face, Daohua smiled and nodded.

Zhou Jingwan quickly approached and circled around Daohua, curious, she asked, “Why are you dressed like this?”

Daohua smiled, “Because it’s convenient.” With that, she pulled Zhou Jingwan closer and whispered in her ear, “This way, my mother agreed to let me stay in the flower shop.”

Zhou Jingwan did not dislike Daohua’s naturally intimate gesture. She was surprised upon hearing Daohua’s words and exclaimed with wide almond eyes, “Your family owns this flower shop?”

Daohua nodded with a smile.

Zhou Jingwan suddenly slapped her forehead, “How could I forget, when I visited your family back then, you mentioned that you could garden, and it seems like you had many in your courtyard.”

With a beaming smile, Daohua said, “The flowers hadn’t bloomed yet when you visited, but now they have. If you have time, you can come and see.”

Zhou Jingwan immediately nodded, having been influenced by her grandfather from the Zhou Family, she also loved flowers and plants very much, “Has your climbing rose bloomed? Does it look pretty? If it does, I’ll go back home and set up a pergola like the one in your courtyard.”

Daohua replied, “Not too bad!”

At the side, the Zhou Family’s elder patriarch was eyeing the flower pots in the shop while occasionally glancing at the two young girls engaged in enthusiastic conversation.

Regarding the Yan Family, which had newly arrived in Xingzhou City, he had paid some attention because of the Little Prince, but he had never thought of making contact proactively.

At this moment, observing how the eldest young lady of the Yan Family talked and laughed comfortably and politely with his granddaughter, he felt a growing approval of the Yan Family in his heart.

The good or bad of a family’s esteemed reputation and momentum can be seen in the next generation they cultivate.

His eldest grandson had mentioned that the eldest grandson of the Yan Family was gentle, polite, humble, and well-learned; this eldest young lady before him also gave a good impression with her bright eyes and white teeth, moving forward and back with grace.

If the next generation of the Yan Family were all like these two, then the chances of the Yan Family prospering would be much greater.

“Cough cough-”

The Zhou Family’s elder patriarch, realizing that his granddaughter had forgotten him in the presenceof her friend, couldn’t help but cough to assert his presence.

“Oh dear, I forgot to introduce you.”

Zhou Jingwan pulled Daohua over to her grandfather, “Grandfather, this is Yan Yiyi, the eldest daughter of Prefectural Governor Yan; Daohua, this is my grandfather.”

Upon hearing this, Daohua immediately smiled and gave a curtsy to the elder Zhou, “Greetings Grandfather Zhou, Daohua is honored to meet you.”

Grandfather Zhou smiled and gestured for Daohua to rise, “I heard this flower shop is owned by your family. Do you also like flowers?”

Daohua nodded, “Yes, seeing the flowers in full bloom with vibrant purples and reds always puts me in a good mood…”

Following that, Grandfather Zhou slowly engaged in conversation with Daohua and found that the young lady from the Yan Family was quite knowledgeable about flowers and plants – how to care for them and tend to them, she was thoroughly articulate.

During the conversation, manager Wang, knowing the identity of Grandfather Zhou, felt somewhat concerned and kept glancing their way, fearing that young Daohua would offend someone.

However, his worries were unnecessary.

Look how happily they are chatting; Grandfather Zhou even looked at the Yan Family’s young lady with eyes full of late-found camaraderie.

“Grandfather Zhou, if I ever cultivate any beautiful flowers in the future, I will definitely send them to your residence,” Daohua promised.

After chatting for over an hour, Grandfather Zhou, reminded by his servants, reluctantly left the flower shop. Daohua and manager Wang accompanied him to the entrance of the shop.

“And me, don’t forget me!” Zhou Jingwan eagerly raised her hand.

Daohua laughed and assured her, “Don’t worry, if anyone’s share is missing, it definitely won’t be yours, Sister Zhou.”

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