The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 1104: Strange piece of iron

Chapter 1104: Strange piece of iron

Chapter 1104 Strange Iron Piece

If only one person's lip is injured, they can just find an excuse and get over it. But if two people are injured at the same time, it still hurts such a sensitive part. Except for ignorant children, anyone who comes here will know what is going on. .

Mo Yan touched her red, swollen and cracked lips, feeling ashamed to return to the teahouse. So she decisively asked Xiao Ruiyuan to go back alone, and asked him to tell the others because he was feeling unwell, while she went directly back to the No. 1 Scholar's Mansion. Stay in the space for a while at night, and then come out after the wound is healed.

Xiao Ruiyuan really wanted to say that this excuse was full of loopholes and no one would believe it. Instead, he used the excuse of urgent military affairs to go ahead, which was more convincing. However, seeing that Mo Yan had made up his mind, he suddenly didn't want to say anything anymore. Mo Yan hadn't considered it carefully, so he was destined to see through the cover-up.

Xiao Ruiyuan was worried about Mo Yan going back alone, so he hired a carriage and personally sent her back to the Number One Scholar's Mansion. He watched her enter before returning to the teahouse, and explained the reason why Mo Yan returned to the Number One Scholar's Mansion early.

"That's not right, brother-in-law!" Zhen'er was the first to notice the loophole and raised his own doubts: "Before we came out, the eldest sister gave each of us a pill. She was afraid that we would have bad stomachs. It was used for emergencies. I personally saw it. I saw the eldest sister put the remaining pills into her purse. If she has a bad stomach, will she be fine after taking a pill? "

Being reminded by Zhen'er, everyone suddenly remembered the pill in their waist, and couldn't help but look at Xiao Ruiyuan suspiciously. As a result, when I looked at it, I saw the striking wound at the corner of his mouth.

If it was just this little wound, but Mo Yan suddenly returned to the No. 1 Scholar's Mansion, it would make people think too much.

Facing those strange looks, Xiao Ruiyuan said the words he had thought of before without changing his expression: "I was walking in a hurry just now, and I accidentally bumped into a fellow traveler."

Brother-in-law, who is so powerful that he cant even avoid you? Zhener exclaimed, her eyes filled with admiration for the unknown passerby.

The corners of Xiao Ruiyuan's lips moved almost invisible, feeling that his brother-in-law might be in trouble if he continued to dig deeper. He touched Zhen'er's head very tenderly and said softly: "Brother-in-law is thinking about something. If he doesn't check it for a while, he won't have time to escape."

"Ah? So that's it!" Zhen'er's shoulders slumped, showing a disappointed expression. He originally thought he could listen to a wonderful martial arts story about the martial arts told by a storyteller!

The little guy inevitably asked some weird questions again, so Xiao Ruiyuan decisively changed the subject. As for whether the previous explanation could convince those "experienced people", it was not within his scope of consideration.

It would be better if this incident could be used to stimulate the father-in-law and let the father-in-law decide on his marriage to Yan'er as soon as possible.

Of course, Mo Qingze didn't know the "evil intentions" of his prospective son-in-law. He stared coldly at the corner of his mouth for a long time, and even after they finished appreciating the lanterns and went back home, they didn't give him a good look.

In the No. 1 Scholar's Mansion, Mo Yan has entered the space and taken a beautiful bath in the spiritual spring water. There are only some shallow marks left on the corners of the mouth that were originally bruised. After washing with the spiritual spring water twice, it will be completely healed, and even the wounds will be healed. will not have.

"Yan Yan, I didn't expect you to have such a tough side! Tsk tsk, blood was pouring out at that moment, which made me feel so distressed." Xue Duanzi, who was blindfolded by a piece of black cloth, was lying on the edge of the tub. I dont know whether I feel more distressed or more gloating.

Mo Yan looked embarrassed and poked Xue Duanzi's belly and threatened: "If you dare to mention this again, do you believe that I will take a knife to cut open your belly right now and stuff the upgraded aphrodisiac pills inside?"

As soon as Xue Tuanzi heard the aphrodisiac pills, her little body began to shake violently, and she reluctantly closed her "mouth".

After almost soaking, Mo Yan got up, wiped her body, put on clean clothes, and went to the alchemy. It is said to be a refining pharmacy, but it is actually a small bamboo house that is not large in area but very exquisite in shape.

The small bamboo house was built from bamboo cut down by Mo Yan in the mountains and built by Xue Tuanzi. The aesthetics of Xuetuanzi are very good. The small bamboo houses built are beautiful and strong. Moreover, the bamboos buried in the ground have regrown their roots and are more leafy than when they were on the mountain. In other words, the small wooden houses are alive. There is life.

"Yan Yan, your medicine refining skills are getting better and better, and the medicine is no worse than your old man Du. You might as well make more medicine and sell it in Old Man Du's hospital, or open a pharmacy of your own to sell the medicine you made. Patent medicine." Seeing Mo Yan skillfully refining the fetal pills, Xue Tuanzi gave her an idea.

The reason why Mo Yan's medicine refining skills are getting better and better is not because she is talented and can learn it as soon as possible, but because the medicinal materials in the space are constantly flowing, and the medicinal materials in the medicine field are also harvested, guarding so many medicinal materials. Practice every day, practice every day, even if you are not perfect, you will be good.

Seeing that the concoction in the pot was almost boiling, Mo Yan moved the pot off the stove and put it on the shelf. While it was cooling, he prepared the medicinal powder and replied: "The efficacy of pills is limited, and they are usually used for emergencies." , but its risks are not small. For example, if someone clearly cannot take a certain Chinese herbal medicine in the pills, but they buy it and take it again without knowing it, it will be troublesome if something goes wrong."

Pills are easy to use. In addition to being more careful in dispensing them, there are no technical difficulties. But why do hospitals and pharmacies still mainly sell medicinal materials? Because everyone's constitution is different, the medicines for the same disease will also be different, but the same pill is the same, so it may be that some people buy it and take it, and some people take it without any use.

If the latter situation occurs, the patient's condition will be delayed. At least six out of ten people will have this situation. After a long time, where will the established drug stores still have business? Unless its emergency fever-reducing or health-preserving pills, its just waiting to go bankrupt!

Seeing that the medicinal juice had almost cooled down, Mo Yan slowly poured it into the prepared medicinal powder and stirred it evenly with a wooden spoon, "So, pharmacies can be opened, but the pills they sell cannot be mainly used to treat diseases. , for example, you can sell the pills I gave to Sister Lan, or the pregnancy-preserving pills like this, but the medicinal materials are too expensive, the cost of the medicinal materials for one pill alone is two taels of silver, and not many people can afford it! "

Xue Tuanzi thought about the strange medicinal effects of "that pill", and his whole body felt bad. In order to test the efficacy of the medicine, after the first pot of pills was released, they captured animals in the breeding area for experiments.

I dont know what went wrong. It is obviously a pill to nourish yin, but its effect is the same as an aphrodisiac. The ewe that was tested came into heat early and attracted all the rams in the breeding area... Later, the ewe's limbs became weak and could not stand up, and the grass it ate was all brought to its mouth by Mo Yan, who was very sorry!

Even though it was later successful, the shadow of this scene remained in Xue Tuanzis heart forever, and she shivered when she mentioned it. What made it even more desperate was that there were hundreds of failed finished products, all of which were kept by its owner.

The most disgusting thing is that the owner threatens it that if it disobeys, he will give her an upgraded version of aphrodisiac pills to try after it transforms. He also said that not only will he not find beautiful women for it, he will also throw it into the breeding area. , letting those lowly beasts toss it, there is nothing more perverted than this.

Thinking that he might become a medicine man for an unscrupulous master in the future, Xue Tuanzi felt that his future was hopeless, his little body trembled a little, and he said in a nagging voice: "Yan Yan, please forget it, you can't sell those kinds of pills. Dont even open any pharmacies..."

Mo Yan didn't know that her unintentional threat frightened her precious weapon spirit. She put the prepared medicinal noodles into the mold and said without raising her head: "Ignore this for now, wait for me Lets learn how to make more meatballs.

Without getting a definite answer, Xue Tuanzi's snail eyes instantly drooped, and he wanted to slap himself hard!

machinespt Up since I asked you to talk badly, why do you open a shop so well, ugh!

When the pills were ready, Mo Yan put them on the shelf to dry. After playing with the snow dumplings for a while, he left the space, took clean clothes from the cabinet, put them on, and walked out of the room towards the front yard.

There was no sound in the yard. It was obvious that the six beasts who went out to play had not returned yet. Mo Yan didn't know where they were going to play, but he wasn't worried that they would be in danger. He was just worried that they would accidentally scare people and cause unnecessary trouble.

Just when Mo Yan was thinking about it, there was a sound on the wall not far away, and then, several giant beasts climbed over the wall and came in. Who else could it be if it wasn't the six beasts?

Looking at the six dirty beasts, Mo Yan was angry and funny. Just as he was about to send them to take a bath, he was attracted by something in Xiaohua's mouth: "What is this?"

The little flower walked up to Mo Yan, opened her mouth and spat out a piece of metal into her hand. She looked at it with shining eyes, obviously wanting to know what kind of treasure it had picked up.

Mo Yan looked at the strangely shaped, extremely finely forged metal piece that was only the size of a palm, and wondered what it was used for. But when she turned the metal over and saw the mark on the back, her expression suddenly changed and she quickly asked the hairball: "Where did you get this?"

The imperial court had very strict control over salt and iron, especially iron mines. Mining privately was a serious crime that would lead to family extermination and genocide. The iron exported from the iron mines would be stamped with an official seal to prove that the iron had passed the "clear road". flow out through legitimate channels.

At present, this piece of strange-looking metal has an official stamp, which proves that there is no problem with its origin. After being forged twice, it still retains the official stamp. There is also a strange mark next to it, which proves that this piece of metal was cast by the imperial court.

But now, this piece of metal appears in the hands of an unknown person, and things are not that simple.

The little flower whined twice, and the words translated by Xue Tuanzi came to Mo Yan's consciousness: "I picked this up in the forest behind the palace, and someone left it behind."

The so-called mountain forest is actually just a few hills, about two miles away from the palace. However, the soil there is very good, the trees are lush, and many rare and exotic grasses are planted around it. It is the royal back garden, potted plants used in the palace, etc. , many of which were cultivated here.

Little Flower grew up in Wu'an Palace, and there is no place in the capital that she is not familiar with. Tonight, she and the other five beasts skillfully avoided the crowds and walked around the entire capital, naturally not sparing the royal back garden.

At that time, the six beasts moved separately, and Xiaohua met a person halfway. When the man saw Xiao Hua, he ran away in a hurry and accidentally dropped the piece of iron.

Xiaohua thought the man was afraid of it and ran away, so she didnt chase him. Instead, she became interested in the iron piece she had never seen before, so she picked it up.

After hearing the whole story, Mo Yan's expression became more serious. He touched Xiao Hua's head and said, "This thing is not simple. Leave it here with me for now. I will show it to Brother Xiao when he comes back. If it is inside If it really involves anything, you are the hero."

Although she didnt know what this piece of metal was, she was familiar with the official stamp engraved on it, and the behavior of the person Xiaohua met was extremely suspicious, and he might be doing something shady. Xiao Ruiyuan must know about this matter.

The metal piece was of no use to Xiao Hua. It was brought back for Mo Yan. Seeing that she wanted to take it away, he naturally would not disagree. But as soon as he heard that it could make a great contribution, he became excited and moved towards the five beasts. He gave a proud look.

Hum, I am about to make a great contribution, and you still dare to say that I am a rag picker.

Facing Xiaohua's arrogant behavior, the five beasts gave it a disdainful look, gave it a thumbs up in their hearts, and silently cursed "retarded"!

Mo Yan stared at the metal piece and was lost in thought, not noticing the undercurrents among the six beasts.

When Xiao Ruiyuan returned to Zhuangyuan Mansion with a few children, it was already midnight, and Mo Yan had been sitting in the main hall waiting for them to come back.

Since he didn't see his father's shadow, Mo Yan asked and learned that his father had sent Aunt Cui home. He smiled and asked the children to take a bath and go to bed.

The younger ones were really tired from playing. They yawned and said hello to their elder sisters and brother-in-law and left together. When the room became quiet, Mo Yan handed the metal piece she had been holding in front of Xiao Ruiyuan: "Xiaohua picked this up from the mountain behind the palace, take a look."

When Xiao Ruiyuan's eyes touched the metal piece, his pupils suddenly shrank. He quickly took the metal piece and looked directly at the back. Sure enough, he found the official stamp in the groove.

As soon as Mo Yan took a look at it, she understood that this thing was as complicated as she had guessed before. She looked at Xiao Ruiyuan, whose expression was unpredictable, and continued: "When Xiaohua came back, I saw a few thin threads embedded in its claws. I guessed that it should have met someone, and this thing was from that person. It was snatched from my hand."

There is no such thing as a thin line, but it is a fact that he encountered someone acting suspiciously. Even if the person is finally caught, this insignificant detail is unlikely to be verified.

Xiao Ruiyuan held the metal piece tightly and said cautiously: "I will take this piece of iron away first. I will tell you what the specific situation is when the matter is settled."

Mo Yan knew very well that the matter involved in this piece of metal was beyond her control, so she nodded and said, "I understand, you should be careful."

Xiao Ruiyuan nodded slightly, gave Mo Yan a few words, then picked up the iron piece and prepared to leave. Then he suddenly turned around and stared closely at Mo Yan's lips, with a hint of surprise in his eyes: "The wound is almost healed?"

Mo Yan was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized what he was referring to. Her face couldn't help but change, and she didn't know how to explain that the wound was almost healed in less than two hours.

That was too careless. She shouldn't have worried about being seen by her father, and stayed in the space for too long, let alone washed with spiritual spring water. Now, how can she explain it so that he won't be suspicious? Could it be that she has a special constitution and her wounds heal quickly?

Xiao Ruiyuan gently stroked Mo Yan's lips and clearly saw that there was only a light pink trace left on the injured area. In less than two days, this trace would completely disappear.

"Do you have medicine that can help wounds heal quickly?" Xiao Ruiyuan asked with raised eyebrows. Apart from this reason, he really couldn't think of anything else.

Upon hearing this, Mo Yan's nervousness unexpectedly relaxed. She blinked and lied seriously: "I did apply ointment twice after I came back. I don't know if it was the ointment that contributed to it! Oh, by the way, I I also ate a small piece of dried Ganoderma lucidum, which was the black Ganoderma lucidum that I had not used up before.

Black Ganoderma lucidum? The corner of Xiao Ruiyuan's mouth moved, and he wanted to say something about wasting the natural resources, but compared to the painful wound, black Ganoderma lucidum seemed to be nothing.

However, black Ganoderma lucidum is too precious and can be used to save lives at critical moments. Xiao Ruiyuan couldn't hold it back and reminded: "Grinding black Ganoderma lucidum into powder and adding it to the wound medicine may have a better effect."

Hearing this, Mo Yans eyes lit up: You can give it a try.

Looking at the shining eyes of his beloved woman, Xiao Ruiyuan couldn't help but laugh out loud, then lowered his head and kissed those bright eyes like black gems.

Mo Yan closed her eyes subconsciously, feeling the tenderness coming from her eyelids, and reached out to hug the man.


At the moment of tenderness and affection, an untimely cough sounded like a thunder in the ears. The two people hugging each other quickly separated from each other in shock. Looking towards the source of the sound, they saw Mo Qingze standing outside the door. He was staring at them with a dark face.

Looking at his frightened daughter, Mo Qingze's distressed and deliberately stern face almost collapsed. He blamed all this on the brat who was pretending to be guilty, and wished he could kick him out right now.

Hmph, you dare to seduce his daughter in front of him, what a shame!

If Xiao Ruiyuan could hear his father-in-law's voice at this time, he would definitely feel that he was wronged! As for whether he was really wronged or falsely wronged, only he himself knows.

Those who practice martial arts, especially when sleeping, will retain a sense of vigilance. It is impossible not to notice someone approaching.

Facing his father-in-law's cannibalistic gaze, Xiao Ruiyuan felt that the day when he would become a groom seemed to be a big step closer.

That night, Xiao Ruiyuan was "invited" out of the Number One Scholar's Mansion mercilessly by his father-in-law. Mo Yan painfully endured his father's "teachings" until the moonlight set in the west, before he was returned to the room.

Mo Yan returned to the room angrily, and used force to suppress Xue Tuanzi, who did not remind her and even laughed at her. She shielded her consciousness from Xue Tuanzi's dissatisfied thoughts, covered herself with quilt, and went to sleep.

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