The Reincarnation of the Kingmaker

Chapter 264 The War that Decides the Fate of 'The Bridge' Part 67

264  The War that Decides the Fate of ‘The  Bridge’ Part 67

Chapter 264: The War that Decides the Fate of 'The  Bridge' Part 67

"Let's continue with the discussion of an alliance, shall we?" Kayn motioned his hand.

"The instant I notice that you are up to no good, I will immediately kill you both," Maria crossed her arms together.

"The only time I will activate the charm is when you try to harm us. Until then, you can trust me that I won't do it," Kayn assures. His words are the only thing he can offer to Maria as he obviously can't remove the charm.

"I'll believe you, just this once,"

Noticing that Maria was finally calm, Kayn proceeded to ask again. "So, why do you want to establish an alliance with me again?"

"Quite simple," Maria waves her hand, proceeding to get a bunch of documents from her Storage Ring. She then pushed the documents to Kayn.

Grabbing a document each, Kayn and Gilbert started reading its content.

To the duo's surprise, the information written in the document was all about Kayn.

"According to all the information I've received about you, you like to do whatever you want to do," Maria grabbed a few documents for herself. "This one says you left your squad in order to go on a solo adventure,"

"Here, it says you join Jude's party just because you wanted to and even used them to achieve a goal or some sort,"

"Oh, this one is what I liked the most, you talk back to Old Mayor George and don't hold back on whatever you wanted to say,"

Kayn can only scratch his cheeks while listening to Maria blurting out how liberated he has been acting all this time.

"I like this one!" Gilbert chuckled while reading a piece of document. "Apparently, you like to visit taverns in order to satisfy your carnal desires,"

"What?!" Kayn immediately grabbed the document from Gilbert's hand. After confirming that it says exactly the same as what the latter said, he turned to look at Maria and asked. "Where'd you get all of these?"

"From my men," Maria smirks. "Ever since the event where you attack Chief Kylo and successfully stole one of his items, information about you has become very easy to get,"

"Practically everyone who wants to earn some profit from this war has been selling all sorts of information about you, albeit it likewise made it difficult to determine the true from the lies,"

"Nevertheless, my men are quite swift in connecting the dots and finding out what to believe and which to disregard,"

"I highly doubt that," Kayn pushed the document to Maria. "Because this one is fake! I use the tavern to gather information, not to pick up some girls,

"It was funny," Maria chuckled.

"I agree," Gilbert nodded.

"Damn! If my girlfriend hears of this, I will be in for huge trouble," Kayn shook his head.

"And so I heard. It seems like you hold quite a famous status back on Earth — the son-in-law of the Mayor of the Moon Dragon City,"

"You're overestimating it," Kayn realized that Chief Kody and Chief Kellan had already shared plenty of information with the Assembly of Freedom.

"No need to be humble,"

"I am not,"

It might seem to be high status to the people here, but back on Earth, everyone actually looks down on the status and the only people who respect it are Mayor Sebastian's people.

That's because the son-in-law of Mayor Sebastian is nothing but just an ordinary person. The title alone doesn't hold any significance to the people who hold real status. Unless he proves himself worthy of it, people would disregard him.

"Anyways, enough about that," Maria finally decided to change the topic. "The reason why I am proposing an alliance with you is because I believe you will be able to grant my wish of freedom to do whatever I want,"

"Can you explain further the definition of your word 'Freedom'?" Kayn wanted to clarify it since the word has quite a broad meaning behind it.

"I just want to do whatever I want,"

"That's the problem, I can't grant you whatever you want. Unless you specify it, I will never be able to defend you when the time comes," Kayn sighs helplessly.

"Well, I just do whatever I want whenever I feel like doing it. Say, do you know what you'll be doing tomorrow or what you'll be thinking next?"

"Fair enough," Kayn understood. "Still, there's a limit to the freedom I can grant you. For example, I can't let you kill whoever you want,"

"I am not like that!" Maria exclaimed. "I… I only kill those people who deserve to die,"

Grabbing a pen and a piece of paper from his Storage Ring, Kayn began writing the so-called 'Freedom' that Maria desires. "Killing people who deserve to die without needing the dictation of the law. What else?"

Maria started thinking. "I want to eat whatever I want without needing to pay,"

"Dine and dash,"

Maria's eyebrow twitched but she still continued. "Experiment wherever I want,"

"What sort of experiment?"

"My telekinesis,"

"Conduct experiment on her Gift wherever she wants,"

"I also want that my men would receive the freedom to do whatever they want as well,"

"I am afraid, I can't grant that,"


"Because they are not you,"

"Then how about you feed them with Undead Apple so that if they do something excessive, you can punish them?"

Kayn doesn't understand exactly why Maria proposed that. "Do I have the right to deem what's excessive and what's not?"

"You have to consult me first,"

"Alright," Kayn added it to the list. "What else?"

"I want to be able to add more to the list in the future,"

"Gilbert," Kayn looks at Gilbert.

"Yes?" Gilbert raised his eyebrows.

"Will Old Mayor George be able to grant Maria these rights?"

"I guess so…" Gilbert wasn't sure about it, but in his opinion, it shouldn't be a problem. At least as far as what's on the list right now. "How about we report this to Old Mayor George just to make sure?"

Hearing Gilbert's suggestion, Kayn smiled. What the former doesn't know is that was exactly what he wanted.

"You go and report this to Old Mayor George and tell me his opinion about it. In the meantime, I'll stay here alongside Maria," Kayn turns to Maria. "You'll guarantee my safety, right?"

"As long as no one else finds out, yes," Maria nodded.

"In that case," Kayn signals to Gilbert that he can go.

"Make sure you stay alive until I return," Gilbert reminded before quickly leaving.


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