The Rise Of Australasia

Chapter 88: Time Development and Industrial Railway (Please subscribe!)

Chapter 88: Chapter 88: Time Development and Industrial Railway (Please subscribe!)

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Queen Wilhelmina’s full name is Wilhelmina Helena Paulina Maria and she became the Dutch queen in 1890 until today.

However, Queen Wilhelmina’s actual accession to the throne was on September 6,1898, and she had only held power for less than three years.

The Netherlands had already established a complete constitutional monarchy and parliamentary system, with the Dutch monarch having very limited power, and in many cases, just a powerless title.

In history, Queen Wilhelmina ruled the Netherlands for 50 years, the longest of all Dutch kings and queens.

During her reign, Queen Wilhelmina respected the Dutch constitutional monarchy and parliamentary system and tried to balance the opposition between the Anti-Revolutionary Party, Liberal Party, and Social Party.

During Queen Wilhelmina’s reign, important historical turning points for the Netherlands and the world were experienced, including World War I, World War II, the 1933 economic crisis, and the independence of Dutch colonies.

Various feats made Queen Wilhelmina one of the more legendary queens of the Netherlands, deeply loved by the Dutch people.

Of course, the current Queen Wilhelmina has just been crowned for less than three years, and she is still quite young in politics, and even the original marriage in history did not take place.

Perhaps because of Arthur’s butterfly effect, Queen Mother Emma surprisingly chose Arthur as the marriage partner and even went to Australia in person to negotiate the marriage with Duchess Louise.

Thinking about these, Arthur was somewhat silent. Since the alliance with the Dutch Kingdom is beneficial to Australia and has many advantages for Arthur.

So, is it also a good choice to get engaged to Wilhelmina?

As he thought about these things, Arthur’s mind began to grow heavy, and he unknowingly fell into a dreamland.

The plan to purchase indigenous peoples from the Dutch would take some time to implement, but Australia’s own transportation plan for the indigenous people of the New Guinea colony had already been in progress for a long time.

Since Arthur gave the order, Governor Anibal had been studying the specific execution methods of the plan, just waiting for the troops promised by Arthur to arrive and immediately start the indigenous capture plan.

Arthur’s actions were also swift, and within less than a month, a full two thousand troops were fully equipped and arrived in New Guinea.

For the indigenous people of New Guinea, this would be a past that they could not bear to recall if any of their fires could survive.

However, for Australia, the industrial development plan can inject fresh vitality, guaranteeing the country’s various industries’ vigorous development without harming Australians’ interests.

From July 1901, at least five thousand indigenous people were reluctantly transported to Australia every month under the oppression of soldiers, and they were involved in various industries.

They faced dangerous jobs that would make Australians frightened and might even lose their lives if they were not careful.

Of course, the rewards they received were also very generous. The logistic department’s carefully crafted black bread and wheat paste, along with clear soup made from unknown vegetables, became every indigenous person’s sumptuous meal.

If it were placed in Germany after the end of World War I, the food for these indigenous people might be worth at least several million marks.

Arthur felt that he was already very kind to them, not only spending a lot of money to provide them with food but also allowing them to work only fourteen hours a day, and the other time they could rest, like a very philanthropic entrepreneur of the times.

Of course, Arthur did not know what the indigenous people thought. However, since several indigenous people who were talking nonsense were shot on the spot, it was evident that the indigenous people treated the surrounding Australians with less hatred and disgust, and more fear and submission.

Minister of Industry Pierre and Minister of Transportation Conwright have been the happiest in recent days.

With the sufficient indigenous manpower, the most significant changes are the Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Transportation.

These two departments need a lot of manpower. With the joining of these indigenous peoples, the construction of industrial areas and roads has been rapidly changing without shortage of funds and equipment materials.

Not only has the road renovation speed been rapid, but even the planned rebuilding of Sydney’s urban area that was expected to take several years is now on the agenda, and the urban planning revision is in full swing.

For Australians, they have also become accustomed to seeing the indigenous people in many places where they work.

Although separated by iron netting and fences, the indigenous figures can still be seen very clearly.

Seeing those indigenous people being “requested” to work by gun-wielding soldiers, most Australians showed a proud smile.

Don’t be surprised; this is actually the normal state of modern European society. Countries that do not oppress colonial races are scorned by other countries.

Europe’s rise is a history of blood and tears of oppression. The fact that Australia can shift the bloody oppression to the indigenous people is already very satisfactory to the Australian people.

Australia’s civil admiration for Arthur grew more and more respectful and fanatical. If there is an opinion polling agency now, Arthur’s approval rating is at least 99%-

It is not surprising that it did not reach 100%, after all, there are always some uniquely talented individuals in every country.

All Arthur had to ensure was that the vast majority of normal people respected and loved his rule.

After the German industry experts inspected Australia’s mineral resources and the geographical environment, they could not help but marvel at the potential for industrial development in Australia.

Before there was a constraint of manpower, with the addition of enough indigenous people, Australia’s industrial development was set to soar like a wild horse off the leash.

To ensure the supply of various resources in the industrial area, and the safety of the industrial area, Arthur decided to build a railway that spans five states of West Australia, South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria, and named it the Industrial Railway.

Starting from the western industrial area, crossing the capital of West Australian State, Perth, capital of South Australia State, Adelaide, capital of Victoria State, Melbourne, capital of New South Wales State, Sydney, all the way to the capital of Queensland, Brisbane.

If this railway can be completed, it will connect the existing five states on the Australian continent and accelerate the economic development of southern


However, the total length of this railway exceeds 4000 kilometers, and it is not a task that can be completed in a few years.

Under the German experts’ conservative estimates, this railway would take at least ten years to build and require an investment of at least two million pounds every year.

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