The Systemic Lands

Chapter 110: Day 248 (2) – A Deadly Demand

Chapter 110: Day 248 (2) – A Deadly Demand

It had been a long day, but the Constitutional Convention had made excellent progress. It was relief to be almost done with the entire thing. To stabilize the government and to ensure that Purgatory would run smoothly in my absence.

I entered the Gray Duck and made my way upstairs with Clarissa. Ken and a man, who I guessed was the potion maker, Chase were at the table. Ken stood up and Chase copied him. Chase bowed and I returned it.

“Ken, survived today it seems.”

“Yes, but it is good to sort all these issues out now. Michael, this is Chase the one responsible for creating the crystal powder.”

The man appeared to be young and quite wiry. Younger than me that was for sure. I took my seat and everyone else sat as well.

“Let me say congratulations on creating crystal powder. I have already heard how it is being used in potions,” I said trying to start things off on a good note.

“Thank you. It was quite the discovery figuring out how to process crystals into powder.”

“Ken tells me you have a PhD in Chemistry.”

“Not yet. I was working on my thesis. I was going to present in the spring when this happened.”

“Well, you have progressed the science of the Systemic Lands more than anyone else including me. How did you do it?” I asked. I was honestly curious in how he had come up with the idea. It would give me an idea if he was right to lead the science division of Purgatory once it was formed. I noted he looked at Ken who just smiled and nodded.

“I am not going to disclose the process of crystal powder creation.” Someone certainly felt in a superior position.

“I don’t plan on competing in the drug trade. So, you don’t need to worry about that. I only need the information to advance my knowledge of the Systemic Lands and see if there are other applications.” Chase and Ken could have it all. I didn’t care about that. I just wanted the knowledge to understand how this place worked just a bit more.

“One million points,” Chase said. I was taken aback but thought it over. He had valuable information and wanted compensation. If he was leading my research team here in Purgatory, it would basically be a down payment for his services.

“Alright. We can draw up a contract against the city itself. Need a long repayment period so it doesn’t break the budget or cause other issues, but it shouldn’t be a problem. Don’t look so surprised Ken. People who are talented should be treasured. We can just take it out of your percentage of the city budget.”

Ken looked like he swallowed something, but I knew he could suck it up. I was more than sure he had made bank on Chase’s discovery. One thing I felt was important was to reward people who actually did things. Just had to be sure Death wasn’t called down. Seriously, you couldn’t have picked a number better than one million points.

“What about after?” That was a great question and a perfect opportunity to rope this man into doing research for me.

“A city research position with funding. You clearly have the head for it.” This was a great opportunity. It was inside the city, and he got to do something he clearly enjoyed, research. Honestly this guy had hit the lottery.

“No. I won’t reveal the process regarding crystal powder.” What? It took me a moment to process what Chase had just said. I agreed to his demands and set him up with an amazing job. I don’t think I had gone out of my way this much for anyone.

“What other demands do you have?” I asked, curious to see how far he would try and push things. What more could he ask for? I was kind of curious to see what he said.

“I won’t share the process no matter what.” I had gone from annoyed to really pissed off.

“So that demand for one million points was a lie?”

“I changed my mind.” This was not someone I could work with on a long-term basis. Any possibility of trusting this person was thrown right out the window with this statement. The silence stretched out as I thought on what to do.

“Ken, I want that information. Get it. There is no use for someone like this.” Ken smiled at that. He clearly wanted the information as well. Well Chase, you just blew it and screwed yourself over. But information about how the Almighty System functioned was worth far more than points in my mind and you just pissed that all away.

“What? But, you need me?” Really surprised now.

“You had your chance, but you are clearly incapable of being part of research team and knowledge of the Almighty System is too valuable to leave to someone not vested into the success of Purgatory.”

“I won’t talk.” I turned to stare at Chase. What an idiot.

“Everyone talks. Ken, can you handle this?”

“Yes. I will handle things right now.” He got up and made his way to the door.

“This is against the law. You can’t do this to me! I have rights!”

“Laws? Rights? I am the law. I decide your rights. Knowledge of the Almighty System is as valuable or more valuable than fission. Think on that.” Ken brought in four guards. Chase tried to run for it but was quickly shoved back into his chair.

“You don’t have to watch,” I said to Clarissa.

“You are about to torture a man. Since I am working for you, I won’t look away from the things you condone.”

“It is your choice. Not going to plead for him?”

“It isn’t worth my time. He made his choice, even after getting everything he asked for and more.”

“Ahhhhh!” Chase screamed when one of the guards pulled a nail out of his left hand with a pair of pliers. Why would someone have pliers? Was that even in the store? Something to look into later.

“Talk. There are nineteen more nails. After that your teeth. If you last that long that is when I get creative,” the guard torturing Chase said. The guard looked at Ken who nodded.

“People will hear,” Ken said to me.

“Then let them hear,” I replied. I didn’t look away. I had allowed this to happen, the least I could do was see it through till the end. No matter how stomach churning it was. I was just glad I hadn’t eaten anything yet.

On the fifth nail he finally gave up. “I- I- I’ll speak,” he gasped out.

Everyone was quiet for a minute before the guard spoke up. “Speak.”

“Crystal in water. Touch the water. Think of it dissolving. Uses energy.” My mind was already racing through the implications of what I just learned. Chase broke down into tears.

“A bowl of water and a crystal, also dispose of the trash,” I said.

“Alright. I don’t want more of a mess in here. Take him back into the city and get rid of him.” That was just asking for him to escape. Better not to take any chances.

“Just strangle him, make sure he is dead,” I said. Once you torture someone, better make sure they are dead. No people bent on revenge. Ruth was enough headache and I didn’t want a second. The guard looked at Ken who nodded.

He was quickly strangled to death. It was a lot more brutal than in the movies with how he struggled and then went still. He was dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes, his head hitting the table on the way down. What a waste.

A bowl of water was set down in front of me along with a crystal. I put the crystal in the water. I poked the water and it dissolved. At least that worked. If it hadn’t then I would have felt stupid after Chase had been killed. That would have made all this pointless. Seeing someone tortured by my order was disturbing and I had wanted to end his suffering too quickly before I had confirmation.

I would have to experiment with this process later. “It works?” Ken asked.

“More tests will be needed. But yes. The crystal dissolved into the water. Will probably need to let it evaporate. Perhaps an oven.” A guard took the corpse out of the room. Unfortunate but necessary. Instead of a million points and a cushy job, he chose torture and death. I shook my head at that. There was a life lesson in there somewhere, but I needed to think about this powder and the process behind it.

“I wonder if other liquids have other effects?” I muttered out loud.

“There is blood powder,” Ken replied. I looked up at him.

“Blood powder?”

“Yes, it is red. Supposedly it is more potent, than regular powder but no difference has been noticed.” I stared at Ken for a while.

“I hope that there isn’t a mess I have to deal with?”

“I was discrete. No one is asking questions.”

“Why would he need blood powder? Now we just have to go through his notes.”

“Gibberish, or encoded,” Ken replied.

“That is frustrating. What a waste. Still the use of energy outside of a system skill has major implications. Can raw energy be manipulated or trained? Something to think about. But someone will need to be arranged to continue researching crystal powder. Clarissa, work with Ken to find someone capable of fundamental research.”

“Of course, Champion Michael. I will need access to the census when it is taken,” she said with her usual dead-pan voice.

“That isn’t a problem. Speak to Louis, he will sort you out. Probably best you are there at the arrival to evaluate people. I think dinner will need to be called off since my appetite has been ruined,” Ken said.

“Mine as well.” I felt less hungry in general, but the food here at the Gray Duck was far better than the raw fruits and vegetables I ate constantly. Still, having someone tortured and killed put me in a terrible mood.

I just didn’t understand why someone would be so intransient. “Ken. Did you do anything to Chase?” I asked and stared at him. He took another drink from his cup before answering.

“No. He was given food, a bed, lots of crystals to work with. All his requests for research were given, including the less savory ones.”

“No torture, threats?”

“I- Well, there might have been some implied threats. Also, people talk.”

“So, you have burning through researchers?”

“Yes. Developing stuff that works here is a massive headache. Since everything needs to be handcrafted. It all has to be developed back up from first principles.”

“I understand that. But the human experimentation?” I pressed.

“Only for the crystal powder to ensure it was safe. Then after that blood for the blood crystal powder Chase was investigating.”

“Why was he so difficult then? It makes no sense.”

“Too proud, maybe he wanted more?”

“What can someone want more than a million points? Honestly, it was robbery. Even after that I asked what he wanted.” I let out a sigh. “Well, it is over and done with. Clarissa will be involved in any further research. I want to be kept informed of any developments. No one would be that stubborn unless there was something to hide.”

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