Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 271: Weak

Chapter 271: Weak

"Ki Concealment Cloak? So it's that black cloak that blocked our vision?" Musashi Hirata activated his Mystical Eyes as he pointed at the black cloak.

Indeed, he could not see through the black cloak.

"It should not be a problem" He muttered while his pupils turned into purple.

"What?" Lyera asked 

Musashi Hirata responded with a shake as he moved his hand to his sword. Two katanas of a similar length hung on his waist.

"Nope, just get your men and your arrow ready! I will take care of the front!"


Musashi Hirata's figure flashed, and at the same time, he pulled out the two katanas.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The sliver blue ki flashed at each of the swings of his sword. It was just like a tornado made of the blades, it swept the specters group.

Countless blades swept the specters, creating chaos amongst the group.

"Spread up and..." A voice yelled out amongst the specters, but the voice stopped midway as a sliver blue Ki cut through his head, right at his Dark Core.

Lyera and Kang Hae-Jung, the only Heero's apprentice in Squad 2 were frozen at the sight of this. The katana was not even 2 meters, but it could reach the specter that was 5 to 10 meters away from him.

Both were amazed by this, what shocked them, even more, was the fact the specter was killed in one slash. Yes, all the specters were cut immediately dried, indicating the core had been destroyed.

The Ki Concealment Cloak was rendered useless in front of Musashi Hirata.

"But how?" Lyera blurted out.

Kang Hae-Jung let out a sigh and muttered, "As expected of Chief Instructor's disciple, "

While the two girls were in a daze, Musashi Hirata scolded the two girls, "What are you doing? Move your asses and hunt them down!"

Even though his katana could reach 10 meters range, it could not reach all specters. Especially, the specters were spreading up and even a few of them starting to escape from the battle.

With the scold, Lyera snapped out of her daze and ordered her people to start to move. Kang Hae-Jung also started to chase the specter who tried to escape.

With Musashi Hirata's rampage, the battle did not last long. He took care of almost all specters who stayed while the Purple Mountain Tribe hunted down the specters that ran away.

Dragging a dried up specter with one hand she killed, Kang Hae-Jung looked at Musashi Hirata in awe.

"No less from an Emperor Class Hero, when I can reach his level!?" She was quite envious.

Musashi Hirata was standing in the middle of the dried-up specters. His dual swords already rest on the sheaths, counting the number of the specters on the ground.

"62 63 65" He nodded as they killed the right number. The group consisted of 65 specters and they killed all of them.

"What was that?" Lyera approached Musashi Hirata and asked.

"What?" Hirata turned to the girl and asked back. He was giving a cold vibe and approachable.

"How could you locate the core? How?" This was what she wanted to know.

Hirata furrowed his brows and answered with a question, "Are you going to share your secret technique as well?"

Lyera stumped with her words and did not know how to continue the conversation.

"Stop with the useless chit-chat! My Master said you can collect the dark core so you can exchange it to the Hero League!"

Hirata turned around and walked away. But he stopped after a few steps, "Make it fast! We have to go to the mutant village!"

"Kang Hae-Jung! Call the support team! Tell them to get ready to pick the mutants!"

*** ***

On Squad 1 side

"Huh Fortunately, I have learned the advanced Mystical Eyes!" Sun Zhou Yi muttered.

At the same time, his blue pupils turned into purple and everything became clear.

He pressed the intercom, "I will take care of them from here on! Intercept the specter who tries to escape later!"

Wung! Wung! Wung!

Right after he informed his squad, Ki Sword formed one by one. Zhang Zhong Guang and Ren Anqing immediately kept their distance from Sun Zhou Yi.

They were afraid of disturbing their captain.

"Oh, damn! He's f*cking Sword God! Run for your" Leader 1 realized who their opponent was. He yelled, but before he could finish his words, a sword struck his left chest.

In fact, not only him but all his subordinates were also struck by the Ki Sword. It precisely struck at their core. 62 Ki Swords for 62 Specters.

"... life," With the last word, Leader 1 collapsed down. It was followed by the other specters as well.

This was not even a battle, but a one-sided slaughter. The enemy could not even struggle for their life.


Zhang Zhong Guang and Ren Anqing swallowed mouthful saliva.

Both often heard Sun Zhou Yi's tales and they even watched Sun Zhou Yi's match in the Fighter Anteriority.

But this was their first time to see Sun Zhou Yi use his Ki Swords. It was an overwhelming show of power for the two.

Even Rasyikh was surprised to see the scene. He was surprised by Sun Zhou Yi's control over the Ki Swords, precise and fast.

"As expected of Saint Disciple's disciple!" Rasyikh nodded approvingly as he came out of his hiding place. He approached Sun Zhou Yi who was currently checking the specter dried-up body.

"They are mutants!" The three leaders of the group were mutants.

This was bad news and also good news. The bad news the specter had reached their hand to the mutants. The good news the mutant specter was not as strong as he thought to be.

"Can we take the dark cores?" Rasyikh approached and requested the dark core.

The dark core had no use to them, but it could be exchanged for money. The contract between his tribe and the Hero League. The bigger the size of the dark core, he could exchange it for more money.

"Mnn! Master said you can take the dark core!" Sun Zhou Yi nodded and looked down at his smartwatch.

He was checking the mutant village's location while the Purple Mountain Tribe people gathered the dark cores. The mutant village was his next destination.

They did it fast, five minutes, and all cores were dug up by them.

"The three leaders are Level 2 Specter while the rest is just Level 1 Specter!" Rasyikh reported to Sun Zhou Yi.

Sun Zhou Yi nodded and took note that Level 1 and Level 2 Specters were weak.

"Let's go to the mutant village!" The next duty was to persuade the mutants to follow them back to the city.

Even though the mutant specters were not that strong in Sun Zhou Yi's eyes, they could not let the specters create a huge army through the mutants. It was SES's duty to stop that from happening.

On Sun Zhou Yi's side, the mutants in the village were smoothly persuaded by him. When the word of cure was mentioned, all mutants agreed to follow him.

But it was not the case for the Squad 2.

"Why should we follow you? Cure? Cure my ass! You just want to use us as your experimental materials!" An ugly mutant pointed his crooked finger toward Musashi Hirata.

Musashi Hirata's eyes turned sharp, "Then I will just break your leg! Let's see if you can struggle by then!"

Just as he wanted to take his sword, Kang Hae-Jung stopped him, "Wait! Wait, Captain! You can't use force against them, our mission is to persuade them, not forcefully taking them with us! Let me talk with them!"

Kang Hae-Jung only then realized why she was appointed to Squad 2 by her cousin. It was to assist the violent and impatient guy, Musashi Hirata.

As Kang Hae-Jung took over, she managed to stabilize the situation before finally, she managed to persuade the mutants to follow her willingly after half an hour. If not for Musashi Hirata, she could persuade them in ten minutes.

With that, the SES's first operation was completed smoothly.

*** ***

Back to the SES office

Heero, Bai Xian Ming, and Kim Jung-Mun sat side by side. Bai Xian Ming and Kim-Jung Mun wanted to know the process of the first mission.

"So How strong are these Level 1 Specter and Level 2 Specter?" Kim Jung-Mun looked at the two captains, Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata.

"Weak!" Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata gave the same answer simultaneously.

The answer left Old Ming speechless. He knew these two guys must be comparing themselves to their opponent.

"I know they must be weak, but how weak are they compared to Gold Class Heroes or even Silver Class Heroes?"

"Don't know, they died in one strike!" It was Sun Zhou Yi's answer.

"Weak enough, not even good to be a training opponent! Even Xu Lingxun is stronger than them!" Typically Musashi Hirata's answer.

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