Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 272: Cursing Day

Chapter 272: Cursing Day

"The disciples are not much different from the master" Kim Jung-Mun muttered after he heard that.

They were not less irritating than their Master.

"Oh, if you want to measure their power, maybe we can ask them to catch a few specters alive. They can be a sparring partner to your heroes!" Heero suggested an idea to the two old men.

A crude idea to determine the enemy's level of strength, but it could work.

"Good, let's do that! Please catch a few specters in the next mission!" Bai Xian Ming agreed to the idea immediately.

It would just waste time speaking with these freaks.

"Oh, Kang Hae-Jung actually fought a specter Maybe you can ask her for details like how strong the specter was" Musashi Hirata thought of something and voiced it out.

Kang Hae-Jung was an unranked Gold Class Hero who became his Master's apprentice. He thought she could be helpful for the two old men. At least, it was what he thought until

"The specter I fought is quite weak!? It would be easier if not for the black cloak that blocked my vision actually" Kang Hae-Jung explained the battle between her and the Level 1 Specter.

Practically the same answer, just with less arrogant intonation.

"All right, enough! We will proceed with the plan according to the Chief Executive's idea!" Kim Jung-Mun motioned to the girl to stop.

Kang Hae-Jung stunned, thinking she did something wrong. The excited young girl became confused and at loss.

It was not every day to meet the Supreme Moon. Now she had a chance to meet the person face to face, but somehow she made him unhappy.

"All right, you guys can leave now, " Heero motioned his disciples to leave the room.

As soon as the three people left the room, Bai Xian Ming grumbled, "All your disciples surely a freak!"

Even the new apprentice was that strong to mention the specter was weak. During the specter's attack, he had seen how the Gold Class Heroes struggled hard to subdue one specter.

Now the girls that a few months ago who also struggled hard against the specter saying that the specter was weak. Old Ming could only lament how Heero transformed his disciples.

"Why do you two seem unhappy with the mission? It's a huge success, isn't it?" Heero grinned at the two frustrated old men.

"Why don't you take all the heroes to be your apprentice? We don't need to worry about the specters if you do it, " Kim Jung-Mun made an unexpected remark.

"Indeed so, but I don't want to. Even with my current schedule, I have only a little time to play with my family. Now, I have to check the mutants' condition and cure them, "

Heero stood up and grinned at Kim Jung-Mun "And if I have to take all of them in my care, I will not even have time to take care of myself. Moreover, why don't the Kim Family take all of them in? With your medication and elixir, it was surely easy to upgrade their strength to Gold Class Hero, "

Kim Jung-Mun let out a sigh and asked a different topic, "Where are you going to hide the mutants?"

"I am not going to hide them, but I have an ideal place for them. The dungeon Arghh More work to do, I have to clean the Nocturnal Beasts too"

Heero then left the two old men behind.

"Don't take his words seriously, he was like that all the time, " Bai Xian Ming consoled his old friend.

"He was right, it was me who was being inconsiderate," Kim Jung-Mun shook his head, "I don't want to do it, but here I am asking someone to do what I don't want to, "

"Arghh You are being too serious with his words. Take it easy, what about playing a game with us?" Old Ming invited his old friend to play a game with him.

"Nah, I don't have interest in a game wait, Us? Who?"

"Old Man Dazekh, The Purple Mountain Tribe Chief. I have been playing the new game together with him for a few days. You can join us to strengthen the bond between Star City and the tribe, "

Kim Jung-Mun did not have any interest in playing games. But when Dazekh's name was brought up, it piqued his interest. Just like Bai Xian Ming told him, he could get to know this mysterious tribe chief through the game.

"Good, count me in!" Kim Jung-Mun agreed to play.

"Let's go then, what are we waiting for?" Old Ming grinned as he successfully roped a new teammate.

"Why don't we ask Old Wu to join us?"

"No, don't ever invite him, it would be a disaster" Old Ming immediately refused the idea of inviting Wu Shitian.

Just like that, the duo party now became the trio party.

*** ***

Time quietly passed, Star City was having a peaceful and positive week.

The independent Specter Extermination Squad brought a positive wave to the Star Forum. Common people and even heroes praised SES for hunting down the specters.

Sometimes, they could even get a live stream operation for that.

The common people once again praised Heero for his deeds. Not only he started to take down the corrupt rankers, but now he also targeted the specters.

However, for today's occasions, the forum was filled with men cursing Heero. Yes, it was very specific, men were cursing Heero.

It was caused by five photos and Heero himself who posted the photos under his official account, HandsomeBrutalSavage.

One of the Happiest Moments in My Life

[Photo 1]

[Photo 2]

[Photo 3]

[Photo 4]

[Photo 5]

Photo 1 was Heero with his four stunning brides. Hong Yu, Han Ying, Kang Seo-Yeon, and Bai Xin Yue.

Photo 2 was Heero with Hong Yu dressed in white beautiful wedding dress. Showing off her sweet charm.

Photo 3 was Heero with Han Ying dressed in the same wedding dress like his sister's. Her mature charm was amplified to the new height in her wedding dress and happy smile in the photo.

Photo 4 was Heero with Kang Seo-Yeon who dressed in a fiery-red wedding dress. Showing her hot-flaming charm and seductive smile with Heero in her embrace.

Photo 5 was Heero with Bai Xin Yue who dressed in a crystal-blue wedding dress. Showing her ice-cold beauty and allure smile in Heero's embrace.

Yes, the Ice Queen who was known for her cold personality was smiling in a man's embrace. Not only that, but the Ice Queen was also marrying that man, HandsomeBrutalSavage.

The comment in the post was full of rages of the Ice Queen and Fiery Archer's fans.


You might save my life once from poison, but today, I am going to curse you to take the two goddesses for yourself. You Son of biscuit*********************

It's not two, but four The four brides are all goddesses. How could this ****** get so lucky?

I have to be brutal and savage to marry the goddess? All right, I am going to be brutal and savage just like this ******* *** ** ****

To the poster above, don't forget, you have to be handsome and strong as well! This ****** have all of that, so it's impossible for you to marry the goddess just like this ****, stop dreaming!

Let's make today as a cursing day! Curse him to our heart content! *** ** **** ************ ********

*** ***

Meanwhile, in the Park Residence at Park Yong-Gi's workroom.

"Uncle, you have to destroy him! He has humiliated our Park Family, we can't let him off the hook! He has trampled our family!" Park Jin-Soo yelled in front of his uncle.

He finally got the news that his fiance was married to another man and that man was Heero. He could not accept this and tried to find a way to return this humiliation.

Park Yong-Gi however let out a sigh and shook his head, "I know your feeling, but we can't do nothing about it, "

"He's someone that came from the dungeon!! We can use this fact to take him down from his position. Let's see if he can be cocky again when he loses his position!" Park Jin-Soo let out a crazed grin.

"Not enough! Not enough! He has the support of the Bai and the Supreme Moon. His origin does not matter, what matters are his contributions to the Hero League, " Park Yong-Gi shook his head.

If it was before, where when the Supreme Moon had not shown his support to Heero, he could still use this to his advantage. But now, it was not possible.


Park Jin-Soo slammed the table hard and stormed out of the room.

He was at his wit's end, but he did not want to give up his woman. Not long after he left the room, his smartwatch vibrated.

It was a text from an unknown ID.

[Come to this place if you want to get your woman back!]

A location was attached below the message.

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