Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 273: The Day

Chapter 273: The Day

Park Jin-Soo followed the location in the smartwatch. It led him to one secluded place in the core region.

"There's such a place in the core region" He muttered in a low voice at the sight of a shady building in front of him.

He arrived in front of the door and knocked five times just like the instructions he received.

A deep voice flowed from the inside, "Come on in!"

Park Jin-Soo found the voice somehow familiar, but he did not remember who it was. He opened the door, causing a creaking sound.

Three people were waiting for him inside. Two figures had their body and face covered in black and the other one was a familiar face to him, Wu Shen Lei of The Wu.

Soon the dot connected in his mind as he remembered that greedy b*stard also married Bai Xin Yue.

"He's truly greedy, right Wu Shen Lei?" Park Jin-Soo sent his greeting with a grin.

Wu Shen Lei glanced at Park Jin-Soo briefly before turning back to the two black-cloaked figures.

"Now he has come! What do you have to offer?"

"Haha You're truly alike with your grandfather Wu Shitian, impatient and hot-blooded!" The black-cloaked man who sat on the chair commented in a small laugh.

Wu Shen Lei frowned when his great grandfather's name was mentioned. From the way, the black-cloaked figure spoke about his great grandfather, the opposite seemed to be familiar with him.

"Who are you?" Wu Shen Lei took two steps back and questioned.

"Now! Now! You don't have to be guarded against us, Young Master Wu! We come not for fighting, but to help you retain what belongs to you, right Young Master Park?"

The black-cloaked figure who stood pulled down the cloak that covered his face and the figure on the chair also did the same. They revealed their concealed face to the two Emperor Class Heroes.

"You" Wu Shen Lei and Park Jin-Soo were surprised to see the face behind the cloak.

The two real identities were former Emperor Class Heroes who betrayed humanity, Feng Xinlun and Feng Tian Xou.

Park Jin-Soo and Wu Shen Lei wanted to make some distance from both. But then, the duo father and son disappeared from their spot.

Feng Xinlun appeared behind Park Jin-Soo with his right hand on Park Jin-Soo's back. Preventing him from retreating.

The same thing happened to Wu Shen Lei. Feng Tian Xou caught him from the back.

"You might have reached the Emperor Class Hero, but it's nothing but a mere class, a social status, not more!" Feng Tian Xou whispered to the young Wu Shen Lei.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

But the duo father and son did nothing to the two. They returned to their original spot as if nothing happened.

"I told you, we are here not to fight but to help you! To retain what belongs to you!" Feng Xinlun took a sip of tea on the table.

"Make your choice! Stay here and get the crucial information about him or leave!"

"I" Just as the two Emperor Class Heroes were about to reply, a voice came from the outside.

"Hmmm this place has a foul smell!"

Feng Xinlun and Feng Tian Xou's faces changed when they heard the voice.

*** ***

Meanwhile, at the Wu Residence

Wu Shitian was sitting in his private pavilion. Located in the center of an artificial lake and decorated with aquatic plants. He was enjoying his morning tea as usual.

The unusual thing was there was a letter in the white envelope next to his cup. The letter must be important to be included in his morning tea.

He picked the letter and no sender on the envelope. Then he tore the envelope and pulled out the letter inside.

There was one eye-catching sentence on the top, "Leniency for Those Who Confess!"

Reading the sentence, the old man let out a sigh and put the letter back on the table. There was no need for him to continue to read the content he already knew.

"In the end, they start it"

*** ***

The Musashi Clan Residence

Sitting in his tatami with a set of tea in front of him, he let out big laughter.

"Hahaha Leniency for those who confess!? This is truly interesting, that Old Man Bai got himself a worthy successor! An insane one at that!" Musashi Kenzan laughed as he read the letter in his hand.

Beside him, Musashi Naizen also held the same letter. He made no comment on it.

"What do you think, Naizen?" Musashi Kenzan stopped laughing and turned serious.

"Hmm I support the reform! I would like to offer my help to him too, " Musashi Naizen voiced his thoughts.

"Hah As I thought, you are inflexible It has its merits and demerits, but your choice anyway" Musashi Kenzan shook his head and took the cup of tea to his mouth.

"Let's not meddle for the meantime"

*** ***

The Hanzo Clan Residence

"Hahaha. Leniency for those who confess? Has this guy gone mad? Is he planning to go against the world?"

Hanzo Yori let out a loud laughter after he read the letter.

"It seems we don't need to do anything. This guy is choosing the self-destruct path! Chief Instructor? That position will remain as a dazzling history, "

*** ***

The Yuan Family Residence

Yuan Jinfeng received the same letter as the others. He frowned at the sight of the letter.

"Outrageous! Who does he think he is? Leniency for those who confess! Absurd! This is absurd!" Yuan Shou Wen, the head of The Yuan Family crushed the letter in his hand as he vented out his rage.

"Huo Cheng! Call an executive meeting! Immediately call an executive meeting and cancel this audacious reform, right now!"

Yuan Huo Cheng, an executive member who was also Yuan Shou Wen's brother flinched at the sight of his big brother's furious state.

"Stop it, Shou Wen! Let's not make things worse than what it is! For now, we will not take any action!" Yuan Jinfeng calmed his furious son.

*** ***

The Kim Family Residence

Kim Jung-Mun was getting himself dressed in hanbok. He was one of a few people invited to Heero's wedding. He was prepared to head to the wedding until his grandson barged in a hurry.

Kim Taeyang, Emperor Class Hero - Rank 5, the current head family of the Kim Family. He had two letters in his hand, one was still sealed while the other was torn open.

"Grandpa! You have a letter!" Kim Taeyang called out as he handed the sealed envelope.

"Letter?" The old man was confused at first. On this day, someone still used a letter. It was truly unusual and piqued his interests.

He took the envelope and tore it open. As soon as he opened the letter, the old man smiled.

"Even on his wedding day, he just won't take a break, " He put back the letter to the envelope and asked his grandson.

"So, what's about the investigation? Have you done that?"

Kim Taeyang was surprised that his grandfather was not surprised by the letter. No, his grandfather was, in fact, happy and expected this letter would come.

He was curious but decided to hold his curiosity and reported his investigation.

"I have investigated everyone and the report was in my office!"

Kim Jung-Mun let out a satisfied smile at the answer. His grandson did his job very well.

"It seems I will be late for the party"

*** ***

Not only Wu, Yuan, Kim, Hanzo, Musashi, the other seven major forces also received the same letter. Even the Bai Family was included in the list.

Not only the major forces, until the weakest organization to the big one. All of them affiliated to the Hero League received the same letter. A reminder before the cleansing started.

Not only was cyberspace in an uproar, but the real-life situation also in an uproar. And who caused that was the same person, Xing Heero who was currently on his happy occasion.

*** ***

"Found you!" Musashi Hirata opened the door and grinned at the people inside.

Wu Shen Lei and Park Jin-Soo were caught in a secret meeting with the traitor of the Hero League and humanity.

Park Jin-Soo's face turned ugly at the sight of Musashi Hirata. But Wu Shen Lei managed to keep his calm.

"On the first day of cleansing and we catch two Emperor Class Heroes, what a great harvest, right Zhou Yi!" Having said those words out, Sun Zhou Yi emerged in the next Musashi Hirata.

SES Squad 1 and SES Squad 2 had surrounded this place.

"You have been surrounded, surrender now!"

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