While Others Are Practicing Leveling, I Am Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 426: A new round of simulation, a way to pass the red moon

Chapter 426 A new round of simulation, a way to miss the red moon!

 “It was so dangerous, I almost died!”

At this moment, Su Xing was extremely happy that he did not rush into the endless abyss, but simulated it in advance!

 Although a simulation opportunity was wasted...but he woke up and saved his life!

 While feeling lucky, Su Xing began to think about his mistakes again.

 He has simulated many times without encountering this situation of instant death at the beginning.

 But this time, he still despised Hongyue, causing himself to die directly in Hongyue's hands!

“So, after my recent leap in strength, am I a little too arrogant!?”

Shu Xing asked himself, he was indeed a little forgetful.

 So much so that he has almost forgotten that his greatest advantage is time...

 As long as there is a simulator, the strength of Awakening will be improved every month or even every week!

 There is no need to strive for temporary gains and losses.

 “Stay quiet! Still have to stay tight!”

“You must not become a golden immortal just because you have achieved a little bit... you can be regarded as the top powerhouse in the three thousand worlds.”

  Wake up and remind yourself constantly.

It is true that Su Xing’s current strength is among the top in the entire Three Thousand Worlds.

 But don’t forget what kind of existence the awakened enemies are!

 Red moon…

This is the former main **** of the alien race, one of the ten most powerful imperial clans of the alien race, and the leader of the red-eyed alien race!

The person who personally destroyed the Luo Tian Sect, the strongest human force in the past!

Even if Hong Yue has just been resurrected and has no strength at all...but it's not like a little golden fairy who has been revived can touch the porcelain!

 Blood three…

 The largest traitor organization in the human race, the fourth leader of the Advent Cult.

 The real Taiyi Golden Immortal powerhouse…

As for the demonized Qingyunzi, let alone that!

The real power in the world today, Daluo Jinxian...oh no, a semi-saint level existence!

Thinking of this, Su Xing kept reminding himself.

 Can’t float, must not float!

 One step at a time, even if your strength improves and you no longer need to be so stubborn, it is always right to be cautious!

"From now on, if the chance of winning is not more than 98%...it won't be worth my while..."

 Shu Xing reminded himself.

Think carefully about this simulation and look for anything you missed.

 Is there a loophole that Su Xing can exploit?

"Mo Bingjian was destroyed again in order to save me this time... As a result, the treasure from heaven can no longer keep up with the enemies I will encounter in the future."

 “It is necessary to find or upgrade the magic weapon as soon as possible...”

 After a pause, Su Xing thought of something again and murmured:

"Huh... If I remember correctly, after the 400th level of the abyss, killing the three second-level gods will trigger the arrival of the red moon..."

“So, maybe I can explore to the 399th level of the abyss?”

“Or, sweep the first three hundred floors of the abyss at a faster speed?”

Su Xing thought carefully and felt that this plan might be feasible.

“Oh, I just want to give up those tens of millions of energy sources... I really can’t bear to do it!”

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

 At the moment, he still has three simulation opportunities left.

 Wake up and get ready to try again!

 “As for the rewards of this simulation…”

 When I wake up, a black line rises on my forehead.

 In this simulation, he lived for more than half a month. Is there a hammer reward?

Is it possible to bring out that pearly body and turn yourself into a big walking light bulb?

 Su Xing shook his head, obviously rejecting the idea.

 “Then, let’s start a new round of simulation directly!”

 Su Xing's heart moved, and he looked at the simulation panel.

 “Start simulation!”

  【The 155th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 24,867,876 points...The remaining simulation times are 2. 】

  【Simulation begins! 】

 【Extracting talent requires 1 point of energy source. Do you want to extract it? 】


 Awakening does not extract talents immediately.

 Instead, he thought of a certain talent that he had drawn.

 I am a passerby!

What Su Xing thought of was because of the inspiration given to Su Xing by his talent as a light bulb.

                           Your sense of existence is extremely low, just like a passerby in the corner of a comic. Even your closest people or your enemies will often ignore your existence. Note: After you have this talent, please do not run through red lights at will. The driver may not notice you.

 This is a purple talent that Awakening drew long ago.

 In terms of talent level, purple talent is almost useless for today’s awakening.


“Each talent has its own suitable scene... just like the original talent pool of descendants..."

"This talent once helped me interfere with Long Laogou's perception... maybe it will also have a certain effect on Hongyue!"

Su Xing thought so.

 He does not want to be able to directly block the red moon's perception with this talent, which would be a bit unrealistic.

But even if it can only have a slight interference effect, it is worth it for waking up!

 After all, before a possible life or death crisis, all useful means must be used!

“Speaking of which, there are a lot of talents in the purple talent pool...you should be able to draw them, right?”

Shu Xing tried to extract the talent of this former passer-by.

 After a while, several black lines appeared on Su Xing’s forehead.

Just to draw this purple talent, it costs 100 points of awakening energy source!

 This is enough energy to bring out a red talent!

 “But fortunately, I finally got it out...”

 Shu Xing did not hesitate and was officially ready for simulation!

 【Ding, please choose the target blessed by the Xijiayi talent...】

 “I choose, bless...a late bloomer!”

 Su Xing said decisively.

That's right, Su Xing did not choose to bless the passerby's A talent.

 Because adding one talent can only strengthen the talent in the simulation.

 But in reality, Su Xing’s passer-by talent is purple level!

 In order to maximize the possibility of restoring the situation that Awakening may encounter in the future, Awakening cannot tamper with this talent.

Then, let’s officially start the simulation!

Su Xing clenched his fists, and felt a sense of excitement in his heart that he had not seen for a long time.

Look at the simulation panel.

  【In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating. 】

You walked around the busiest streets in Kyoto, but not a single eye fell on you, and no one noticed your existence. 】

   【You have gone to the endless abyss. 】

  【As soon as you entered the endless abyss, you turned on all your power, regardless of the consumption of your immortal power and Dao enlightenment. 】

  【From gold-level aliens to alien gods, all will die in your hands without distinction. 】

  【You drove like crazy and reached the 200th floor of the abyss in just two days...】

  【But after entering the 201st level of the abyss, your speed of killing enemies will inevitably be slower. 】

  【It took another three days, and you reached the 300th floor of the abyss...】

  【After that, you will not stop and continue to run deeper into the abyss...】

  【Another four days have passed, and you have finally reached the 400th level of the abyss. 】

  【The entire four hundred levels of alien races died in your hands. 】

  【At this moment, you also sensed a faint threat. 】

Without any hesitation, after sweeping away the aliens on the 400th floor of the abyss, you tore open the space and left the endless abyss. 】

  【After returning to Blue Star, you still dare not stay. 】

 【Tear open the space and find the weak point in the Blue Star barrier...】

  【You went well and left Blue Star! 】

  【After leaving Blue Star, you have been driving the stars, sun and moon shuttle all the way non-stop, pushing your own space and speed to the limit...】

  【At any cost, half a day later, you arrived at Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

  【You are safe for the time being. 】

 In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

"Sure enough, as long as I kill fast enough and don't run into those three alien gods, I won't lead to the red moon!"

 Previously, it took half a month to wake up from the first level of the abyss to the 400th level of the abyss.

 This is naturally because the awakening has not yet used its full strength.

This time, Su Xing learned his lesson and reached the 400th floor of the abyss in just nine days.

It was these few days saved that allowed Su Xing to save his life!

“Yes, it seems that being fast is useful...it may also be the dual effect of the passerby’s talent.”

 The corners of Su Xing's mouth rose. In any case, he had found a temporarily safe path.

 “In this simulation, the most basic goal was finally achieved…”

 “But the next time can’t be wasted!”

 “The stronger you are, the greater the possibility of saving your life from Hongyue!”

Shu Xing does not plan to skimp on the number of simulations and plans to continue improving his cultivation.

“Currently, my body training skills have reached the sixth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique. The five-foot-tall Yuanli Tree...as long as it grows to one foot, it will be regarded as a small achievement.”

“Then, let’s prioritize improving our physical training…”

Su Xing thought so.

But as you wake up and unlock new features of the simulator, you can bring out more rewards.

 In a simulation, improving your cultivation level may not be limited to either Qi refining or body refining.

 It may be a better choice to go hand in hand with both.

Thinking this way, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

  【After arriving at Xiaoqingyun Realm, you did not choose to report the information about Blue Star to Tianji Pavilion. 】

   【Instead, he stayed quietly in the Little Qingyun Realm for a year. During this year, there was no information that Blue Star was destroyed. 】

Until the second year, a large number of red-eyed aliens began to appear on the battlefield. You know that Red Moon was getting closer and closer to complete resurrection. 】

【At the same time, you paid close attention to the information of Xuesan and learned from Tianji Pavilion that Xuesan had gone to the area near Blue Star. 】

 【You know in your heart that Hong Yue and Xue San joined forces...】

  【But the good thing is, even if they know your existence, they will regard you as the successor of Luotian Sect. 】

  【But Blue Star is safe for the time being. At most, the alien invasion will become more violent if the Demon Suppression Gate is closed. 】

  【Next, you went to Qingyun Sect and had a smooth transaction with Qingyunzi. 】

  【Qingyunzi is still in the state of being swallowed by the evil corpse. If he wants to suppress the evil corpse, Qingyunzi can hardly use all his magic power. 】

  【You know in your heart that Qingyunzi will be completely devoured in a few hundred years. If you want to find a way to help Qingyunzi get rid of the evil corpse, you can only have a chance by going to the Tianji Domain. 】

 In the third year, you began to collect the Luotian Sect’s treasures scattered throughout the country, and at the same time, you began to breed the Tianyuan Divine Tree in Luotian territory. 】

  【In the thirtieth year, you set out for the Tianji Realm. ]    【In the fortieth year, you successfully arrived in the Tianji Realm. 】

  【For the next two hundred years or so, you will stay in the Baiyun Realm. 】

  【Use magic power to maintain the flow of time thirty times inside and outside Luotian, and at the same time practice the Zhengyi Confucian Qi Jue for an hour every day. 】

  【Because of the existence of fairy liquid, the speed at which you recover mana is greatly increased. 】

  【One drop of fairy liquid can be equal to hundreds of drops of the best spiritual liquid, and it is more pure. 】

  【The thousand drops of immortal liquid produced in Lingtian Cave Heaven every day are enough for you to maintain the time difference between Luotian and outside. 】

 【You start to have energy, practice for an hour every day, and your cultivation will slowly improve...】

  In a blink of an eye, the time has come to the third hundred years. 】

  【After more than two hundred years of hard training, your cultivation has finally reached the peak of the first level of the Golden Immortal Stage. 】

  【In the same year, the Tianyuan Divine Tree matured and began to condense Tianyuan Fruit. 】

  【This year, the immortal boat from Tianji Pavilion also came to Baiyun Realm. 】

  【You board the fairy boat and follow it to the world of heaven. 】

 【In the 320th year, the Immortal Boat was attacked, and you performed well...】

 In the 330th year, you joined Tianji Pavilion and became an elder in Tianji Pavilion, with a high status. 】

【In the next seventy years, while maintaining the power of Luo Tianjing and cultivating the Tianyuan Divine Tree, you also improve your Qi refining cultivation...】

    Time has quickly come to the 400th year. 】

  【This year, the first batch of Tianyuan Divine Fruit matured. 】

  【In the next hundred years, you will focus mainly on improving your physical training. 】

  【Swallow one Tianyuan Divine Fruit every two years, forty-nine Tianyuan Divine Fruits are just enough for your hundred years of practice. 】

  【A hundred years later, the next batch of Tianyuan Divine Fruit has matured. 】

   【In the 500th year, after digesting the forty-nine Tian Yuan Divine Fruits, the tree of Yuan Power in your body has grown by about one foot, from five feet to six feet in length. 】

  【At the same time, you can feel that your original strength and physical body have also increased by about 20%. 】

  【When the tree of Yuanli reaches one foot, you will be considered to have entered the sixth level of the Great Witch Body Forging Art. 】

  【This year, the second batch of Tianyuan Divine Trees matured. You went out to perform a mission and killed the red-eyed god. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

“That’s right, the body-refining cultivation level has been growing steadily...I’m going out on missions by the way. If I have enough contribution points during the war eight hundred years later, I can use the Realm of the Void again to increase my strength.”

“But this time, what aspects of strength need to be improved?”

 Awakening has not considered this yet. The Void Realm works best when it is stuck in a bottleneck.

Although his Qi refining cultivation has now reached the peak of the first level of Golden Immortal, if he directly uses the Mirror of Nothingness to break through, it would be overkill.

 Relying on awakening oneself, one may not be unable to break into the second realm of Golden Immortal.

 “Forget it, let’s do an immersive simulation first!”

“The opportunity of a century-old immersive simulation cannot be wasted!”

Su Xing thought this way and silently said:

 “Using an immersive simulation, lasting 100 years…”

 【Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation...the remaining energy source is 24,831,376 points...】

The prompt sound falls, and the consciousness enters the simulated world.


 Simulation timeline, in Luotian realm.

 Su Xing was not in a hurry to understand the great road, but first adjusted the time difference inside and outside Luotian.

“Thirty times the time difference, the mana consumption is too high... I have tried it before, and it has a certain impact on my understanding of the great road.”

“It’s better to try ten times the time flow rate difference, it should be barely doable…”

 Su Xing's heart moved, and he adjusted the time flow rate inside and outside Luotian to ten times.

 Feeling the consumption of mana, Su Xing nodded slightly and said:

“The consumption is about one-third of the previous one, which is still acceptable... Then let’s start to formally comprehend the Great Dao!”

 Before this, Su Xing’s understanding of the avenue of space had reached the fifth realm.

So for this simulation, the basic goal of awakening is to reach the peak of the fifth realm.

If given the chance, Su Xing would like to try to break through to the sixth realm of space!

Thinking of this, I didn’t waste any time when I woke up. I took the Enlightenment Tea directly and began to comprehend the great avenue of space.


In the blink of an eye, the century-old immersive simulation is over, and the person wakes up and returns to reality.

 Opening his eyes slightly, after digesting the memories in his mind, Su Xing said with some regret:

“The peak of the fifth realm of the Way of Space has been reached...but it’s a pity that it is still one step away from the sixth realm!”

After Su Xing reached the peak of the fifth realm, he clearly felt that there was a force that seemed to prevent Su Xing from breaking through to the sixth realm.

 Shu Xing knows that this is because the cultivation level is not enough!

 The avenue of the sixth realm can only be broken through by those at the peak of Jinxian or half-step Taiyi.

 Once you break into the sixth realm, you have completed the most important step from Jinxian to Taiyi.

 Therefore, the sixth realm of the Great Dao is often regarded as a symbol of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

“The sixth realm of the Great Dao is the true realm of the Tao. It is indeed not that easy to break through..."

“Especially the way of space, which is a profound way, is becoming more and more difficult...”

Su Xing made some estimates and found that just to break through from the peak of the fifth realm to the sixth realm, he estimated that he would need at least three hundred-year immersive simulations!

The price paid was much higher than Su Xing imagined.

 But at this moment, Su Xing has another choice.

 With the help of the Mirror of Nothingness, you can break into the sixth realm of the Great Dao in one fell swoop!

“Strictly speaking, the perception of space or any avenue is just memory..."

"Then as long as I use immersive simulation and use the Mirror of Nothingness to break into the sixth realm... I don't need to spend additional energy sources..."

Su Xing is a little eager to try.

He has already thought of the object to use the Mirror of Nothingness this time to help his own space avenue and successfully break through to the sixth realm!

 “I hope it can be completed smoothly!”

Su Xing prayed and looked at the simulation panel.

 In the 510th year, after a hundred years of seclusion in the Luotian realm, your understanding of the way of space has reached the peak of the fifth realm. 】

  【Next, you continue to cultivate the Tianyuan Divine Tree, improve your physical training, and at the same time practice Qi and the way of the spiritual realm. 】

                                In the 610th year, your great witch body-forging skills have taken a further step, and the tree of elemental power in your body has reached seven feet. 】

                                 iously viewed from the top 】

   【In the 750th year, your spiritual realm has increased to 12,000 miles. 】

   【In the 790th year, after hundreds of years of practice, with the help of the fairy liquid, you finally broke through and your cultivation level was promoted to the second level of the Golden Immortal Stage! 】

  【In the 800th year, the tree of elemental power in your body reaches eight feet and nine inches. 】

  【In the same year, the first war between the alien race and the Tianji Territory broke out. 】

  【In the next ten years, you killed hundreds of alien gods one after another, and performed well in this battle. 】

  【After killing the Shadow God and the Six-Winged God successively, your ranking on the Prodigy List has been promoted to fourth on the Earth List! 】

  【The only pity is that as your strength improves and after many battles with the six-winged god, you know his weaknesses. 】

  【So you did not suffer too serious injuries from killing the six-winged **** this time. 】

 【You have not triggered the Heart of the Strong talent...】

   【In the 810th year, the first alien war ended, and you returned to the Tianji Realm. 】

  【And used all the contribution points and a large amount of treasures in exchange for an opportunity to redeem the right to use the Mirror of Nothingness. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

“It’s expected to reach the second level of Golden Immortal through Qi refining cultivation…”

“Although I only improved incidentally, if I can’t reach the second level of Golden Immortal in five hundred years, I will be sorry for my talent...”

“The improvement of body-refining skills has gone quite smoothly. In the next simulation, I should be able to officially break through to the sixth level of the Great Witch’s Body-Forging Technique.”

 After a pause, Su Xing also said with some regret:

"The only pity is that the talent of Heart of the Strong was not triggered, which was a waste of opportunity..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, he had already expected this.

 After all, as he becomes stronger and stronger, there are fewer and fewer people who can threaten him.

Taiyi Golden Immortal may be able to make the awakening seriously injured and on the verge of death, thus triggering the heart of the strong.

 But Su Xing was not sure that he could survive the hands of Taiyi Jinxian.

Even if Su Xing invites Xiao Zhanlong, he may not be able to save Su Xing in the hands of a strong man at the Taiyi Golden Immortal level.

 Only Bai Emperor has such strength.

 But his status as Su Xing is not enough to ask Daluo Jinxian for personal protection.

“Sigh, the talent of Heart of the Strong is very good at directly improving your strength...it’s just that it’s a little difficult to trigger...”

 After waking up and preparing, think of a way to see if you can continue to trigger the heart of the strong.

But for now, Su Xing is still preparing to improve the way of space first.

“The sixth realm of the Tao of Space…the rumored true realm of the Tao!”

 “Is it about to be within reach?”

Su Xing was a little excited. He looked at the simulation panel and muttered silently:

 “Using an immersive simulation, lasting one year…”

 【Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation...the remaining energy source is 24,831,311 points...】

The prompt sound falls, and the consciousness enters the simulated world.


 At this moment, Tianji Pavilion headquarters is in the realm of nothingness.

 This is not the first time for Su Xing to come here, and he is already quite familiar with the use of the Mirror of Nothingness.

Soon, at Su Xing’s request, the Mirror of Nothingness began to help Su Xing improve his understanding of the way of space.

That shining but somewhat dreamy humanoid shadow walked towards the awakening again.

 It’s just that this time, it seems different from before.

Su Xing was in a black space, and there seemed to be nothing.

Only in front of him, in the bright passage, was a shadow that was very similar to Su Xing's, but whose appearance could not be clearly seen, and slowly merged with Su Xing's body.

 In an instant, countless memories and insights about the way of space flooded into his mind.

Su Xing can feel that his understanding of the way of space is improving at an astonishing speed.

 Under this powerful impact, Su Xing inevitably temporarily lost consciousness.

 Before falling into coma, Su Xing had a doubt in his mind.

“Strange, that figure...seems to be more realistic?”

 (A chapter of six thousand words is presented here. Please give me your monthly votes in the middle of the month. 嘘嘤~)

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