While Others Are Practicing Leveling, I Am Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 453: The Demon General’s wrong decision led to the destruction of the Demon Realm! (

Chapter 453: The Demon General’s wrong decision, the destruction of the Demon Realm! (6k)

  【In just over thirty years, you have killed hundreds of foreign gods, and your authority in the Heavenly Demon Prison has been promoted to Tianba! 】

  【In the entire Heavenly Demon Prison, there are only a few dozen people who can achieve this level of authority. 】

  【At the same time, with these years of fighting in the core area of ​​the Demon Realm, you have a more comprehensive understanding of the strength of the alien race! 】

  【The number of foreign races in the Heavenly Demon Territory is no less than that in the Tianji Territory, and their strength is equally terrifying. 】

  【Almost every year, the core powerhouses of these Heavenly Demon Realm need to take action several times... in order to attack scattered alien races. 】

  【In addition to these scattered alien races, there is also an extremely powerful alien army in the Demon Territory! 】

  【The Fourth Alien Legion! 】

  【Leaded by two main gods, with dozens of first-level gods under their command...nearly a thousand second-level gods, and countless foreign gods...】

【However, due to the seal of Patriarch Luo Tian, ​​the entire Fourth Army Corps cannot break through the core area of ​​the Demon Realm. 】

Even so, if the Heavenly Demon hadn't guarded me here, I'm afraid the seal would have been destroyed long ago and the Heavenly Demon's domain would have been destroyed. 】

  【Every hundred years, the Heavenly Demon General needs to strengthen the seal. Even if the Heavenly Demon General is tyrannical, in the face of the entire fourth legion, he can only adopt guerrilla tactics and lead some of the elites of the Heavenly Demon Prison to fight against these foreign races. 】

  【For millions of years, although the Fourth Legion has failed to expand, the top warriors in the Demon Prison have continued to die...】

What’s even more terrifying is that as time goes by, the seals jointly arranged by the Heavenly Demon Realm Tiandao and Patriarch Luo Tian have begun to gradually leak out. 】

  【Occasionally, powerful aliens come out of the passage, join the Fourth Legion, and further break through the two seals. 】

  【You know, the situation in the Heavenly Demon Prison is not as peaceful as it is now. 】

  【Whether it is the passage seal or the seal of the Fourth Legion, as long as one is broken, the entire Demon Realm will probably be destroyed. 】

   It is precisely because of this that the Demon General does not dare to leave easily. 】

  【However, the training of human monks is slow, and the birth of a golden immortal is even more difficult... It may not be possible for a golden immortal to be born in the entire Demon Realm for thousands of years. 】

On the contrary, every hundreds of years of fighting, almost all high-level monks in the Demon Realm are killed. 】

  【The power of the entire Heavenly Demon Prison is also constantly weakening...】

  【In this case, you presented the reborn elixir that you developed with great concentration! 】

  【This elixir recipe is undoubtedly a priceless treasure to the monks in the entire Demon Realm! 】

  【Although it won't be of much help to the situation in the Demonic Realm in a short period of time... But if the time is looked at over a hundred, a thousand or even ten thousand years, it will be terrifying! 】

  【A monk who originally needed thousands of years to refine the body of an immortal may be able to reach the level of an immortal in just two to three hundred years! 】

  【And the main medicine of the Rebirth Pill - the essence of alien flesh and blood, is inexhaustible for the Demon Realm. 】

  【The Heavenly Demon will know how important this elixir recipe is to the entire Heavenly Demon Realm. 】

【If there is enough time to cultivate new monks, the Demon Realm can even truly suppress the entire Fourth Legion. 】

 Hence, the reborn elixir formula was successfully implemented in the Demon Realm. 】

  【As the person who presented the elixir, your authority has been directly promoted from Tianba to Tiansan! 】

  【Those who have the authority of Tiansan can only have one hand in the entire Tianmo Prison, although the authority is of little use to you now...】

   【In the 760th year, you asked the Heavenly Demon General if there was a way to contact him directly after entering the Heavenly Demon Realm. 】

  【After thinking for a moment, the Demon General gave you a specially made communication token. 】

  【This communication token can only be used in times of life and death crisis... As long as this communication token is activated within the scope of the Demon Realm, the Demon General will be able to sense it instantly! 】

   【At that time, the demon will come as fast as possible. 】

  【You keep this communication token silently. 】

 In the real world, Su Xing’s eyes lit up when he saw this.

“Yes, with this communication token... In the next simulation, there is no need to spend so much time slowly increasing the authority level in the Demon Prison..."

“As soon as I step into the Heavenly Demon Realm, I can contact the Heavenly Demon General!”

 “This can save a lot of time…”

 After a pause, Su Xing said again:

“However, the spiritual energy in the entire Heavenly Demon Territory is thin...but there are battles happening all year round, which is more suitable for improving body training!”

 “Next, it’s time to continue to improve the Great Witch Body Training Technique!”

Shu Xing wants to try how long this simulation can last.

 Of course, during this period, the improvement of cultivation cannot be ignored.

Look at the simulation panel.

   【In the 800th year, the tree of vitality in your body has finally grown to five feet one foot. 】

  【This year, you will follow the Heavenly Demon General to the core area of ​​the Heavenly Demon Territory to strengthen the seal and at the same time look for traces of Tianyang Grass...】

  【But Tianyang grass is not that easy to find. You have been searching for several months but have not found it. 】

  【The new alien gods have escaped from the seal, and you have to return to your stronghold to kill the enemy. 】

  【In this way, you are in the Demon Realm, exploring the traces of Tianyang Grass from time to time, hunting foreigners... and your cultivation level is also constantly improving. 】

  【The time is coming soon to the first thousand years of simulation! 】

  【This year, your Qi refining cultivation level has finally been promoted to the late stage of the seventh level of Golden Immortal! 】

  【The tree of energy within your body has also grown to five feet three feet... Years of fighting have made your progress in the Great Witch Body Training Technique three points faster. 】

   【天魔 will continue to strengthen the seal every hundred years. 】

  【But as time goes by, the aliens pouring out of the channel inevitably become stronger. 】

  【In the past hundred years, three first-level gods have emerged one after another! 】

  【And only a few people in the entire Heavenly Demon Prison can resist such powerful foreign gods, which makes the defense of the Heavenly Demon Territory even more difficult. 】

[But fortunately, with the promotion of the Rebirth Pill in recent years, in just two to three hundred years, the middle and lower-level combat forces in the Demon Realm have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. 】

  【There are about 30% more monks with immortal bodies than two hundred years ago! 】

  【You are happy about this, but you should spend more time on practice...】

    The time will soon come to the 1,200th year, and the Demon General will tell you a shocking piece of bad news. 】

  【The great realm in the Qingyuan realm, the Tianyuan realm has been captured! 】

 【Including the leader of Tianyuan Sect, two veteran Taiyi Golden Immortals died in battle...】

  【More than two-thirds of the entire Qingyuan Territory has been invaded by aliens...】

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"Sure enough...after the accident happened over at Hongyue, the time for the destruction of Qingyuan Domain will be further advanced!"

“If you want to delay the destruction of Qingyuan Domain...it seems that you can only place your hope on Qingyunzi..."

“It’s a pity that there is still no trace of Tianyangcao…”

Su Xing sighed, but was not in a hurry.

 Awakening has countless opportunities to search for traces of Sun Grass, even if each simulation only explores a small area.

As long as Tianyangcao exists in the world, you can find it when you wake up!

“Thinking about it this way, it may be necessary to divide the core area of ​​the Demonic Realm... Each simulation will explore a certain area...”

 Just one thought was awakened, and he executed it immediately in the simulation.

  【After hundreds of years of searching, you have not been able to find the Sun Grass, so you decided to take a regional exploration approach. 】

  【You divide the entire core area of ​​the Demon Realm into ten large areas, and then divide each large area into ten small areas. 】

 【After that, only one small area will be explored every hundred years...】

In this way, even though the Heavenly Demon Territory is vast, with precise divisions, you will know which areas do not have Heavenly Sun Grass, saving time for future exploration. 】

  【After formulating a new exploration plan, you will spend the next hundreds of years exploring while working hard to improve your cultivation. 】

  【The time has quickly come to the 1,400th year of simulation! 】

  【This year, the Demon will tell you... The Southern Barbarian Territory has been completely occupied, and the Southern Barbarian Emperor, the Great Luo Jinxian, has died in battle...】

  【After hearing this news, your heart trembled. This is a full hundred years earlier than the time you simulated before! 】

  【The speed of alien invasion of Three Thousand Worlds...has accelerated again! 】

  【But fortunately, you are not affected much as you are in the Demon Realm. 】

  【Under the protection of the Demon General, you have broken the record of your own simulation! 】

  【A full 1,400 years of simulation...makes the tree of energy in your body reach five feet and six feet! 】

 【The level of cultivation is also infinitely close to the peak of the seventh level of the Golden Immortal...】

 【But the good times did not last long...】

  【With the complete invasion of the Southern Barbarian Territory, the foreign tribes have freed up a considerable part of their effective combat power. 】

  【The entire Seventh Legion that invaded the Southern Barbarian Territory, nearly half of the foreign races were mobilized and sent to fight in the other four major territories. 】

  【The first to bear the brunt is the Western Region closest to the Nanman Territory - the Demonic Territory! 】

  【Foreign races cross the great territory, with the help of black boats, there is no need to pass through the Heavenly Secret Territory... Therefore, the nearest Heavenly Demon Territory was chosen as the main target of invasion! 】

  【In this case, hundreds of alien gods and tens of thousands of alien gods poured into the Demon Realm...】

  【For a time, the situation in the entire Demonic Realm has undergone tremendous changes! 】

Even in the past seven hundred years, with the help of the Rebirth Pill, the combat power of the backbone of the Demon Realm has been greatly improved. 】

                                                               somehow, a monk whose original potential was only that of an Earth Immortal may be able to reach the realm of a Celestial Immortal by refining his body with the help of the Rebirth Pill . 】

  【However, just a few decades of fighting have caused heavy losses to the Demon Realm, and its strength has regressed back to hundreds of years ago...】

  【In this case, the Demon General made a major decision,】

  【Leave the Heavenly Demon Territory alone and go to the Southern Barbarian Territory to kill the Six-Winged Lord God! 】

From the view of the Demon General, as long as the Southern Barbarians are in chaos, the aliens of the Seventh Legion will be unable to invade other regions. 】

  【So, in the 1450th year, the Heavenly Demon General went to the Southern Barbarian Territory. 】

  【According to his plan, if everything goes well, he should be able to return within fifty years. 】

  【But for the sake of safety, he gave you the method to strengthen the seal, and informed you that during his absence, you will lead the leader of the Heavenly Demon Prison. 】

   【With your mere cultivation as a Golden Immortal, according to common sense, it is naturally difficult for you to take on this important task. 】

  【But for hundreds of years, you have already become one with the powerful people in the Demon Prison. 】

  【Besides, since you contributed the Rebirth Pill, there are not many obstacles to becoming the acting leader. ]     【In order to prevent the aliens from rioting, the Heavenly Demon will declare seclusion to the outside world. In fact, it secretly left the Heavenly Demon Territory. Only a few people, including you, know the news. 】

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

“No wonder, the evil demon **** I incarnated before would be attacked and killed by the demon general in the Southern Barbarian Territory…”

“Was the Demon General’s purpose that time actually to directly kill the Six-Winged Lord God?”

 Su Xing solved a doubt in his heart.

“However, after the Heavenly Demon leaves, the danger level in the entire Heavenly Demon Territory will be greatly increased!”

“I don’t know…whether I can survive until the devil returns…”

Su Xing frowned slightly, vaguely feeling that his simulation might be coming to an end.

Look at the simulation panel.

  【Ten years before the Demon General left secretly, no accidents happened in the Demon Territory. 】

  【You lead the people in the Heavenly Demon Prison to continuously hunt down the alien gods who come to the rescue from the Seventh Legion, but the situation has not changed much. 】

  【But as the Demon General did not show up for a long time, the Fourth Alien General Legion seemed to have discovered some clues, and began to continuously send out some alien gods who broke through the seal to test. 】

  【As time goes by, these tempting alien gods become more powerful...】

  【Finally, it’s the 1,480th year of simulation. 】

  【The Fourth Legion paid a huge price, sacrificing two first-level gods, and allowing a foreigner at the pinnacle of a first-level **** to break through the seal! 】

  【The peak of the first-level gods and aliens, invincible under Da Luo! 】

  【There are only two people who can deal with them in the entire Demon Realm. 】

【One person is Shi San, who is ranked ninth on the list of geniuses and has the peak cultivation level of Taiyi Golden Immortal. 】

  【The other person is Lu Jiutian, the deputy leader of Tianmo Prison, whose cultivation is called the Half-Step Daluo Golden Immortal...ranked third on the Tianjiao List! 】

With the joint efforts of these two people, the alien who was at the peak of the first-level **** was naturally killed. 】

  【But Lu Jiutian and Shi San were also seriously injured...】

  【At this point, the sealed alien race has finally been completely confirmed, and the Heavenly Demon will no longer be in the Heavenly Demon Territory at this time. 】

  【So, the entire alien race of the Fourth Legion frantically wanted to break through the seal. 】

   【And the passage sealed by that drop of Heavenly Tears also showed faint traces of loosening. 】

  【In this case, you have to plan to strengthen the seal in advance. 】

  【So, under the cover of the higher-ups of Heavenly Demon Prison, you try to strengthen the seal...】

  【But this time the foreign race was obviously determined, and they sacrificed several first-level gods in one go, and released the commander of the fourth legion, the Lord God of the Void. 】

  【The Lord God of the Void, his appearance is a huge insect comparable to the size of a planet, possessing terrifying power and devouring power...】

  【Under the hands of a main **** who is comparable to the Great Luo Jinxian, you naturally have no power to resist. 】

  【The reinforcement of the seal failed...】

  【And you also died in the hands of the Lord God of the Void. 】

【you are dead! 】

  【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

 In the real world, Su Xing frowned when he saw this.

"Sure enough... without the Heavenly Demon General, the Heavenly Demon Territory will be completely unable to guard the Fourth General Legion!"

“However, this simulation has been very rewarding... The simulation time of nearly 1,500 years has indeed broken the record!”

Su Xing took a deep breath, the demon will leave secretly, it is undoubtedly a big gamble.

If the six-winged main **** is successfully killed, it will be enough to ensure the peace of the Demon Realm for another thousand years.

 But unfortunately, the bet was lost.

 The entire Demon Realm will be in crisis next.

Even if the Demon will come back, I am afraid that the Demon Realm will suffer heavy losses...

“Alas...it seems that in the next simulation, I can only persuade the Demon General not to go to the Southern Barbarian Territory!”

"However, even if you don't go to the Southern Barbarian Territory... it will just be a slow death!"

 Su Xing shook his head and looked at the reward of this simulation.

 【Nine Nether King's Body】: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

                               ifier                       ifies by the transformation of the spiritual realm, reaching the level of the spiritual world, the power of magical powers and the way of space within the spiritual world is greatly improved, and the spiritual world gradually evolves into the real world. The price is 600,000 energy source.

 【Golden Immortal Seventh Level Peak Cultivation】: The price is 1 point of energy source.

 【Great Witch's Body Forging Technique Practice Results】: The sixth level of Great Witch's Body Forging Technique is completed, the tree of Yuanli is five feet six feet, Yuanli is endless, and the price is 5.5 million energy sources!

  【Luotian Black Pearl】: Possessing Patriarch Luotian’s lifelong understanding of the spiritual world, it has sealed half of the Luotian Realm and contains some fragments of the Luotian Mirror. The price is one trillion energy sources.

 【The Demon General's Communication Token】: Within the scope of the Demon General's domain, activating this token also allows the Demon General to perceive it. It sells for 100 points of energy source.

 【Experience in refining the Reborn Pills】: Contains the experience of refining the 12th and 13th level Reborn Pills, priced at 100,000 energy sources.

[Star Sun and Moon Shuttle (Modified)]: The ultimate acquired treasure, after the awakening and improvement of the great weapon refiner, it has amazing escape speed and defense power, and can shuttle through the void for a long time. Priced at 1 million/5 million energy source .

 Su Xing looked at the simulated reward in front of him and his eyes widened.

 “Luotian Black Pearl…worth one trillion energy source!?”

Shu Xing's vision suddenly went dark. He originally thought about whether he could bring the black bead out of the simulation.

 But the astronomical figure of one trillion energy sources immediately gave up the idea of ​​awakening.

 “Damn it, if I had one trillion...what else would I need black beads for?”

Su Xing shook his head slightly. It seems that the only way to get this Luotian Black Pearl is from reality!

  carefully selected the rewards for this simulation. Su Xing felt that spiritual world cultivation insights, qi and body refining, and the demon general’s tokens were worth bringing out!

In addition, there is also the improved Star Sun and Moon Shuttle, which can make waking up and traveling easier, which is also a good reward.

Su Xing felt something in her heart, and the simulator prompt sounded in her ears.

 【Ding, congratulations on bringing out the spiritual world's spiritual enlightenment...the remaining energy source is 21,147,587 points...】

 【Congratulations on bringing out the Golden Immortal cultivation level...the remaining energy source is 21,147,585 points...】

 【Congratulations on bringing out the results of the Great Witch Body Training Technique...The remaining energy source is 15,647,585 points...】

 【Congratulations on bringing out the Demon General's token...the remaining energy source is 15,647,475 points...】

 【Congratulations on bringing out the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle (modified)...the remaining energy source is 15,097,475 points...】

 After the reminder tone fell, Su Xing’s momentum surged in a short period of time!

 His Qi refining cultivation has soared from the early stage of the seventh level of the Golden Immortal to the peak of the seventh level of the Golden Immortal!

 The tree of Yuanli within the body grows by one foot and one foot, increasing the total amount of awakened Yuanli by another 30%...

With a thought in his heart, a palm-sized black boat fell into Su Xing's hands. It was naturally the improved Star Sun and Moon Shuttle.

“Yes, the basic escape speed is at least twice as fast as before...and it’s enough for me to sail in the void!”

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction. The basic speed of the improved Star Sun and Moon Shuttle was equivalent to the speed of the Golden Immortal sailing in the void.

At the same time, Su Xing also had a black token in his hand.

I saw the word "天魔" written in flying colors on the token!

Su Xing blinked and looked at the token in his hand thoughtfully.

"If so, if I activate this token in this world...will the demon be affected?"

Su Xing thought about it for a while and felt that there should be no reaction.

  After all, as mentioned in the introduction, the Demon General can only sense it within the scope of the Demon Realm!

 It took a quarter of an hour for Su Xing to gradually adapt to the growth of cultivation in his body, and he also began to make plans for the next development.

“After knowing the Luotian Black Pearl in the simulation, there is no doubt an added layer of insurance!”

"No matter how bad the situation is...I can still find a way to take my family and friends to the Demon Realm."

“The resources in the Luo Tian Black Pearl are enough for me to be promoted to the Great Luo Golden Immortal!”

“As long as you persist in the simulation for a hundred more years... it must not be difficult to become a veteran Da Luo powerhouse!”

Su Xing murmured.

 What he was worried about before was that he could not find enough resources to provide energy for his simulation!

 But now that he has Luo Tian Hei Zhu, Su Xing's worries are much less.

No matter how hard it is, Su Xing can still find a way to become a Da Luo Jinxian!

 With this layer of protection, Su Xing can do more things... undoubtedly!

“I already know the location of Blood Four…a Taiyi Golden Immortal, worth a lot of money, at least tens of millions of energy sources, right?”

“Then, do you want to try to kill Blood Four and become famous on the list of geniuses?”

 There is some movement in waking up.

"However, this also depends on how much my strength can be improved in the next simulation..."

“If it takes more than two months to kill Blood Four, then the gain outweighs the loss..."

Su Xing thought so.

“Right now, I still have three simulation opportunities, tens of millions of energy sources!”

“We haven’t received any news about Tianyang Grass and Soul-Destroying Grass yet… It seems like a new round of simulation is about to begin!”

Su Xing has made up his mind, at least find one or two main ingredients of Tianyang Soul Forging Pill, right?

“There is also going to the Demonic Realm... This is undoubtedly the way that I have been simulating for the longest time at the moment!”

“Simulating more than 1,500 years is also the best way to improve my cultivation!”

 “It would be better if we could find a way to trigger the heart of the strong!”

“In the next few simulations, I may be able to use this method to reach the peak of Golden Immortality as soon as possible!”

“After reaching the peak of Golden Immortal, it may not take that long to try to kill Blood Four…”

 Su Xing deduced his next simulation plan in his mind.

Hundreds of simulations have allowed Su Xing to figure out the best way to improve his cultivation.

Since the goal of this simulation is to improve your cultivation as much as possible and try to find the main medicine of Tianyang Soul Forging Pill, you still have to go to the Demon Realm.

With this thought in mind, he looked at the simulation panel with his eyes awake and said silently:

 “Start simulation!”

  【The 164th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 15,097,475 points...The number of simulations remaining is 2. 】

  【Simulation begins! 】

 【Extracting talent requires 1 point of energy source. Do you want to extract it? 】


 【Ding, congratulations on your drawing of the red talent Qian Huan. The probability of drawing the gold talent next time is 80%, and the probability of the red talent is 20%...】

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