Wish of a Lazy Otaku

Chapter 88

88 88. Trish City And Nihon Empire




” ” Speech,

‘ ‘ Thoughts,



Just as he was about to put the diary away, a letter fell from the diary. Erick picked it up and opened it to see what it was, but found that it was a request letter of sorts.

“Dear Sir/ Madam,


When you find this diary with the serum sample I would most likely be dead so keep them safe or use it for your interest, my only request is that please meet my granddaughter and daughter. If possible please, send them to live in a safe environment. I just hope that this little request is fulfilled as for me I regret that I wasn’t able to become a good father or grandfather for them.

Sincerely Thank you!”

Erick looked at the letter and read it out, then pondered for a few minutes, not knowing what he should do about this matter.

“Ahhh! Whatever, I will think about it later when I’m able to find your daughter and granddaughter!” Erick thought he would decide after meeting with them what to do, to leave them alone or to take them with him.

Erick tucked away the latter in the diary and put it in his spatial ring.

After resting for some time in his room he went out to find the situation outside as he just heard a little commotion happening.

Once he got into the deck, he asked one of the people who was running around with loads of barrels on hand.

“Ahhh! Well, are you new or something? These are the mutated sea creatures, the experts said that they have been influenced by the malice organisms in a bad way which led these creatures to mutate!” The random person explained hurriedly and ran off carrying the things to the side where a lot of burly men and bandaged people were fighting off with the creatures resembling large seahorses with a slight darkish tone on them.

Erick looked at the skirmish between them from the corner and analysed the creatures which were being dealt with by the human warriors, at a very fast pace using their firepower as seahorses don’t have sick regeneration ability so they weren’t as hard as dealing with a malice organism.

A few hours later, they dealt with them. Erick got to know that it was a normal occurrence on their trip.

After the first encounter with the mutated creatures, they encountered a few more times with mutated creatures in their week-long or so journey. There were many types of sea creatures like Horned Sharks, eel fishes, Armour crawfish and hedge octopus etc.

“Sir Erick! Look, we finally are back to our continent!” Energetic young Rodic called out to Erick who was simply enjoying the warm sunlight and cold wind brushing past his face, soothing his mind a little.

“Hmmn!” Erick, hearing the voice of Rodic, looked towards where his fingers were pointing and saw the small lush greenery as the distance was kilometres apart.

Rodic went back to call the rest of the team members with a happy smile. Erick also thought about how he was going to proceed with his plan.


Half an hour later, they got out of the ship along with everyone else. This time, the harbour was well maintained even though it is evident from the recent marks that it was attacked not long ago.

For safety purposes, leader Shun proposed to go with others as all of them are injured and not in very good shape to fight with malice organisms.

The harbour is a small base which is heavily fortified with iron fences and electricity wiring over the fences together with flammable gas tanks nearby it.

Whenever malicious organisms get near the fence they get electrocuted first and then burned using flammable gas which sparks easily with the help of electricity.

Erick was impressed with the thought process of a person who put so much emphasis on the fortifications.

After different groups made their decision, they then boarded the big truck which is also fortified with multiple heavy armours.

These trucks are also the property of Union Co. and they are responsible for sending the people to the city base.

Erick accompanied leader Shun and observed everything with fascination and asked whenever he found something he was curious about.

Journey took another whole day to reach the nearest city base, Trish city and fortunately for them, they didn’t have to fight in their condition as the path was mostly clear.

“By the way, I had never travelled this long before so I am not familiar with the land so mind telling me a little about it!” Erick asked after they got out of the vehicle and entered the street of a city which was paved with stones.

“Let’s visit a pub nearby where I will tell you slowly!” The leader said and led everyone to a nearby pub.

Just as they entered the pub, the noise of people eating and drinking came. Some were laughing and some were bellowing into their sorrows.

Erick observed that the building was made out of stones or concrete just like all other buildings he came across.

In the pub, the leader Shun started telling Erick whatever he asked about and slowly Erick got a basic understanding of where he was.


Before the world turned upside down, the world had five continents and each continent was ruled by a massive empire.

The eastern north Continent, the western north Continent then Centre Continent, the eastern south Continent and the western south Continent.

Just after the world was invaded by malice organisms, the eastern and western North Continent were destroyed in just the span of ten years.

That’s when the humans took the invaders seriously but it was already too late. Even though the central, eastern and western South continents tried every weapon on them, the invaders only slowed down but not stopped.

After another five years, they lost the central continent after that eastern and western South continents which had lost half of their population in confrontation with malice organisms, decided to abandon the smaller and scattered cities or towns.

They built fortified cities surrounding the central capital of the Empire, with each city housing millions of people.

The Trish City that they were on was the nearest city to the harbour, it is also at the forefront of city defence if they were to be attacked by hordes of malice organisms.

The empire is called Nihon and Trish city is just a strategic first line of defence so only volunteers dare to live in this dangerous city.




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