You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 170 (4)

Chapter 170 (4)

Team Bear seemed to suddenly be at a loss on what to do next when ZGDX stole Baron. ZGDXs Annie cast her ultimate, Volibear also used his ultimate to hold down the five Bear players in Barons arena, then Old Cats Rumble landed his ultimate inside the arena, roasting all five Bear players!

Lulu stood on the high ground overlooking Barons arena, turned the enemy AD into a sheep, and cast exhaust on the enemy's mid. It went by so fast that people couldnt tell which ability she had used first!

Lu Sicheng was able to finish off four of the enemy. A quadra kill appeared on screen. While everyone was waiting for the first penta-kill of this years world competition to arrive, Bears jungler jumped up from the Baron arena and landed right next to Lulu!

Commentator D: [What is this for!]

Commentator F: [Its like Ill die by the hands of your support to deny you a pentakill. Pentakill? No way.]

Commentator D: [Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!]

Tong Yao was stunned for a second looking at the Nidalee right next to her. Then she cast E and Q to take her down. She aced Team Bear and took away Lu Sichengs pentakill at the same time-- --

Everyone was silent on ZGDXs chat channel.

Tong Yao: ..............................................Nidalee came to me asking to be killed. Besides, you dont have your ultimate available. Damn, this really isnt my fault.

Lu Sicheng was quiet for three seconds, then he raised his hand to adjust his headphones a bit: Go to their base.

It would take 35 seconds for all five Bear players to respawn. ZGDX, with the help of Barons buff, was quickling destroying enemy turrets. They divided into three groups to push all three lanes. When Bears first player came out of the fountain, Annie had already destroyed Bears mid inhibitor.

ZGDX had quickly earned back almost 7000 gold. They were only roughly 2000 gold behind now-- --

ZGDX made a big comeback and was pushing forward!

During the following fight at the entrance to Bears base, Bears players still hadnt gotten over their loss of the Baron plus their skill wasnt at the same level as ZGDXs. Bear lost the fight and one nexus turret in no time-- --

In the team fights that followed, Bears mid was the only one who had developed well and took the leading role, but Lulu was around to prevent him from diving and protected her teams AD

After 40 minutes into the game, Bear was aced once again and ZGDX rushed into their base for the fourth time. ZGDX had surprisingly turned the game around after being behind almost  10,000 gold! ! !

Finally ZGDX had won the match from a precarious position!

When the players stood up after the match, Tong Yao took off her headphones and found that her uniform was soaking wet from her sweat and pasted onto her back Though the audience was shouting [ZGDX] loudly, she reached over to wipe the sweat on her face and thought to herself: for tomorrows match, should we carry Little Fatty up here if hes still alive?

The players gathered their equipment and left the stage one by one.

The MVP of this match, Lu Sicheng, was being interviewed. He still didnt need a translator and was still quite humorous-- --

When the host asked: In this fight against the wild card team, your team had a sudden change in the lineup. Your mid, Smiling, was moved to play support. Do you have anything to say about this arrangement? How do you feel about it?

Lu Sicheng thought about it.

Then he replied in all earnesty: I dont really have anything to say. As for how I feel When I was robbed of the first kill and the pentakill, somehow I had this feeling that my sexual orientation was wavering ever so subtly.

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