You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 171 (1)

Chapter 171 (1)

[What a joke. LPLs best team, after being behind in over 10,000 gold against a wild card team, snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. This is the most hopeful year for LPL!]

[The problem with mid playing support isnt about the champion pool but the map awareness..Can that damn Fatty come back tomorrow?]

[I think Cheng Ges asking the same question-- --Fatty: After so many years, you finally realize my value? Finally I can sing about the reversal of my fate!]

[There wouldnt be any problem giving the MVP to Old K, without Baron they probably wouldnt be able to turn the game around? Lu Yue did well, the timing to cast Annies ultimate was great]

[Will the team be able to fight the Taiwanese team, C, tomorrow in this condition?]

[......................Really, dont let Tong Yao come out as support to hurt our eyes. Damn, are she and Lu Sicheng really a couple? Why arent they on the same page when playing? When I was watching the match today, I was afraid the two of them would throw down their headphones and start fighting each other in the middle of the game!]

[As said above, who knows how many couples have split up in Summoners Rift. The two of them were able to be together up till today because they havent played on the same lane. Ah, hahahahahahahahaha!]

[Cheng Ge, if your sexual orientation has wavered, consider me. Im 181cm tall, weigh 68kg, love to play support, Master on Ionia server, senior in college Hrm, nevermind, I wont go along for the ride.]

It was bustling under the official ZGDX Weibo site.

Tong Yao looked carefully over all the postings and concluded that, because of Lu Sichengs loose tongue during the interview, the love rivals she was having now werent just young ladies but also a lot of young men

And now it was worldwide since this was an international competition.


However, she realized that she had played badly today; not with the maneuvering but in terms of map awareness, she obviously wasnt as good as Little Fatty-- --Generally, the minimal standard for a support to place wards is to know what the team is going to do next then to place wards for it. What Tong Yao had done was at this level. But that kind of support was far from enough in an international competition. When Little Fatty placed wards, they were well calculated. Each of his wards were usually placed in anticipation of the next wave of attack or change of lanes.

Old Cat always liked to say: Whenever I want to teleport, Ill discover that there are at least one to three wards on the map which I can choose from. Though it can drive a person who has problems making decisions crazy, it makes me feel at ease nevertheless as I can teleport wherever I want.

But todays placement of wards was a flop.

Today Old Cat couldnt teleport wherever he desired. When he needed to assist in team fights, he had to run for some distance to reach the location after teleporting. One time when he arrived, the team fight was already over

On their way back on the bus, Tong Yao kept looking at the replay of todays match-- --

As she was watching the overall game play as an onlooker, she could see more clearly her own performance. The more she watched it, the more she felt that she as the support was playing like an idiot, like a Silver player With a pen in hand and the notebook on her lap, she bent over to carefully jot down all the places where she could do better.

The cell phone in her pocket vibrated several times to remind her there were messages coming in. But she ignored them and concentrated on doing the review of the match.

-- --She was so focused that she had forgotten what day was today.

After dinner, they didnt go back to the hotel. At around 8 pm, they went to visit Little Fatty in the hospital. They received bad news there. Little Fattys condition hadnt improved much and he still had a low fever and diarrhea. Therefore, for tomorrows match, the lineup would be the same as today.

The first reaction when Tong Yao heard the news was that she was probably going to lose her boyfriend in this famous city, San Francisco.

Xiao Rui was so upset: You guys just have to make some trouble for me. You wont be happy if you dont cause some trouble when its time for international competitions-- --Do you guys think Ive lived too long?

There was a flash of guilt that crossed Little Fattys narrow eyes on his pale face He had watched todays match and knew how precarious it was for the team Fortunately they had turned the game around. If they had lost today, a fan wouldve probably blown up their base.

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