A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 223: The descent...

Chapter 223: The descent...

Since Alex's body had entered into it true physique form, the violent energies that forced their way into his body couldn't cause his energy meridians to snap or break, as they had also entered into a form that made them more powerful than even a divine overlord-grade energy meridian; a meridian which could only be found in the body of talented, supreme divine-class, cosmic-level experts. To give an inkling of how powerful his energy veins were, if the world that he was in was a solid, round-shaped core of energy that turned into a vast stream of energy and tried to enter his energyhouse all at once, although he would be greatly stressed by their enormous flow, and be racked by intense pains that even super-powerful enlightened experts wouldn't want to go through, the meridians would greatly stretch, but they wouldn't snap or cut. They would grow to accommodate the entire rapid flow of the energies. They were just really special meridians.

But they hadn't gotten to that stage yet because of Alex's cultivation level. Besides, he needed to have a deep understanding of the profound abilities of his body which was an actual, extremely powerful physique. One that would devour all the energies in this world and the realmverse at large, and yet, not be satisfied. It was like a whale that was the size of many realmverses and had a boundless, voracious appetite.

At the moment, thousands of glowing runes could be seen on the surfaces of the entire energy veins in his body. And these emanated some types of powers that prevented the different pulses of powers emitting from the five streams of energies flowing violently and ferociously into his body from harming his energy veins. It was actually these mysterious, splendorous runes which produced the Power of Durability and Imperviousness that increased the toughness and impenetrability of Alex's energy meridians to shocking degrees.

As these energies moved ragingly into his body and to his energyhouse, they entered into their respective pools and increased their quantities.

Therefore, in this manner, the energy pools belonging to darkforce energy, strengthforce energy, phantasmforce energy, speedforce energy and radiantforce energy increased rapidly in size, that from the mid-phase condensation stage, they shot to the late-phase condensation stage, and then to the peak-phase condensation stage in less than a minute.

This feat should be impossible by anyone, but because of Alex's extremely powerful physique, he was able to accomplish it. His cultivation speed this time, because of the phenomenal form that his body had taken, was crazily fast that even primal gods, who nothing can ever astonish again as they had seen all the wonders and marvels in the realmverse, would open their mouth wide in great awe and deep shock. How would someone raise the cultivation levels of five different energies from the mid stage to the peak stage in less than a minute. It was totally inconceivable and outrageous that such person would be someone that zenith cultivators who rule over worlds, would fiercely fight for, just to capture him or her and perform a lot of cultivation experiments on. Such person, according to them, would be someone that possessed the key to immortal life. So, they would study these person to the fullest of their abilities.

Once the energy pools for the five energies in his energyhouse matched that of the others in quality and quantity, another phenomena appeared outside.

This time, the clouds disappeared and was replaced by a seemingly burning sky.

Olivia's eyes widened in horror.

That was a sign of the descent of something that would wipe away every souls that always went against the law of the realmverse.

It was the manifestation of a power that brought an end to all things that defied the heavens decree.

Alex's eyes sprang open in happiness and delight that he had finally brought all of his energies to the peak stage. Then when he saw the fiery light emitting from the blazing sky, his mind shook in unbridled horror.

"What?" He shouted in deep shock and fear.

Then one thing came to his mind, that if he didn't leave this village very fast, everyone, including Olivia, would certainly perish in the absolute annihilation power soon to descend from a certain mysterious space in the realmverse.

Then with a sudden, powered dash to the window, he leapt right through it to the ground. Then continuing with that speed and momentum, he shot at insane speed through the path that he made many hours ago using the golden, sword-shaped, solid construct of energy that he produced.


He flitted, moving at a tremendous speed like an arrow that was shot through the air.

Everyone saw what Alex did and became very surprised. It was only Olivia who knew why he did so and became exceedingly worried.

"Nailah, stay with the villagers. I am coming back very soon. Let me go after Alex to see what's happening" She said.

Nailah nodded her head and went to meet the villagers, while Olivia who summoned a earth-wave using the earth movement power bestowed upon her by the terraforce energy that she cultivated, was quickly carried off into the distance by it at a great speed.

When Alex dashed away from the village, an immense portion of the sky that was fiery in appearance, actually followed Alex. It surprisingly moved at the same speed that Alex moved at.

It was like there will be no chance for Alex to escape today. And that there was only complete annihilation waiting for him. Only absolute nihility that would result in the removal of him from the programs or schemes of things in the realmverse was what waited for him.

Alex didn't stop running, he just continued to run. He wanted to make sure that when the destroying powers descended, no one in the village would be harmed.

While as he ran, the fiery portion of the sky simply followed him at the same speed.

Once Alex felt that he had given enough distance between himself and the village, he stopped and then readied himself.

With a beastly roar, he bellowed to the sky.

"Hit me with your best shot!!"

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