A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 250: Duel IV

Chapter 250: Duel IV

Then one of the twelve massive puppets that were looking at Alex suddenly moved forward to strike him with the massive saber that it wielded. 

While Alex who had long permeated his eyes and other parts of his body with his speed-perception energy, saw when the puppet moved towards him in slow motion. 

Then he also struck out with the sword that he wielded towards the saber that was swinging in the air with a powerful howl towards him. 


A deafening bang sound immediately rang out when the sword and saber clashed insanely hard into one another. 

The instant that the two sharp-edged weapons heavily collided, a terrible wave of destructive power immediately surfaced and raged into the distance. Also, the earth directly beneath the point at which the sword and saber collided into one another, instantly shattered in a ripple-like pattern. 

When their weapons clashed into each other with tremendous colliding power, Alex was swept into the far distance by the immense force that the puppet struck out with. 

He crashed hard into the earth many feet away and made a crater in it. However, his body was still being dragged by the backward-shoving force that still acted upon his body. 

Alex's hand should have exploded into mist of blood. But due to the high degree of toughness of his body, he wasn't injured by the shock that was transmitted to his body when their swords collided into one another with super-hardness. 

Drille who was controlling the puppets knew the amount of force which he made that immense puppet strike out with. Then he couldn't help but be amazed by Alex's surprisingly tough body. He felt that his arms should have bursted into blood mist. 

At the moment, Alex's hand were trembling from the impact, he couldn't even grasp his swords properly. However, he willed his arms to stop shaking and clasp the swords tightly. So after a few moment, the shakiness of his hands stopped. 

Then he looked up at the puppet which had begun running towards him at the far distance that he was.

He too then dashed towards the puppet that was running towards him. 

Then as soon as he got to about ten feet in front of the puppet, he jumped high into the air towards it head. And quickly replacing the sword that he wielded with a large halberd, he lifted the halberd above his head and swung it down with a fury to destroy all before him. 


The puppet was knocked staggering backwards for a few feet. 

However, it stopped staggering as soon as it gained it balance at a distance of seven feet. 

Then it gazed at Alex who had begun dashing towards it again to attack it. 

Drille smirked. 

'Just give up and allow yourself to be beheaded by me you fool' He said within. 

Once Alex got in front of the puppet which then powerfully struck out with it massive saber towards him, Alex immediately entered into a full body slide, evading the saber strike in the process. 

Then as soon as he slid and dodged the saber, he hit his palm on the ground which then produced a force that pushed him back to his feet. And as soon as he was lifted back to his feet by the pushing force that was produced by his hand when it powerfully hit the ground, he squatted a bit and threw himself once again into the air towards the head of the towering puppet. 

However, he couldn't make it far as another arm of the multi-armed puppet swung hard with the massive blade that it wielded towards him. 

Seeing the huge blade that was cutting through the air towards him, he quickly produced a sword and then struck out with it towards the blade that was coming towards him. 


A loud bang sound rang out and a wave of destructive power immediately surfaced, which then hurled Alex into the far distance once again. 

Alex crashed hard into the earth and grunted in pain. 

His blood had also begun to roil from the tremendous shock that was transmitted to his body from the severe collision of their weapons.

One would wonder why Alex's weapon didn't shatter from such an heavy impact. However, one also shouldn't forget that Alex was using a sky-rank weapon which was of the peerless grade. It was made of extremely rare and exceedingly tough, high-quality materials. 

'This is going to be a hard fight' Alex said within himself. 

Then he thought of going back to launching energy-attacks instead of trying to strike down the puppet physically. 

Why Alex jumped towards the head of the puppet again was to strike it at that same place that he struck it earlier. 

At that part of the puppet's head could be seen a large hole that was made by the halberd which Alex struck it with. So, his aim was to strike the exact same place again and possibly shatter the head of the puppet. 

But now, he realized that it would be extremely difficult to do as the puppet possessed many arms.

Drille was grinning where he was when he saw the deep thoughtful expression in Alex's face. 

'Think. Think. Only for you to be impaled by the massive sword of my puppet later. Haha' He said inwardly and laughed. 

Standing many feet away from the battle puppet, the treasure-sword in his hand began to glow in light. 

Then he slashed out extremely fast out at the puppet that was many feet away. And as soon as he did so, astonishing amount of swordforce energy was expelled from the sword. 

'The Great Exiling Sword' Alex said at the same time that he slashed out with his sword. 

Then the huge amount of swordforce energy instantly condensed and shaped into a massive sword that shot at extreme speed towards the battle puppet. 

Now that Alex had begun to use more powerful techniques from the Banishment Sword methodology, the attack that he sent out this time carried more penetration power. 

Once the expelled sharpness-energy was infused with Alex's profound comprehension of a powerful battle method from the sword-based methodology, the deadly power of the condensed energy sword multiplied by many folds. 

Radiating the power of sharpness that caused the earth to cleave, it arrived at a tremendous speed before the puppet and then struck it with insane might and power. And since it possessed a greater piercing power due to Alex's deep comprehension of the Way of the Banisher's sword that was infused into it, after it shattered the blade of the puppet which the puppet swung towards it, it pierced through the puppet and out of it. Then it continued into the distance with the same momentum as if there was no barrier in it path. 

Being pierced through by the gigantic sword, a massive hole could be seen at the upper body of the puppet. This hole revealed clearly what was behind it. 

After a few moment, the puppet collapsed to the ground.


A loud bang sound rang out as the earth that the puppet fell upon, deeply cracked in a web-like pattern, just by virtue of the immense weight that the puppet possessed, then it caused the eruption of a large amount of dust. 

Once Alex saw that his attack had done a great deal of damage as it caused the puppet to collapse to the ground, becoming totally useless to be used again, he took a deep relaxing breath. 

Then he got ready for more action. 

There were still about eleven puppet to be taken down.

Once the puppet was cut through by the sword and then collapsed to the ground, Drille's eye shone with astonishment.

He couldn't help but think of what kind of methodology which Alex studied that made the energy sword that he sent out to possess such a high degree of penetration power.

Then he sent out all the puppet at once towards Alex.

His aim was to overwhelm Alex and kill him.

Alex too knew that this was what Drille was going to do.

So, before Drille could even send out all his puppets towards him with the intention of flanking him at all sides, Alex who could think up what Drille would probably do next, made the treasure-sword that he wielded to abruptly release large amounts of swordforce energy. 

This energy which had been released, enshrouded Alex's figure completely, making it look like he was in a fog. Then following his deep comprehension of a battle-method, the large mass of energy partitioned into seven parts which then abruptly transformed into large swords that shot at blazing speeds towards seven of the puppets.

The move that Alex just sent out was the 'Seven Banishing Tyrant Swords'

Once the swords arrived at the front of seven of the puppets that they were sent out to, they impacted them with tyranny.




Seven loud bang sounds rang out as the seven energy swords viciously impacted the upper bodies of the seven metallic puppets that were targeted.

However, these didn't possess much penetration power like the first sword-shaped energy-attack that Alex sent out. They only struck the puppets with great heaviness and then sent them flying into the far distance, approximately ten feet away.

While the four of the eleven puppets that weren't struck by the energy swords arrived in front of Alex.

Immediately they arrived in front of him, they struck out with their huge swords towards him. However, before they could do so, Alex quickly shot very high into the air, evading their fast and deadly sword strikes.

Now at a high altitude in the air which he jumped to, he slashed out with his treasure-sword.

In the instant that he did so, a tremendous amount of swordforce energy was abruptly discharged from the treasure-sword that he wielded. This then rapidly transformed into a massive sword that shot towards one of the four puppets that he targeted.


A loud stabbing sound rang out as the massive sword pierced through the body of the huge puppet and out through it back. Then it collapsed to the ground with a loud bang and caused the earth it fell upon to crack in a web-like fashion. 

Alex had actually used the same powerful battle-method that he used earlier. And before he could land back to the ground from that great height that he reached from his evasive jump, he quickly produced a treasure-wing which bestowed him with the power to fly.


He shot high very into the air.

Then once he got to a great altitude in the air, he slashed out with his sword four times and in the process, released four gigantic, focused rays of swordforce energy from his sword towards the four puppets on the ground.

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