A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 252: The rumor

Chapter 252: The rumor


[System Alert]


] Quest Completed! [

[Description: Strong Enemy from the Ancient Heavenly Cauldron academy]




Reduce your enemy into a bloody mess by any means necessary, except with the usage of your mutated pyroforce energy, cryoforce energy, windforce energy, swordforce energy, lightniforce energy and strengthforce energy [Punches and Kicks are allowed in this fight]





- 50 Base Stat Upgrade points

- 10 Weapon Upgrade points

- Weapons awarded for completion of Quest have been moved to inventory


[ Go to Inventory ]

[ Cancel ]


When the screen appeared in his mind, Alex nodded his head with a smile.

Then he thought 'Go to Inventory'




- Low-level Astria Stormlight Hammer

- Low-level Azure Firestorm Dragonsoul Halberd [Level 1, Upgradable]

- Xandorra's Winged Blades of Pain and Agony [ Level 1, Upgradable]

- Igor's Orcslaying Feathered Blade of Gloom and Doom [ Level 1, Upgradable]

- Exalted Vanquisher Sword [ Level 1, Upgradable]

- Nine Majesties Blade of Ultimate Desolation [ Level 1, Upgradable]

- Black Supreme Sword of Ancientness [ Level 1, Upgradable]

- Stormcrashing Blades [ Level 1, Upgradable]

- Stormsweeping Hammer [ Level 1, Upgradable]

- Thunderfury Pike [ Level 1, Upgradable]

- Radiantsteel Halberd [ Level 1, Upgradable]

- Furiousbolt Twin Sword [ Level 1, Upgradable]

- Micro-range Rapid Teleportation Battle Armor [Level 1, Upgradable]


'Nice! The number of items in my inventory is slowly growing. Just a matter of time before they cross a million in numbers. Haha' Alex said within and laughed.

'Close screen' He said inwardly.

Once he said this, the screen vanished.

Then he looked at his bloodied cloth and at the head that he carried in his hand which had an anguished expression in it.

He ignored it and kept on walking away.


"Oh my goodness! Who would dare do this to the student of the Ancient Heavenly Cauldron academy?!" Someone who had great fright set into his heart asked the other people that were also looking at the horrifying thing before them.

It was a head that was placed on a pole which was stabbed deep into the earth.

"Don't know. But it's best that we leave here in the next moment. Who knows, if the student from that academy arrives, they might decimate all of us here out of anger' Another said.

Once he said that with virtually everyone hearing what he said, very quickly, they all took their heels, leaving the site before the students of the Ancient Heavenly Cauldron academy could appear.


- Ancient Heavenly Cauldron academy -

In a particular room...

The atmosphere was incredibly tense as an older man called Kale, a senior instructor in the Ancient Heavenly Cauldron academy, sat with morose eyes which also emitted unbridled killing and murderous intent. This was the Drille's uncle.

Then standing before him with gloomy and furious eyes were Maximilian and Lenna. These were Drille's twin brother and sister.

"Do any of you know who did that to Drille?" Kale asked.

Hearing no response from anyone, he angrily hit his fist against his palm which caused a loud, ear-aching bang sound to ring out.

"Talk to me!... Or, are you all trying to tell me that Drille just left like that? Without informing anyone of where he was going to? Speak if you know something!" He said with a booming voice that radiated anger and the intent to slaughter.

"Uncle, he went to meet someone who killed a student of our school in cold blood. That person that was killed was one of the guys in the faction that he established. So, being someone who was very confident of his fighting skills, he went there by himself to deal with this person and bundle him back to our academy, with the intention to afflict this person with agonizing pains and make him experience a sorrowful life that was full of misery. Unfortunately, both he and I didn't expect things to turn out this way" Lenna quickly said.

Immediately after Lenna said that, Kale's eyes shone with fury.

"That person also killed another student from this academy? Haha! What boldness and fearlessness. Good!" Kale said.

He was beginning to sound like a furious monster just from his tone.

"Do you have the image of this person?" Kale asked.

"I do sir" One of a group of twelve boys that were also in the room hurriedly said.

"Show it to me" Kale said.

Then the person spoken to quickly brought out an item which he gave to Kale who then sent a sliver of his consciousness into it.

"Good" Kale said.

Then he continued "I want all of you to go gather other students, about hundreds of you to go search for this person. When you find him, bring him to me. Don't kill him. But make sure to cut off his legs and limbs, and you could also cut off his tongue and gouge out one of his eyes. Bring him to me in a terrible state"

"Yes sir!" They all said.

Then the boys immediately left the room to go execute the order that Kale gave to them.

After the boys left, Kale gazed at Lenna and said "You must also go out there and bring that boy to me. I know that person would slaughter many of those boys that would be searching for him, so it's up to you to overwhelm him and drag him down here to pay for what he did"

Lenna nodded her head.

Her venomous and unforgiving heart at the moment was full of anger.

This person dared to kill her brother? She would make him pay severely for what he did.

Drag him to the academy?

She scoffed inwardly.

She would make sure that he regrets ever coming to this world.

After Kale spoke to Lenna, he looked at Maximilian and said "You too. Make sure you find that boy and bring him to me. But in a half-dead state. When you bring him to me, I don't want to see any of his limbs still attached to his body. It must have been torn off before you bring him to me."

Maximilian nodded.

But his heart was burning in great anger. He was exceedingly wrathful and even emitted a strong vengeful aura.

No one knows if he would do what his uncle instructed him to do, as from the thick aura of vengeance coming from him, he could simply devastate Alex at the spot.

With a nod, he vanished from the room.

Same with Lenna who had a wicked smile appear in her face.

With a wicked heart that has always been full of venom, unforgiveness, and now, a boundlessly towering wrath, she thought of what to do which would make the Immovable Mountain academy the greatest laughing stock ever.

She would also kill that person who was related to the person that she had now begun to sought after.

Once this person have been pushed out from the academy due to the great shame, disgrace and embarrassment that she would cause them, she would come to reap away her life.


Grinning inwardly in a devious and somewhat maniacal tone, she set out first to accomplish the venomous thing that was in her mind.


- Few days later -

In a particular wine inn...

"Have you guys heard the latest gist in the city?" Someone asked every other person that were in the wine inn.

"Huh? There's always new gist coming up in the city from time to time" Another person who was drinking wine lazily replied.

"Haha! This gist is the craziest one ever. All of you would be terribly shocked" The person who spoke earlier said.

"Man, just spill out!" Another who was waiting to hear the gists impatiently said.

"Haha. Don't mind me. Just trying to build up suspense. The new gist in town is about the Immovable Mountain academy." The person said.

At the mention of the Immovable Mountain academy, everyone's eyes shone. Including someone whose heart shook and began to palpitate wildly. Then he unleashed his full power of hearing to hear clearly all that the person would say.

With no surprise, this person was Alex.

He had come to this inn from that one which he finally left.

He eventually left there as he felt that him being there, could result in the total destruction of that place. And he didn't want the bloods of innocent mortals to be on his head.

So, although not masked as he had a higher power as backup in this city, he became a wanderer; wandering from one location to another, and feeding and comprehending in the process.

Therefore, he happened to be at this place where a new gist involving the Immovable Mountain academy was being said.

Listening attentively, he waited for the person that was speaking, to finally say the gist. He hoped that it wasn't the bad news that had begun to revolve in his mind.

"About the Immovable Mountain academy? That's a new one. Speak man" Another said impatiently. He wanted to hear the gist. Others too greatly anticipated this.

"Haha. I would speak. Anyways, the gist is simply a rumor about one of their Great Holy daughters having her purity destroyed. The rumor claims that the female is no longer holy, and so, once a test is conducted to know the truth, and it comes out positive, she might have that mighty, fearsome title stripped away from her. And that would definitely be a great shame that she has brought upon herself and the school. I just wonder why she would have herself deflowered by some boy. Or maybe she was overpowered and gang raped during one of her adventures into the valleys and wilderness, all in the name of honing battle skills to become stronger." The person said.

Once this was mentioned, everyone's faces contorted to become ugly from intense astonishment and embarrassment.

They simply couldn't believe what they just heard.

Seeing their exceedingly surprised and ugly faces, the person that spoke continued with a laugh "Now, the reputation of the academy is on a stake. Many people are beginning to find it hard to believe that the others who also have that title, are still what the title claim them to be. People absolutely feel that their holiness would have been tampered with."

The inn then became quiet. Exceedingly quiet that if a pin fell to the ground, it would be heard by everyone.

Alex who finally heard the entire gist, felt like his heart was in his mouth.

His breathing became ragged as he could imagine the shame and embarrassment that Olivia would go through, and the severe disgrace that would be brought upon the academy.

'But how would anyone suddenly know about this secret that's between me and Olivia? How exactly did the person know?' He asked inwardly with great unhappiness in his tone.

He couldn't comprehend the means by which that person could know that Olivia was no longer pure. And this pained him to the depth of his heart, as he then now felt guilty. He was the one that caused all this in the first place.

With a deep exhale that radiated sadness, he left the graveyard-like inn.

But he had a mission in his mind, which was to find out who created that rumor. And once he finds out who did that, he was going to drive many of his swords from the mouth of this person into his or her heart and intestine.


"I am sure as hell that you are the one who created that insane rumor concerning the Great Holy Daughter of the Immovable Mountain academy" Maximilian said.


Lenna grinned.

"If not me, who else would it be?" She asked with am evil smile in her face.

"Why would you do so? Is that a method to bring out the person that killed our little brother?" Maximilian asked.

"Yea." Lenna responded.

"Hmm. But how do you know that she's no longer a virgin?" Maximilian asked in a curious tone.

"I don't know if she is still a virgin or not. Her virginity status is not of my concern in any way. I only made up that rumor to totally rubbish the academy, trample upon that stupid title that they give their female geniuses, and ultimately, push out the bold bastard that dared to kill our stubborn, little brother. And since he's in love with the Great Holy Daughter of the Immovable Mountain academy, he would surely reveal himself soon." Lenna replied with a mischievous smile.

"Nope. You have gotten it wrong. Only if he is really a man would he reveal himself"


Lenna grinned.

"Whatever" She said.

Then she took off into the air and flew away.

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