A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 256: The encounter

Chapter 256: The encounter

- Green Coal Town -

A tall and young-looking boy wearing unbuttoned thick black jacket to reveal his chest and abs, thick black trousers that was stretched to the maximum by his thigh muscles, fancy boots that looked very costly, and had a blade and a sword hung on his back, could be seen walking down the street, ignoring all the gazes that were on him.

Everyone that were looking at him had wonders in their eyes.

Who is this young boy?

Where is he from?

Why is he dressed like this?

Those were the questions ringing loud in their minds. However, they had no answer to it. They could only look at him as he passed by their sides, emitting the aura of viciousness and ferociousness. He was frightening.

As he went on his way, all the people that were on the road he was on quickly moved aside to give him passage.

He was simply like a king whose path couldn't be obstructed by anything, whether living or non-living.


"Lenna, have you heard what the Immovable Mountain Academy announced?" Maximilian asked his sister at the point that they agreed to converge at.

"Yes. So the rumor which I created and spread far and wide in the city was actually true. I myself can't believe that their Great Holy Daughter would actually have a love affair with some boy. She didn't even worry about her reputation and that of the school." Lenna said with a smile in her face.

"Yea. Anyways, I also believe that you heard the second announcement made by the academy, which is that the boy she committed sexual acts with, who would be her husband in future, is the strongest genius in the city at the cultivation stage that he's in. How ridiculous and outrageous is that?" Maximilian asked.

"Well, I don't know about that. But I know that he's strong, as he could kill our brother who is at a cultivation level that was one stage above his." Lenna said.

Then she continued with intense wrath radiating off her tone "I know that the bastard would come out on that day to fight. But I swear that he wouldn't make it to that day. What he can only do to continue living is to keep hiding from me, from all of us. For if I eventually discover him anywhere, I would make sure that he suffers a life of full of pain and sorrow."

Maximilian nodded.


As Alex was walking in the street towards an inn, a group of fifteen students who were dressed in uniforms embroidered with cauldrons could also be seen walking towards him.

Not that they were actually walking towards him, they had a destination that they were going to. However, upon looking at him, and seeing his face which was the same extremely attractive face that they saw in the treasure that stored Alex's image, the boys in this group that Alex came across suddenly had their eyes glow with great surprise, before rage took over it.

"Get him! He's the bastard that killed Senior Drille. Don't let him escape." One of them hurriedly shouted.

Then they all rushed towards Alex to surround him on all sides. They didn't want him to escape from them. Or they would be made a laughing stock by their colleagues if they heard that the boy they were all after escaped from their clutches.

When Alex saw this group of boys as he was walking towards an inn, he instantly knew that they were students of the Ancient Heavenly Cauldron academy. He could know this through the embroideries of cauldrons on their uniforms. However, he didn't try to hide his face from them as he wasn't scared of them.


"What is the meaning of this? Are you trying to rob me or bully me?" Alex asked.

"Shut your trap you bastard. You beheaded one of the geniuses of our academy, so you too must be killed in that manner. However, before we get to that, there is something that we want you to do for us." One of the students said coldly and arrogantly.

Then with the bright flash of a brilliant, colorful light, a treasure-sword appeared in his hand which he threw it to the ground directly in front of Alex.

Then the person spoke "Use that sword to cut your legs and then your arms. That is our method of punishment for the vicious deed that you committed"

Alex smiled.

"I am totally sorry. I won't be able to oblige to your request. But if you want me to cut off your legs and your arms, I would fully obliged to do so." He said.


Everyone of the students laughed.

While they were talking, people in the street were looking at Alex. Then when they heard that he was the one that killed Drille, who was popularly known to everyone of them as the Bone-sawing Evil Child, their hearts shook.

Then very quickly, they began to carry their goods in. And once they were done, they instantly locked their shops and hurried into their homes. While the ones who didn't have a home in the street, left to go back to their houses which were quite distant from here.

The mortals didn't need anyone to tell them that a great, bloody battle was going to occur very soon between the fearless-looking boy and the angry and vengeful students of the Ancient Heavenly Cauldron academy. And that them being around where such a devastating battle would occur, would simply result in their death as they would be instantly killed off by the violent storms of energies that would surface from the collision of their powerful and fearsome attacks.

The students saw how the streets became instantly empty and then laughed raucously "Why are these mortals behaving like this? They should have waited to watch an exciting battle. They should have waited to see how we were going to detach the limbs from this bastard, who thinks because of he was fortunate enough to kill our careless senior, now thinks that he can't be dominated by anyone else. Haha"

"Are you going to fight or just stand there to speak?" Alex asked coldly.

"Trying to look tough now, right?" That boy asked.

"Nope." Alex replied.

Then he continued "Mister, if you don't have any action to carry out against me except talk, I would love to be on my way." 


The student spoken to laughed. Then his cold gaze changed to a murderous gaze in the next instant.

"Good! Tear away his legs and hands for me!" He furiously ordered.

Then the rest of the boys in the group brought out their treasure-weapons, which then began to glow in glaring colorful lights.

Alex who still had a smile in his face then unsheathed his sword.


He jumped high above them and landed many feet away from his initial position.

Immediately he landed, the boys who weren't expecting Alex to jump, instantly unleashed powerful attacks at him.

Seeing the energy-attacks coming at him, Alex powerfully swung the sword held in his hand towards them.




Many loud bang sounds rang out as the sword collided into them with immense force, which then shattered them into fragments and caused the appearances of rippling waves of little destructive power that raged into the far distance in all directions, causing the buildings in the street to suddenly develop numerous cracks in their structures. 

So, upon collision with the sword that impacted them with a lot of force, many of the attacks instantly shattered into smithereens, which then turned back into various forms of energies that returned to the realmverse. While the rest that weren't impacted by the powerfully swung sword, struck Alex and launched him into the far distance.

When Alex eventually landed back to the ground from the powerful knock-back force that was exerted on him by the attacks, he gazed at the furious students of the Ancient Heavenly Cauldron academy at the distance that they stood.

At the moment, their eyes shone with great surprise.

This was because Alex used his body alone to withstand the frightening attacks that they sent out. And he wasn't even scathed by their attacks. Then observing further, they couldn't see any form of mark on his upper body which was revealed to them because of his unbuttoned jacket.

Then they felt that they had sent their attacks at a powerful defensive artifact which was in the form of a body.

'Damn! What kind of evil body is that?'

'Is he a body cultivator?'

'How was he able to withstand our attacks with his body alone?'

They began to question themselves inwardly.

However, they weren't in this shocked state for long as they began to unleash attacks at Alex.

With treasure-weapons such as swords, hammers, halberds and so on, which began to glow in the colors of light, abruptly emitted huge amounts of energy which then instantly condensed and rapidly shaped into different forms of solid attacks that shot towards Alex.

Alex gave a smirk.

'These guys don't really learn.'

'Your attacks simply cannot destroy me. Only attacks possessing higher damaging power that has been unleashed by an higher-stage cultivator would cause me to be worried.'

Then not doing anything like blocking, or attacking the energy-offensives shooting his way with the intention to shatter them into fragments, he stretched his arms to his sides to allow the attacks hit him.




Numerous loud bang sounds rang out as the energy-attacks struck him, hurling him into the far distance.

Not long, at a distance of twenty feet, Alex stood to his feet.

When the students of the Ancient Heavenly Cauldron academy saw him stand to his feet again, without sustaining any injury, their hearts shook so greatly that it could almost shatter into bits.

Then they began to have this loud, echoing thought in their heads which was that they should run with all the strength that they could muster.

Alex who was gazing at them from the far distance that he was, suddenly had a demonic smile appear in his face.


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