A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 138: Monster.

Chapter 138: Monster.

You Xi Wang dealt with some matters of the team, and then he took his sister back home. The siblings rode Lev-Bike, while You Zhichi held Maya in her arms. She spoke, "Bro, did you put Uncle Gerrard up to something. He is so busy these days."

You Xi Wang chuckled in the front, he replied, "Big sis, I set his four subordinates up to a task. Also asked them to not leak any information to anyone other than Uncle Gerrard."

You Zhichi spoke with a suspicious tone, "Not to leak the news to anyone? Not even me? Brat, you tell me what storm are you studying this time? The whole Metropia is slowly getting used to Metro-frame. The amount of people who want to work with us is piling up daily. Tell me, what is it this time?"

You Xi Wang replied, "Changing the face of vehicles as we know. Also, introduce another sport to the fanatics of Metropia. A sport that will become the paradise for adrenaline junkies. It will also help reduce the number of people turning to the dark side."

You Zhichi was puzzled by this statement she asked, "How will a sport reduce the number of people turning to the dark side?"

You Xi Wang spoke, "The people turn to dark because they do not see hope in this stagnated world. The purpose of sports is to give them all one more excuse to not give in to despair. This has to be sudden slowly. Otherwise, if those scum on the top of the shadow council will ruin it."

You Zhichi focused her gaze on the back of her younger brother. She leaned on his back and said, "Mom will be proud to see you grow up like this, gougou."

You Xi Wang replied with a smile on his face, "Well, it would be nice for sure. But I think she can still see me from the above, no? Also, guess what dad would say if he hears you speak so well of me."

Both of the siblings spoke in unison, "Are you sure you are talking about my son?" And then they both started laughing. They started recalling all the funny and happy memories they had with their parents. They did not even realize it when they reached home. 

Their laughter also attracted a lot of gazes and relieved smiles from the family. They were all worried about this pair of kids. The trauma in the mind of children suddenly losing their parents is not something they can imagine. They were relieved to see them in such a cheerful mood. You Xi Wang took a bath and changed his clothes. Then he spent his time mingling with the family. Visiting aunts and uncles. Pranking cousin brothers and granny Xin. He was seen running from granny Xin, who was carrying a steel stick to beat this boy. Though she could catch up with him, it was for fun and joy. 

During the dinner, You Xi Wang broke the news that he will take his team to train with the Chen family. He will also take Celestia, Lily, and Jojo with him. That is to allow young kids to experience the world and gain knowledge. The family agreed with him. The three children were jumping with joy and those who did not get to go were coaxed by You Xi Wang that he will take them next time. He also promised them, and the little devils let him go. To take care of the kids, three trusted servants were also assigned. 

You Xi Wang called Fenny and asked her to pack her bags. Fenny did not take part in the tournament. Her spot was already reserved as the technology consultant of the team. He was assured that the school will agree because of Adonis's guarantee. He found that Susan visited him. The two of them spent little time with each other, so the two spent a night together. They hugged each other to sleep. 

The next morning, You Xi Wang and You Zhichi boarded a car with Robert and waited for the team to gather at the entrance of the City. It was so early that even the sun has not risen in the sky. You Xi Wang and You Zhichi were the captains and the vice-captain of the team respectively, so the team. They intended to lead with example. They did not wait for over five minutes when 13 people arrived. They all came in groups, car pulling. Yuki was dropped by Takeshi Kinben. 

You Xi Wang definitely had to greet his future father-in-law. Takeshi Kinben was full of praises for You Xi Wang. He was aware of his spoils in the last Dark Dwellers raid. Yuki was also thrilled to see her father praising her boyfriend. Takeshi Kinben waited for Adonis to arrive and watch over them to practice. Adonis also arrived soon. He apologized to the guardians of the students for his delay. The reason was that he had to visit the hospital to meet his wife, who was a nurse there. 

Takeshi Kinben wanted to leave, but You Xi Wang said, "Father-in-law, why don't you stay? You can watch our training and also give us some tips."

Takeshi Kinben thought for a while and nodded. The kids all took out 3 tons of lithical iron plates and carried them on their backs, tied some smaller ones on their legs and waist. Lithical Iron was one of the heaviest and the most sturdy metals found in this world. It was so dense that a one-inch long piece weighted one kilogram. After tying up the weights, they all stood in a queue facing You Xi Wang.

You Xi Wang shouted, "The run will be three hours long. Be mindful about conserving energy and matching your pace with me. Are you all ready?"

"Ready." they all shouted loudly. 

You Xi Wang nodded and turned around. He took a step forward, and the others followed. He did not remind them to match their breathing with his. His teammates although did not even need a reminder. They knew that You Xi Wang was going to make these people crawl by the end of this run. Including his own big sister, You Zhichi. These people did not know that either this handsome devil won't practice or when he does, it will be a fucking, hell mode. 

The run started as a walk, then after fifty meters, You Xi Wang broke into a full sprint. The people were all cultivators so they could handle this. They all ran in a sprint behind him. Another hundred meters and he slowed down to jog. Then again, a sprint for a hundred meters, followed by a fast walk. after one hour the people were sweating like pigs. Every one of them wanted to cut off their legs and throw them to kingdom come. But how could You Xi Wang let them realize such a wish? He turned to face them and jogged in reverse. The people looked at him with weird gazes. You Zhichi tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and asked, "Do we run in reverse?"

You Xi Wang shook his head and said, "No, I just wanted to see if you weaklings are good enough to hold on."

Everyone felt ashamed and angry. They wanted to curse but You Xi Wang spoke, "Weaklings may not protest. They are just allowed to lie down and rot in the ground. Do you want to curse me? Do you want me to take back my words?"

They all spoke in unison, "YES"


Adonis wanted to stop him, but Takeshi Kinben shook his head to stop him from intervening. Adonis and Takeshi fell back at a distance. 

Adonis spoke, "Captain, long time no see."

Takeshi Kinben gave him a teasing smile and said, "Doni, you better not reveal that you are my subordinate. You lost miserably to my Son-in-law. How does it feel?"

Adonis, the little muscle mountain, blushed and said, "Captain, who knew that this brat is a monster beneath that pretty face. I was still thinking that he will hold back in the training for the sake of his sister, but now. He even called her a weakling."

Takeshi Kinben smiled and said, "A leader who is soft to his subordinates in training is only leading them to death. The students all know that his strength gives him the capital to be arrogant. That is why they can only suffer this humiliation. Only when people suffer humility will they grow. Their temperament is still not good enough. You Xi Wang is a monster compared to them. It is as if this guy has seen a lot of things in his little life. I can not see through him at all."

Adonis nodded, "Yes, I also cannot see through him. I wonder if it is because he suffered the loss of his parents."

Takeshi Kinben said, "Only, God knows that, but yes one thing is for sure. This boy is a monster, and the training is going to be a hell for them all."

You Xi Wang led the team on the sidewalks in front. The pattern of sprinting and jogging continued, disregarding the condition of the rest. You Xi Wang spoke without turning back, "What do you all think of me?"

They all roared, "Monster."

You Xi Wang smirked and said, "Then get ready, I will show you what a monster really is."

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