A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 145: Collision.

Chapter 145: Collision.

Chen Kong's figure vanished, and he appeared next to You Xi Wang in an instant. He took out his gun and stuck the muzzle to You Xi Wang's forehead. Nobody reacted. Chen Qianbei, You Zhichi, Yuki, and Maya were all asked to not act. The three ladies had full confidence in You Xi Wang. They followed the arrangement and other than showing a look of shock, they did not move. Maya bared her fangs at Chen Kong and growled the moment his figure flickered. The elders were shocked. The kids were scared pale; they did not expect such a thing to happen. The girls grabbed the helm of You Xi Wang's shirt so tightly that their hands turned pale.

Chen Qianbei spoke in a freezing voice, "Chen Kong, what is the meaning of this?"

Chen Kong replied in a harsh manner, "You are asking me? This trash dared to stand in my family's gathering hall and called me trash. Do you expect me to stay silent?"

Chen Shaoyang spoke, "He did not speak a single word."

Chen Kong was shocked he looked at his grandfather. Chen Longxue, this man was the person You Xi Wang met when their ship entered the area. He had a good relationship with Chen Limao and always looked after her as his own daughter. He spent most of his life on the battlefield, and his son followed him. His son, and daughter-in-law once foiled a big set-up of the dark dwellers at the price of their own life. Since then this brave man returned home to help the family. He pampered his only grandson a lot. Chen Kong showed good potential, but there was only one flaw in his nature. That was insecurity. This insecurity was not limited to You Xi Wang and his sister, but also to the other good young members of the family. He was the strongest and put a lot of effort in cultivation, not because he was diligent but because he was scared that someone might surpass him. 

This always worried Chen Longxue. As a senior cultivator he understood that if Chen Kong did not rectify his flaws, he will develop a heart devil. This heart devil will make his cultivation stagnate for a long time. Now, facing today's situation. He was thrilled that You Xi Wang, and You Zhichi came to visit the family, but when Chen Kong found out he deliberately made a fuss about it. He even dared to call the two children orphan in the face. This act was like bashing the face of the Chen Family. 

Chen Longxue spoke, "Chen Kong, you pointed a gun at your own relative. You just said that the connection with You Family and your cousins should be cut off because your aunt is no more. Then how about I ask Xiao Bei to throw you out of the family as your parents also died and you are also an orphan."

Chen Kong was shocked he did not expect his grandfather to use such heavy words to reprimand him. The words did not ease up the situation but deepened his hatred for You Xi Wang and his sister. He pressed the muzzle harder onto You Xi Wang's temple and said, "You bloody trash, it is because of you that my grandpa wants to throw me out of my home. Your mother was the same. She went out of the family, yet she still did not stop manipulating the household. Death in an explosion was too easy for her." he paused and roared, "IT'S GOOD THAT SHE DIED OR I WOULD HAVE KILLED HER WITH MY OWN HANDS. I WONDER IF SHE IS STILL MANIPULATING YOUR FATHER IN HELL."

This sentence made people dazed. Nobody expected Chen Kong to be containing so much poison in his heart. You Xi Wang was calm even after hearing this but his gaze was getting colder and colder. Chen Shaoyang was about to erupt in rage, but Chen Longxue was even faster. He focused his killing intent on Chen Kong. His eyes brimmed with disappointment. The killing intent immobilized Chen Kong in his place. You Xi Wang took the hand of the two girls and handed them to Yuki he spoke with a smile, "Lily, Celes, you two go with Yuki and Big sister Zhichi to meet grandma okay?"

The two girls wanted to stay with him but they saw that although You Xi Wang was smiling his eyes were different they nodded. Celestia spoke in a tiny voice, "Big brother, you will come soon, right?" she had a feeling that he will leave her. You Xi Wang pecked her cheek and nodded. Lily also asked him to take care and You Xi Wang kissed her cheek. He stood up and spoke to the two ladies, "Take them away."

You Zhichi spoke, "I will send them to grandma but I am staying here. This is not up for negotiation." her tone was domineering. You Xi Wang just wanted her to be safe, but since she decided he did not object. Chen Qianbei said, "Yuki, dear, go outside the hall. I have arranged for a steward to take you to my mother."

Yuki nodded and led the three children out of the hall. You Xi Wang gave Jojo a fist bump before going out. Jojo looked weak, but he believed men must be strong and he was strong. The three children went out of the hall under Yuki's lead. At the door, Yuki gave You Xi Wang a look. You Xi Wang nodded to her with assurance and Yuki left. The door closed again, and the temperature dropped inside the hall very sharply. You Zhichi and You Xi Wang were the epicenters of this cold aura. The elders were surprised to see that the aura radiated from You Xi Wang was stronger than that from You Zhichi.

You Xi Wang spoke in a cold and calm voice, "You filthy insect of darkness. You dared to insult my parents. If not for the tie of blood I hold with this family, I would have made you regret ever being born. Do you think you can fool everyone with this meager skill? What I find interesting is that you can sneak inside the council of Metropia." The elders had heard from Chen Qianbei about You Xi Wang's perception capabilities. Suddenly the three elders felt a bad premonition rising inside them. 

Chen Moqian, the second elder of the family, finally could not keep quiet. This man was known as the wisest in the family, and he would rarely talk. Today was that rare day, "Xiao Wang, can you explain, what you just said?"

You Xi Wang kept his gaze locked on Chen Kong and said, "Second grandpa, Chen Kong has succumbed to the dark side."

This simple-sounding sentence was equal to a nuclear missile for the elders. The three of them stood up in shock. Chen Qianbei was equally shocked. Chen Longxue stopped emitting his killing intent under the shock and Chen Kong grasped this opportunity. He has heard what You Xi Wang said just now. At first, he was shocked but when You Xi Wang clarified his words he was scared. He turned around wanting to run, but Maya appeared near his leg and bit his ankle with force. Chen Kong screamed and tried to shake away Maya. Because of his strength, Maya could not keep biting the ankle and was thrown away, but in an instant three Ice blades condensed in the air and all of them were just a few millimeters away from his neck.

Chen Kong had to stop otherwise. The ice blades would penetrate his neck. Chen Longxue asked You Xi Wang in a stammering tone, "Xiao Wang, how sure are you? You know that this is not a joking matter."

You Xi Wang cut the tip of his finger and said, "I swear on my blood that Chen Kong is a Dark Dweller." the reason he was so sure to make a blood oath was that during the period he was healing his soul he has grown more sensitive about the energy around him. He had sensed the darkness inside Chen Kong the moment this guy aimed his gun at him. The gun radiated a slight trace of dark energy contained inside it. You Xi Wang suspected his behavior when he saw him talking so savagely when the door opened. If it was just normal insecurity, it did not invite such poisonous words from Chen Kong. 

This person was the future patriarch of the Chen Family and his temperament had always being composed. In the past, whenever he felt insecure. He would read sutras to focus himself and tame his mind. Chen Limao treated this man with the same kindness she treated You Xi Wang with so much hatred was not normal. This suspicion was confirmed when the gun touched his temple.

The Chen Family elders were stunned by the sudden blood oath. They understood that what You Xi Wang said was true. Chen Longxue sat down in the chair as if his legs lost all the energy to support him. His back hunched, wrinkles appeared on his face. His appearance changed from vigorous to haggard in a few seconds. The impact of this truth was heartbreaking. Chen Shaoyang and Chen Moqian came to his side. Chen Qianbei also kept quiet. After sometime Chen Longxue raised his head and looked at Chen Kong. His eyes had no hope. The blood oath confirmed the accusation. What else could he hope for? 

He spoke in a slow voice, "Kong, why did you fall to the dark side? Did you not used to say that you will kill all the dark dwellers? Then why have you become one of them? Do you not remember that your parents also died at their hands?" his eyes were reddening as he spoke. His brothers held his shoulders to show support.

Chen Kong spoke with a sneer, "My parents died because they were weak. Why should I not follow the dark path? This path bought me such strength in such a short time. This path gave me the strength to surpass all my opponents, so why should I not pursue it?" his tone was getting excited as he spoke about the dark energy. 

Chen Longxue spoke, "Xiao Bei, deal with this according to the house law. Also, call Kelly here. She needs to see this." he finally accepted the truth. Kelly was his wife, and she was the grandmother of Chen Kong. The lady was an iron-woman. A strong heart and a sharp brain. She used to be an opponent of Chen Longxue in the defense forces, but during a task, they both fell in love.

You Xi Wang spoke, "I would call my master over as well. He needs to know this." he dialed Alester Book with his Holo-Phone and explained the matter to the old man. The old man told him, he will be there in a few minutes.

You Xi Wang never thought that his arrival here would set off such a storm. Deep in his heart, he was afraid of being hated by the Chen family for uncovering this truth and making them cost such a close family member.

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