A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 154: The Shodown.

Chapter 154: The Shodown.

Illahi did not wait he instantly told everyone that You Xi Wang just issued a challenge. He wanted to face all of them together with his own team. The whole camp immediately sprang up. They were very confident in themselves this time. Everyone came out and found out that Fenny was missing. Yuki tried to contact her and all she got in reply was a text. 

'Gonna snip for baby wang.'

The team cared little. They also had a good lineup. 3 snipers, 3 gun assaulters, 3 spear wielders, 3 swordsmen, 2 brawlers. Without You Xi Wang, they were 14 people. While You Xi Wang was a monster proficient in all the classes. They still thought they could win over the team You Xi Wang created in a haste. They all sat down in meditation to adjust their condition to the peak. The night silently passed away, and the sun rose. The team was given a complete time to adjust their condition with no assailants disturbing them.

They all changed into their battle suits and moved towards the spot where they usually have battle training. The snipers, Lena, Jim, and Kurtis had already left to hide. The others arrived at the training spot and found five wolves standing there. They all recognized these wolves, they were none other than the spirit beasts of the phantom team. Just when Yuki and the others were about to move forward to pet their companions, You Xi Wang materialized. He stood between the beasts and the team.

He said, "Today they are all my teammates. You all see the bands on their legs? Those are array bands. They stop them from communicating with you guys. Don't worry, it is not painful. So I would suggest that you all focus on your battle and don't go easy on them because if you can break the defense barrier on them, then they will be counted as defeated. The same goes for us. I don't want any fatal injuries before the fest actually starts. Also, use rubber or stun ammunition. Okay?"

The team pondered for a bit and said, "OKAY."

You Xi Wang was dressed in his white and light blue streaked battle suit. The distance between him and the team was ten feet. You Xi Wang stood at the forefront behind him was Maya. One step behind Maya on left stood Luna, one step behind Luna to her left stood Shroud. In the same manner on the right of Maya stood Shadow, and behind her stood Snowflake. It may look like the night hounds were at a disadvantage here, but that is just a fatal misunderstanding. Beasts can never be at a disadvantage when they are fighting in the open and a Pack of wolves with elemental powers? Not a chance. 

You Xi Wang took out his star-headed spear and took a stance. Hercules and Neo also took up their brawler stance. Behind them stood Bale, Sterling, and Gomez holding their spears followed by the gun squad, Allan, Illahi, and Wenger. The rear was held up by Yuki, Snow, and You Zhichi. The snipers were Lena, Jim, and Kurtis. 

You Zhichi was leading the squad. She spoke, "Pay attention to any abrupt changes. The hounds are not just for the show. This brat is a monster with beasts on his side. Understood?"

They all spoke, "Yes."

Unknowingly, the surroundings were not empty. They were filled with the disciples of the Chen family. Mu Qingling was also present with the three kids. The three Chen elders were also there. Some disciples spoke, "Xi Wang, is outnumbered."

Another guy scoffed, "Dumbass, he got a wolf pack with him, don't you know that a pack of wolves' instinct is to break formations? So what if he is outnumbered, if the formation is broken, they are done for?"

Some others nodded and praised the guy who pointed out the advantages of the wolves. Chen Longxue heard this and said, "Brats, look at the battle with silence. I will ask you all questions later and if anyone could not answer then you all know what you will be facing."

The disciples shivered and fell silent instantly. The other Chen elders shook their heads. They knew this old man was very strict and would always give battle analysis as an assignment to the trainees. Anyone making a mistake would be punished with triple training. Kelly was sitting beside Mu Qingling. She asked, "Eldest sister, what do you think? Who will win?"

Before Mu Qingling could even reply, the three children spoke in unison while their eyes did not leave the battlefield at all, "Big brother Xi Wang (Xixi) (Uncle Wang)"

Their reply was not based on the tactics but the trust they had in You Xi Wang. Mu Qingling spoke, "Bunny is holding some hole cards. Let's see what happens."

Kelly nodded and turned to watch the battlefield. Chen Qianbei flew over from the stands and stood at a distance from the two teams. She spoke, "May the best wins. Let the showdown begin."

As soon as her words fell, You Xi Wang rushed up to face the brawlers. He put his spear back in his space rings. The gunners in the team scattered, attempting to find angles to zero in on You Xi Wang, but they were blocked by the wolves. The wolves did not go easy on their opponents and directly cast their spiritual skills. 

Luna howled and the entire field was covered in a thick fog. Maya howled and the entire team fell into an illusion. The snipers noticed this, and they fired at Maya. The bullets disturbed Maya, she dodged the bullets, and the illusion broke. But this was just enough for You Xi Wang and Fenny. Fenny figured out the positions of the opposing snipers. She did not give them the chance to change and shuffle the spots. 


Two gunshots rang out and Kurtis and Jim were taken out. Lena hid very quickly. Fenny spoke, "Baby Wang, Lena is the only one left. You can let loose."

Her words did not mean that You Xi Wang can relax. It meant that You Xi Wang can go berserk, and she got his back. The protagonist was at this moment entangled with Hercules and Neo in close combat. He instantly changed his approach of assault and started using Wing-Chun. Hercules threw a fist at his face and Neo kicked his legs. You Xi Wang grabbed Hercules's wrist and kicked Neo on the leg he was using to stand on the ground. Neo lost his balance. He tried to regain it, but You XI Wang shoved a mini-muscle mountain Hercules onto him. Both of them fell down and what followed was a barrage of punches and them.

Chen Qianbei declared, "Hercules, Neo, Out." You Xi Wang stopped punching them and quickly moved to face the Spearmen who were entangled with the wolf pups. But he was blocked by the swordswomen of the opposite team. You Xi Wang took back his spear and replaced them with two handguns. There was a smile on his face and he advanced to face the ladies. 

Chen Shaoyang spoke, "The guns in You Xi Wang's hands seem different from regular handguns."

Chen Moqian replied, "Yes, last night he asked his friend to add a curved blade from the barrel end to the handgrip."

Chen Shaoyang nodded. You Xi Wang added the curved blade spanning the handgrip to the barrel. The motive was to give him an edge, and it allowed him to use the guns in a close-quarter fight. 


Snow slashed, and her sword collided with You Xi Wang's gun blade. Yuki slashed from the other side and again a tink sound was produced. You Xi Wang blocked them both, but now both of his hands were busy. It gave You Zhichi a chance to attack him. You Xi Wang saw his sister approaching him from behind and he pulled the trigger. 


Two rubber bullets were fired at a difference of a nanosecond. You Xi Wang's gun barrels were aiming right at the two ladies in front of him. His right gun was facing Yuki who attacked him from the left and his left gun facing Snow who came at him from the right. The two were standing in very close proximity and could not avoid the shots. The two bullets hit their faces. You Xi Wang pushed back their swords and squatted on the ground. You Zhichi's sword missed. She had stabbed at his back, but in the last moment, You Xi Wang crouched, making her miss.

The boy rolled on his back and with a big grin on his face, he pulled the trigger. 

Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang...

Six rubber bullets landed on You Zhichi's shoulders, abdomen, and knees. She would have died in a real-life situation. Chen Qianbei spoke, "Yuki, Snow, and You Zhichi, Out."

This announcement shook the audience, but the battle was still on.

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