A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 170: Gods Makes The Rules?

Chapter 170: Gods Makes The Rules?

You Xi Wang disconnected the call with his master and ate the food with Celestia. He did not show it on his face. Although he had no discomfort physically. He was mentally shocked by what he had learned. This was but obvious, how could one digest the fact that he had just talked and dined (sort of) with a god? Moreover the god of Destruction. What's even more, The god of destruction was going through a hard phase in his love life. The love interest talks like she hasn't seen him in a long time and this goes on and on. 

Given the traits described by Alester Book, that guy could have screwed the whole planet thousand times over without letting anyone feel any pain. His brain was turning quickly and the system noticed this. It spoke, [Relax, let's go home after the meal. I will tell you what you need to know. Also, try not to wet yourself or Celestia might find out that you are nothing but a clay tiger.]

You Xi Wang was instantly triggered and started to curse at the system. This barrage continued until Celestia spoke up, "Big brother, I want ice cream. A big serving." she had a very content smile on her face as she finished her burger. Some ketchup stains were left around her lips. You Xi Wang smiled at this and with a napkin, he wiped off the ketchup stains gently. He pressed a call button on the side of the table to call over Rose.

Rose came out of the waiting area and asked with a smile, "What can I get you, Sir?"

You Xi Wang spoke, "Three big ice cream servings, nuts, and raisins toppings, please." he replied calmly. Rose nodded and quickly left to get the Ice-cream servings for them. You Xi Wang asked Maya in his mind, 'Maya, do you want anything else? You can tell me if you are not full yet.'

Maya blinked her blue eyes for a moment and said, 'Big Brother Xi Wang, can I just have meat and not the other things to eat? They don't taste good to me.' her voice was unfretted and straight. She understood You Xi Wang's heart very well. You Xi Wang also wanted to ask her if she detected Rudra? Beasts have a keen perception but he decided to wait till they get back home. 

He smiled and said, 'Yes, you can have the meat steak. Wait I will order for you.' Maya's eyes sparkled. She was no less foodie than Celestia in any manner. As You Xi Wang was about to press the call button Rose returned with the three big servings of ice cream. He ordered a butter-fried steak for Maya. 

Maya was a spirit beast and she was a predator at that. She was no vegan. Celestia found Maya did not eat the ice cream so she hopped down from her chair and came to Maya. She patted her and spoke, "Mayuu, why do you not eat the ice cream? Should I feed you?"

Maya spoke to You Xi Wang, "Big brother, please tell her not to feed me sweet things. I feel like I am dying. I know that she does it out of love but please I cannot talk to her until I become a human form." her voice was laced with a plea of mercy. You Xi Wang chuckled and picked up Celestia and sat her on his lap. 

He spoke in a soft voice, "Celes, Maya is a spirit beast. She does not like to eat sweet things. How about I let you play with snowflake when he and Fenny come back from the trip? He prefers eating anything and everything. He will also play with you, Okay?" he stroked Celestia's head as he spoke. You Xi Wang cared for this little fairy a lot. He had accepted her as his little sister from the depth of his heart. The same was true for Celestia. She would never say put up any serious rejection to whatever You Xi Wang says. 

She nodded and her big sparkly eyes locked with You Xi Wang. She asked, "Big brother, can I share the room with you at night? I feel scared alone. I can go to Lily when she is back." her voice showed how hard it was for her to ask him this. She wanted to grow stronger to be able to fight for those she loves and take her revenge. She was a little child and all these thoughts have burdened her mind, causing her to have constant nightmares whenever she sleeps alone. 

You Xi Wang nodded and said, "You do not need to go anywhere. You will stay with me as long as you want to okay? I will get you a table for studies separately in our room okay?" he knew that this girl was very hurt and stressed otherwise she would not have asked him for help. Plus how could he deny anything to her? You Xi Wang saw himself in Celestia. He once gave up on himself and Celestia was the same when he met her. She gave up on herself at such a young age. Not because she wanted to but because the circumstances made her hopeless. It was decided that he will never let her face anything like that ever again when he took in that night in the Sahasa Town. 

Rose came back and served the Stake to Maya. You Xi Wang asked her to shift Celestia's cup of ice cream in front of him as he would feed the girl with his hands. The rest of the dinner was tranquil. The two people ate three big ice creams and clicked a lot of pictures. The little girl even posted it on Metro frame instantly. Maya was also dragged in some pictures and she had no objections to this. Maya enjoyed playing but her beast instinct as a night hound made her introvert. 

You Xi Wang paid the bill and took Celestia back to You Family Mansion. He called the elders in the gathering hall and told them about his seclusion. His decision was supported by the elders as they knew that he had to attend the Battle fest in two weeks. The meeting was very short for You Xi Wang. He left the things of the family to the elders and left the gathering hall. he was headed to his room. He wanted to talk to the system about the encounter. It would be a lie to say that he was not anxious.

He entered the door and saw Celestia was already sitting on the bed reading a book. He told her that he was going to meditate in the room itself and will set up a sound isolation array around him. He asked her to not disturb him until necessary. Celestia was scared to be alone at night. So You Xi Wang told her that Maya would stay with her. That's it, problem solved. 

You Xi Wang took out some spirit stones from his spirit ring and then set up two arrays. One of them were a sound isolation array the other was a miniature spirit gathering array. The spirit stones were arranged and You Xi Wang sat down on a cushion on the ground with his legs crossed. 

He spoke, 'Tell me now. Do gods really exist in this world or any world?'

The system spoke, [I want you to answer a question first. Tell me what is a god?]

You Xi Wang pondered for a while and said, 'Someone who has so much power that it can not be described with ordinary mortal concepts?' he was uncertain about his own answer.

The system spoke, [A god is an existence that has achieved a level of cultivation far greater than what is known to us at this moment. They are the entities that exist since the beginning of humanity. They are the few who have witnessed the end and the beginning of the universe over and over again without interfering with it. The extent of a god's power is something that can erase the universe itself. You do not need to know about this for now. Talk to me when you have reached the pinnacle of the world. I will tell you now that every human begin has the potential of becoming a god. But still, there aren't many gods in this universe. You can count the gods at the fingertips of a hand.]

You Xi Wang fell silent and asked the system after a while, 'Can a normal person become a god?'

The system replied, [Yes, they can but the premise is that they understand the rules of Dao. Every god has a rule they command. Rudra commands the rule of destruction. He can destroy anything and everything with his power. While his companion, Chitra commands the rule of creation. She is capable of creating anything including living entities on a whim. Do you understand what I meant when I said that you will need to wait before I tell you about the rules? Rules are what empowers one to become a god.]

You Xi Wang nodded and did not delay. He focused and calmed his breath. The spirit gathering array started working and You Xi Wang started cultivating. The spirit energy of all five attributes started to fill his body and started to gather in his dantian. The five-colored ocean inside his dantian started to grow in size slowly. As You Xi Wang was cultivating the system started to control his Holo-phone with his soul energy and with remote access started to read books from the codex hall and also used the remote link to watch over LUCY. 

The progress of the AI was swift, and in just an evening it has learned a lot. LUCY even asked some questions to You Xi Wang(The system). Celestia slept on the bed hugging Maya. Everything seemed to be the way it should be but an undercurrent was surging silently. The system was preparing to deal with this current silently too. You Xi Wang would be notified when he wakes up from his cultivation.

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