A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic

Chapter 292: Miko and Cage of Desire II

Chapter 292: Miko and Cage of Desire II

***Chapter 292 Miko and Cage of Desire II***

After a month of living in the forest hut near the Holy Spirit’s Hollow, she thought she had grown accustomed to the loneliness.

Food was abundant. Unlike impulsive and thoughtless Lira, her brother had scoured the area to find places with plenty of produce. They even built a sturdy hut and a small garden for her.

Although there was no river, there was an abundant spring in the nearby rocky area, and most of the tools necessary for life were provided, so there were no problems in survival.

Lira had also undergone various training as a Holy Spirit’s Miko.

Once a year, she would fast and pray for three days, wishing for a bountiful harvest. She considered herself someone who could endure hardships.

However, despite having made some level of resolve, she might have underestimated the situation.

Two months later, when her brother came to pick her up for the regular festival, she remember smiling and telling him that there was no problem.

This was to demonstrate her resolve, so she kept the conversation to a minimum and stayed by the Holy Spirit's side.

She greeted the Holy Spirit as was the custom, and told them about the state of the village that she had heard from Vinthril and the others, and reported that this year was just as fruitful as previous years, and the people of Kreisharana were living peaceful days.

The Holy Spirit listened to him without saying anything, and the ceremony ended without saying anything more.

After his brother saw her off, she returned to the hut, ate her meal as usual, cleansed herself, and wrapped himself in a warm blanket――and suddenly, a feeling of loneliness came over her.

The village must be having a festival now.

Once a year, Kreisharana holds a harvest celebration festival. It is customary to hold a festival for the Holy Spirit on the first harvest day of the year, and bonfires roared and lit up the village late into the night, as if it were midday.

The men held various competitions to test their skills, and the women also dressed up for that day, complimenting each other and making a festive atmosphere.

Lira, the Miko, didn't partake in the festivities, but she loved the joyful atmosphere and enjoyed just being there.

Listening closely, she could faintly hear the sound of drums, realizing that she had been counting the days until my brothers would visit. She had been looking forward to seeing someone after a long time, spending these past few days in anticipation.

However, she realized that the next time would be a year away, and she was at a loss.

The Miko Princess from Arna visited once every three years.

But even then, it’s at most twice a year that she get to meet anyone.

When she thought that the two months she had spent up until now could continue for the rest of her life, she suddenly became terrified.

She shivered as she slept, even though it wasn't cold.

She woke up to find no one there, and alone in the hut.

She warmed up yesterday's soup, had a meal, and went outside to water the fields.


What fell was some freshly harvested potatoes and a bag of dried meat lying there.

There, she found freshly harvested potatoes and some bags of dried meat, half-buried in the soil.

She looked up at the sky.

There was no one there, only the sound of griffin wings fading away, leaving her stunned.

This was inside the forbidden area――normally only the guards could enter, and she smiled as she recalled the rugged face of Verves, the chief guard who had become her brother's father-in-law.

She quietly bowed her head and accepted the gift, carrying it into the hut, slapping her depressed cheek then went about her daily work.

A weak heart reside in the daily idleness.

She decided to expand the field, grow flowers, and train in her spare time.

She began practicing woodworking in her own way, so that she could repair broken furniture and tools.

It was too long a time to spend just living aimlessly.

Weakness seeped in and clung to her during such times.

She thought that the best thing to do was to work hard and sleep well.

But even so, the more she repeated it, the more her weakness seeped through.

Over there, everyone was probably living their peaceful daily lives.

When they wake up, they greet each other, talk about their plans for the day, and eat their meals.

Then they would go to work, where they would talk about last night.

While complaining about how their husbands were sloppy or how tired they were because their children are crying at night, the women would happily go to the river to do their laundry, and go into the forest to pick nuts, making jokes at each other, while laughing about what they picked that day or not.

Until a short time ago, Lila was often in charge of taking care of the little girls, and they were always attached to her.

In order not to disappoint the girls who adored her and called her Lira-sama, she would act as a Miko, telling them all kinds of legends, even though she herself was still inexperienced, she would pompously recite the excellent teachings of Kreisharana.

She wondered if Pini had overcome her shyness or if Nije felt lonely.

Even if ten or twenty years passed and they grew up, she wouldn't get to see it.

After returning home, she never spoke of the trivial events of the day.

She had no one with whom she could share her small joys, such as the blooming of a flower she grew.

When she woke up at night, time seemed to last forever, and sometime she felt like screaming out loud.

She felt like she was the only person in the world and almost went mad.

She kept asking herself if this had any meaning, looking up at the sky, waiting for a griffin to appear from dawn.

Sometimes she thought of shouting at Verves and his men, who came for patrol every two or three days, asking them to take her back.

But no matter how hard or lonely it was, she could never bring myself to say it.

It wasn't that she wanted to keep her resolve.

She was just more afraid of being disappointed than of the hardships or loneliness.

When she imagined how people would look at her when she gave up and returned to the village after saying such arrogant things that ‘it was for the future of Kreisharana’, she trembled and couldn't speak.

They might pity her and say it couldn't be helped.

But she would surely be despised.

Her father and brother were kind, but they were stricter than anyone else when it came to people who were easy on themselves.

They wouldn't smile at her like they used to, and they were in a position of authority.

It was only natural that they would cut ties with her, and there was no way Lira could made excuses.

"...Lira, aren’t you looking a little haggard?"

"Fufu, maybe it's because I've been working out. I have plenty of time now that I'm alone, and I'm more toned than before."

The following year, she said this cheerfully and smiled.

As a little sister and Miko that her respected brother could be proud of, she was on edge, not wanting to disappoint him.

She kept asking herself if there was any point in it.

――The blanket wrapping around her was warm.

Inside the large snow cave they had all made at dusk.

She half-opened her eyes, thinking she had had a nostalgic dream.

The lantern, floating in the air, emitted only a faint, minimal light.

It was still dark inside――


She almost screamed at the sight before her, closed her mouth, and blushed.

Elvena's face was close enough for their noses to touch.

Her hand was around her back――in other words, she was hugging Elvena.

No wonder it was warm, they were wrapped in the same blanket.

As I was flustered, Elvena's long eyelashes fluttered, and she opened her eyes, glanced around the still dark surroundings, smiled softly, and stroked her cheek.

"…What's the matter? Waking up at this hour."

"...No, well, I just woke up for some reason..."

"Did your body end up outside the blanket?"

She whispered softly, pulling the blanket back over her and pressing their body even closer.

Lira lowered her eyes, but Elvena’s smiling lips were striking, so she looked away again.

Lira was remembering what had happened yesterday.

She was carried away and completely absorbed in the game, and before she knew it, she had accumulated 340 coins in an attempt to make up for her losses.

She was saved by the sunset, but if she had continued like that, how much more debt would she have accumulated——she had lost her composure halfway through.

When she won a series of small bets, she couldn't help but want to bet more at once, and her greed led to her own destruction. It was unbecoming of a Holy Spirit Miko.

The good news was that Elvena ‘didn't have any particular ill intentions’.

Elvena who ‘as a result had obtained’, 340 coins of ‘the right to do whatever she was told’, ‘thought carefully’ and asked Lila to help her make an outfit.

Apparently she had recently taken up an interest in sewing, and wanted Lira's time to help her with it.

Lira agreed readily.

Krische and Bery had cooking and gardening, Selene had crafting, Ana had writing, and Kreschenta liked meddling.

Everyone had hobbies, and Elvena probably wanted to find one too.

It seems that studying magic and sorcery was originally just one of her hobbies, but there were many things she enjoyed, having more interests wasn't a problem.

‘Lira-sama’s body type is similar to Lady Berry's, isn't it?’

‘I-I see...’

‘Yes, Lira-sama is very feminine... I'm sure you'd look good in many things.’

Still, it was strangely embarrassing to have her body looked and examined so closely under that pretext.

Elvena occasionally looked at her intently and smiled with amusement as if――no, it would be rude to think such things.

There was no intention to humiliate Lira under the pretext of making a costume. It was just an indescribable sense of discomfort that made her feel that way――it was her weakness that made her feel that way.

The reason they were all wrapped up in the same blanket was because Elvena being thoughtful that everyone had started to fall asleep so they could talk in whisper, ‘it was a very natural progression’, and it was inevitable that they ended up falling asleep enjoying the warmth.

Besides, it was too late to feel embarrassed about anything now.

Elvena had known her true nature for a long time.

"Fufu, was my sleeping posture bad? ...You can be honest with me."

"N-no… I was just having a dream about the past and woke up."

"A dream about the past... Ah, when you were alone?"


Elvena held Lira's head and pat it, then pressed Lira to her chest.

Lira didn’t resist, just let it be.

Sometimes she wakes up from a similar dream, and on those days she couldn’t help but want to talk to someone.

Waking up next to someone brought comfort and joy.

Lira narrowed her eyes at the comfort of having her head stroked, giving in and snuggling closer.

"It's a sign of fatigue from holding back. Lira-sama need to take a break."

"Holding back…"

"Look, Krische-sama and Kreschenta-sama never have nightmares. They always sleep happily."

She looked over her shoulder.

Krische looked happy as she hugged Selene, who was leaning against her.

Kreschenta was also lying down with Bery, holding her from behind, and they were probably sleeping happily――or so she thought, but Anne, who was sleeping besides them, had her hand on Kreschenta’s cheek and was moaning with her brow furrowed.

――She pretended not to see and snuggled to Elvena’s chest again.

At least it was true that she usually sleeps happily.

It seemed that whoever fell asleep first lose, and while they enjoyed this adorable game of being stranded, they ended up sleeping soundly without saying a word――no connection with the phrase holding back.

The two of them certainly looked happy, spending their days following their whims and desires.

And Lira, who didn’t hold back and leaned on Elvena like this, feeling warm and cozy, was also truly happy, and sometimes her usual self-restraint began to seem foolish.

"I think it's good to stop being stubborn and indulge yourself every once in a while."


She was right.

The abstinence she had shown since coming here was merely out of stubbornness.

Unlike her father and brothers, who dedicated themselves to abstinence, self-restraint, and training, and made it their way of life, hers was merely an imitation, a stubbornness.

Unlike the decades she spent in the forest, there was no reason for her to do so here, and they would not be disappointed or scornful if Lira were to fall into depravity.

Even Bery seemed to welcome her because it made Krische happy, and Selene had even said, 'Take it easy.'

"...Leave it to me, I will serve you wholeheartedly from the time you wake up until you fall asleep. Please rest your wings."


"That's right...If I may borrow Lila's words, it will also be training for me as a servant."


Elvena nodded and gently stroked Lira's head.

The touch of her fingers was enough to sap her will to resist.

"It's only thanks to Bery-sama's service that Krische and Kreschenta behave like that. The best servant was surely one who could make their master weak and melt. To become that, one needs to work extremely hard, and to train, one needs someone to serve. How about having me as your personal servant for a while?"


"Of course, I don't mean to force you... No, considering the rights I gained from playing around earlier, this does seem like forcing you."

‘Excuse me’, she whispered, and continued.

Lira couldn't see Elvena’s face as she was hugging her.

"It was only meant to be a bit of fun, but Lira-sama is a serious person who won’t go back on her word once she's spoken. Lira-sama said earlier that you would do anything since you lost..."

"Y-yes... I did say that."

“My apologies. I didn't intend to make such a ‘request’... But rest assured. A servant's role is to fulfill their master's wishes. If you still wish to continue your training, I won't interfere at all... Please don't worry. I really don't mean to force Lira-sama.”

Elvena whispered repeatedly that she didn't intend to force her, while gently stroking her head.

On the contrary, it felt as if she was being coerced, and Lira, with a groan, pressed her face against Elvena's chest.

"Of course, I would really like to serve Lira-sama so that you can rest, but only if that is what Lira-sama wanted. Lira-sama doesn't need to worry about the play we just did or what you just said."


It was a phrase that was hard to refuse.

It pricked Lila's conscience so much that she wondered if Elvena was doing it on purpose.

"Fufu, either way, it's not something that needs to happen right now... and we can discuss this after we get back to the mansion... I would be grateful if you could think about it by then."

"Yes... I'll think about it..."

"... Let's take a rest for today. It's still a long way off before dawn."

"... Yes."

As Elvena let out a small smile, Lira closed her eyes.

It was a daily life that was unimaginable from her past.

Herself that craved human contact, and herself that tried to escape from human contact.

They were both the same her.

No, at the core, they were likely unchanged.

Both the place back then and the place here, were cages Lira chose.

――It was about three years later.

As she was tending to the fields, a Suiko suddenly appeared from the forest.

She screamed and nearly fainted, but was relieved to see a familiar figure on the back.

"It's been a long time, Lira."


Inviting her into the hut, she prepared herbal tea while smiling naturally at her guest.

When she said ‘so Lira really lived in a place like this’, Lira started talking that she had gotten used to the lifestyle, and various trivial things.

She rambled on about her recent obsession with herbal tea, how she could now repair furniture, and that she had made some of it herself.

After talking endlessly, she realized that Krische had come for a reason and bowed her head.

"S-sorry... ah, um... is it an audience?"

"Um... yes, Krisch came to see Regalave. Also, when Vinthril came to the kingdom the other day, Krische heard that Lira was living alone, so Krische went to check on her... and there was something Krische had to do."

"Something to do...?"

"Yes. It's a bit tingly, but please bear with it."

Saying this, Krische took out a small magic crystal from her bag.

It broke into pieces in her palm and turned into blue magic, which circulated around her, inscribing a vivid magic formula into the air, before disappearing as if absorbed by her fingertips.

Then, she pressed her fingertips against Lira's chest, who was still sitting, and just as she had said, a wave of magic ran through her whole body, making her feel numb for a moment.

A strange sensation――something slightly different from magic that was clinging to her whole body.

Feeling drawn to it, she looked at her chest.

Inside her dress, between her breasts, there was something, a small attraction that seemed to pull her whole body toward it.

"What is this...?"

"Krische tampered with the soul. When it leaves the body, it will be drawn to the Origin and melt away, so Krische specified its destination here to protect Lira’s soul..."

Saying this, Krische took out another magic crystal from her chest.

In the blue crystal, like a mirrored cage, a beautiful red light was trapped――seeing that, Lira instinctively understood.

That she wanted to enter it.

"How is it?"

"...I feel like I'm being drawn to it."

"I see. It might take a few days to get used to it. Anne said the same thing."

‘That's fine for now’, Krische said, smiling, then placed the magic crystal inside her dress as if it were a treasure.

"Now, when Lira’s body dies, the soul will fly to Krische on its own. So don't worry."

"When I die..."

"Yes, though Krische think it'll still be a while before then..."

As she said that, Krische asked.

"Anyway...Krische heard about the situation from Vinthril earlier, but Krische still didn't really understand. ...Why is Lira living alone in a place like this? Isn’t it lonely?"


A merciless straight shot. That was just the kind of person she was.

It was a question she had repeatedly asked herself.

Trying to divert the conversation, she asked back.

"Um... By the way, how is Ni-san?"

“Hmm, he said it would be better if Krische came alone because you would be stubborn... Oh, that was probably supposed to be a secret. Sorry, forget Krische said anything. Vinthril-san seems to have important matters to attend to.”

"...I-I see."

She gave a bitter smile as she listened to the reply, which didn't even try to hide anything.

Her brother must have seen through her.

She closed her eyes and sighed.

"Krische heard that the reason was that Lira wanted to end the customs by making herself the last Miko, or something like that, but... Krische don't really understand how ending the role of Kreisharana Miko is related to living alone in a place like this. If we asked Regalave if it was okay to end it, Krische think Regalave would have said to do as you please."

"That's... well..."

She thought for a while before speaking.

"...Ever since Kreisharana fled to the mountains, the role of the Holy Spirit Miko has continued for nearly five hundred years. ...Of course, it might be a trivial rule to Yagernaus-sama... but in the village, we think that appointing a Miko like me shows our respect for him."

‘Right,’ Lira says, looking at Krische.

"For example... isn't it considered an honor for commoners to request an audience with Queen Kreschenta in the kingdom? Kreschenta-sama is a kind person... I don't think she'll mind, but at least I think there's a custom like that."

"Hm... Yes, it's always quite stiff.”

Originally, Alberinea, the Queen’s elder sister, was a person who was above the commoners.

She shouldn't be in a position where one could be at ease either, but for her, who didn’t care about that at all, the queen was easier to understand.

"Those customs and ceremonies show respect to the other person. Even if Kreschenta doesn't have any desire to do that, others see her as the great monarch who rules over the great country of Alberan. To take up the time of such a responsible person is at least a great honor for many. Even if you were able to request an audience, it would be normal to show as much courtesy as possible."

‘The Holy Spirit Miko was similar to that’, Lira said.

"Regardless of what Yagernaus-sama thinks, They are a god-like being in Kreisharana. That's why, as a form of etiquette, we establish a Miko like me to ensure that when we seek an audience, we do not shame ourselves before Yagernaus-sama.”


"Yes. Regardless of my own immaturity... Miko are considered special beings in Kreisharana. The existence of Holy Spirit Miko who have trained themselves in abstinence, have not had children, and have sworn to dedicate their lives as human beings to Yagernaus-sama, putting Yagernaus-sama first, is the very embodiment of respect for Yagernaus-sama in Kreisharana."

A long-standing custom, a special position.

It could be said to be meaningless, and it probably was.

At least the Holy Spirit didn’t care about what the Miko wa like.

If it's someone like Krische, it would be a a different story, but she was probably just one of the small ones.

"Even if I say that I will serve Yagernaus-sama forever and that I want to be the last Holy Spirit Miko... unfortunately not many people will be convinced by that. Many will feel that it is disrespectful to Yagernaus-sama. They believes that having Holy Spirit Miko for each generation is the best way to show respect to Yagernaus-sama."

However, since this was the pillar of the faith in the Holy Spirit that had continued for many years, the people of Kreisharana did not think that way.

"So... in order to convince those people, I must show myself to be a more worthy Holy Spirit Miko than anyone else in the past. ...The proof of this is that I will be alone except for my duties, cut off all ties with people, and live out my life as a Miko without any help from anyone."

It was a word that she had told herself many times.

Come to think of it, it had been a long time since she had even told someone her determination like this.

Krische tilted her head as if she had heard a very difficult story, and Lira gave a wry smile as she saw that.

"Fufu, was it a bit difficult after all?"

"No...it might be easier to understand than Vinthril-san. Krische kind of get it, but also not really..."

She said with a carefree look on her face, then asked.

"Krische’s not sure if living a lonely and difficult life alone is proof of being a good Miko, but...Krische just come up with a good idea."

"... A good thing?"

"Lira was talking really fast just now, Lila is probably really lonely because you don't have anyone to talk to, right?"

"Eh? Well..."

Lira was confused, then nodded.

"B-But... it would be trouble Krische-sama talk to me so often, and I'll have to give some excuse to oth――"

"It's okay."

‘Of course, it is fine for Krische to come to Lira's place but’, and the girl in contrast had a big smile on her face.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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