A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 448: New Applications of Magical Runes

Chapter 448: New Applications of Magical Runes

"There's so much buzz and excitement, mixed with fear," a girl swayed her head as she spoke.

"Oh Luna, you're absolutely right," Ginny agreed, tiptoeing with the others to get a clearer view.

On the platform, Felix addressed the crowd, "There's no harm in broadening our horizons. Professor Poliakoff, I'll assist in your demonstration." With a wave of his wand, shattered boards transformed into a humanoid target.

Poliakoff raised his wand, chanting, "Black Feathers of Whirlwind!" A black whirlwind surged from the wand's tip, containing deeper, spinning black feathers.

After an acidic sound, the humanoid target lay battered. The black wind and feathers vanished, leaving gashes resembling gaping fish mouths.

Gasps filled the audience, students farther away straining to see clearer.

"If that hit a person..." Neville shuddered, eyeing the wounds on the target. "I still think Stunning Spells are the best."

Simon patted his shoulder. "Not everyone feels the same..." Neville glanced at Draco and a few Slytherin students enthusiastically applauding, then scanned the excited crowd.

"That's the Black Feather Curse. It summons a whirlwind towards enemies, but the focus is on those black feathers—like tiny knives, swift and corrosive," Poliakoff explained.

Felix and the others listened silently. Dark spots appeared on the wound area, affirming his words.

"How effective is the standard healing?" Felix asked softly.

"Um, counter-curses work best, but they're somewhat effective without them. Professor suggested using this when faced with dangerous creatures in the wild, like a wolf pack," Poliakoff said. "When practicing, I imagine being surrounded by ferocious beasts, forcing me to fight back."

Felix observed the intrigued and eager faces of the young wizards. "This method might have some effect, but it's based on Durmstrang's perfected operational mechanisms and may not suit Hogwarts. I should probably relay your thoughts to Professor Moody; he'd be interested."

The students shifted uncomfortably.

Felix understood their thoughts; he wasn't always obedient in school. Who wouldn't want to master a powerful and eye-catching spell? But after becoming a professor, his perspective changed. Did Hogwarts students really need Dark Magic?

He'd pondered deeply and concluded negatively. Hogwarts wasn't a military school; it nurtured young wizards to wield their magic responsibly, guiding them according to their strengths. Regarding self-protection, the Defensive Dark Arts class sufficed for common dangers, especially with the recent improved teaching quality—more students were opting for Auror training.

He had considered introducing upper-level students to some Dark Magic, but intensive short-term studies in such magic could easily breed darkness within.

"Why not learn one or two if the side effects can be avoided?" Ron whispered.

"Because you don't know if you're affected; changes could happen subtly," Hermione retorted sharply. "For skilled wizards, there are many ways for self-assessment."

"Maybe you're right, but I doubt general Dark Magic has that much impact," Ron admitted truthfully.

The exchange continued—

Cedric showcased the application of ancient runes, surprising Felix as he chose a path Felix had once abandoned—integrating runic symbols into modern magic.

Cedric smiled shyly. "When practicing the 'Flowing Water' runes, the magical imagery resembled a spring. I had this idea of combining it with the Clear Water Spring Spell and tried for a long time before succeeding."

Felix smiled. It seemed everyone was growing, though he wondered how far Cedric's research had gone.

Cedric swiftly traced a runic symbol in mid-air, shimmering for a moment before turning into an image resembling a waterfall or spring, faintly radiating light.

Cedric, with his wand in hand, carefully touched the symbol.

"Clear Water Spring!" he seized the chance to call out. His wand glowed, seemingly absorbing the image, transforming it into three free-flowing streams surrounding the wand's tip.

"Now, to cast them out—" Cedric cautiously said, then pointed his wand, the water streams slammed into the humanoid target, creating a dull thud as it flew, crashing into the wall.

The young wizards stared at the target in astonishment. If a living person had been struck, they could imagine the agonizing scene of someone groaning on the ground, clutching their stomach.

"Why does it feel like his spell can knock someone out... What magic is this?" Ron asked in amazement.

"It's supposed to be the Clear Water Spring Spell; I saw it in our sixth-year Charms textbook. But..." Hermione's expression was puzzled. "The description I read doesn't match this effect. Could it be, as he said, utilizing runes?"

Her fingertips danced with bright runes, spinning rapidly.

Several senior students discussed excitedly, whispering. They knew the Clear Water Spring Spell's original effect wasn't this strong, but Cedric's improvement seemed as potent as some attack spells.

Following Cedric, more brave souls stepped up, showcasing their abilities. It was hard to say if the onlookers learned anything; perhaps many were just enjoying the spectacle, but it at least broadened their horizons.

Felix sensed a shift in the brave souls' attitudes. They might still be rivals for now, but they seemed more open and willing to connect—perhaps a blend of foes and friends, understanding each other's struggles?

Felix pondered whether to organize another exchange meeting—ever since the failed exchange with the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, there hadn't been similar activities.

After the exchange meeting, young wizards were curious about other schools' showcases, yet Cedric was the only one available, so he had to publicly demonstrate several times.

"Timing is crucial. I haven't quite grasped this part and plan to consult Professor Heap," Cedric said.

At the Magical Runes Club gathering, Felix unveiled the mystery behind this knowledge.

"I've noticed this phenomenon too, as Mr. Davies mentioned. I started with a hypothesis..." Felix sat by the warm fireplace, surveying everyone.

"Is there a possibility of ancient magic and modern magic merging?"

The club members were momentarily stunned. Most were unfamiliar with this history, knowing only that ancient wizards used ancient magic while they used modern magic. Few understood how the transition occurred.

"Of course, there's a lot of thought behind this, too much to explain in detail. In short, after much deliberation and experimentation, I shifted my breakthrough towards the possibility of integrating ancient runes and modern magic."


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