A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 123: 96 Fairy Magic (Please Vote for Recommendation)

Chapter 123: Chapter 96 Fairy Magic (Please Vote for Recommendation)

“Miss Lilith is trying to bestow her blessings on objects,”

“She has mentioned this to me,”

Bailuo: “I asked Uncle to go help Lilith the day before yesterday. I expect results will come out in the next few days.”

If this experiment succeeded, then aside from witches, Yatun would birth a new breed of soldiers.

And this new breed of soldiers would have no restrictions — as long as they were loyal to Bailuo, whether they were from the Yatun Clan, Tree Elves, or the Fairy Clan, all could easily adapt to this Miracle Power!


Suddenly, a thick, deep blue fog started rolling in front of Bailuo.

“Your Majesty, be careful!”

Lu Anya almost instantaneously shielded Bailuo from the fog.

At the same time, 2 Tree Elf Priests and 4 Treant Sword Dancers formed a formation to protect Bailuo from behind.

“It’s me! It’s me!”

The blue fog dissipated, revealing Cat Lingling in front of Bailuo and the others, looking at the arrows aimed at it and the pale green Magic Power barrier formed by life energy around it.

Cat Lingling knew full well the power of Fairy Magic; had it not revealed its identity, it might have been blasted to bits the next moment.

“Don’t attack! I’m a friend, meow!”

And so, in the spacious conference hall, a clothed cat, standing upright on two legs, was holding up its paws, trembling.

“What’s going on here?”

Bailuo stood up from behind his desk, clearly sensing that this was Cat Lingling.



Two more deep blue fogs suddenly appeared, and Cat Yiyi and Cat Erer also materialized in the room.

Seeing that it was them, the Tree Elves breathed a sigh of relief and, at a wave from Bailuo, stood down.

The Tree Elves and Fairies were both Miracle Citizens of Bailuo, which meant they could directly sense each other’s Miracle Power. The two powers resonated with each other, the best proof of being on the same side.


Lilith appeared by Bailuo’s side at some point, making Bailuo startled, “You, how did you show up? I don’t think I summoned you, Lilith.”


Bailuo glanced at Cat Lingling and then turned to Lilith, coming to a sudden realization, “This is Cat Lingling’s newly awakened Ability, and since you are its Miracle Entity, you have also acquired this Ability?”

“Hmm, the little one has given me quite a few surprises.”

From Lilith’s words, it was clear that not only had the Cute Cat Three Musketeers awakened special powers, but also the four White Eagles, two gate­guarding dogs, Miss Dolphin, and Mr. Shark, all of whom had broken through after their Miracle Power reached its peak.

And as a result, Lilith had suddenly gained a large number of Fairy Magic spells. “Spells?”

“To differentiate from Fairy Magic, I’ve called it Fairy Magic spells,”

The term spells, of course, was something Lilith extracted from Bailuo’s knowledge: “Spells differ from Magic, in that the latter can be learned, while the former is similar to Bloodline Inheritance, it’s a special Magic that only fairies of the same clan possess.”

Just like Cat Lingling and the others, their Fairy Magic spell is to open up the deep blue fog, warping space to teleport over long distances, or move instantly over short ones.

“And there’s more, we can do this too.”

After Cat Yiyi spoke, many deep blue mists surged around it: “Watch me swim in the air~~”

Upon saying that, Cat Yiyi moved through the air like a fish swimming (flying).

Upward, left and right in an S-shape, then spinning around its tail.

Where there is no joy, create joy!

“Me too, me too! I can become invisible, meow.”

Cat Erer’s body vanished, leaving only its head in the air, then it turned clockwise once and counter-clockwise back.

It turned out its body was rolling in mid-air, but because only its head was visible, it looked quite eerie.

“This talent is not bad, quite interesting.”

Bailuo kept praising, and the three adorable Cute Cats gathered around him, affectionately soliciting his caresses.

“All good, all good, very good, very good.”

Bailuo stroked Cat Yiyi, and then successively met many fairies who had awakened their magic.

Some had awakened one or two spells, while others four or five, the most notable being Baiying Yin, who acquired no less than seven Fairy Magic spells, greatly increasing her strength.

“Besides spells, can fairies learn other magic?”

Bailuo sat in his chair, three Cute Cat Three Musketeers lying on his lap, enjoying their master’s caresses.

Baiying Yin perched at the window was full of envy, but it asked itself as a mature eagle, how could it so shamelessly beg for its master’s affection?

Baiying Yin: But, I really am so envious!!!

“Fairies cannot learn my magic.”

Lilith said, “These Fairy Magic spells are all the skills that fairies can use.”

Compared to witches who fight using magic, fairies are more like using spells as a support.

Just like the Cute Cat Three Musketeers, they fight using rapiers, while Azure Mist allows them to teleport behind the enemy for a sudden attack, or to evade incoming blows, boasting great agility.

Not to mention, the little trio can also become invisible and fly, making them the perfect choice for an assassin’s role.

“I have gained some insight into Fairy Armor, and I expect a breakthrough very soon.”

Lilith said, “When that happens, we can outfit the fairies with special gear, and combined with their Fairy Magic spells, they might not be able to defeat an ordinary, full-grown Tree Elf (excluding Tree Elf Witches) one-on-one, but three-on-one, they will surely prevail!”

If it really was as Lilith said, Yatun now had over a thousand little fairies, nearly five hundred Fairy Citizens.

That was almost equivalent to 200 Tree Elves.

“Good, very good.”

Bailuo said to Lilith, “You have worked hard, Lilith.”

“It’s what I should do.”

Lilith lived a very fulfilling day, and serving the Master of Miracles was the greatest joy of Miracle: “Speaking of which, master, the little ones have awakened special powers, and I’d like to select some to enhance your guard.” “Hmm, okay.”

Bailuo was key to Yatun, and naturally, his safety was of utmost importance.

“Let’s go with these three little ones.”

Bailuo embraced the three Cute Cat Three Musketeers in his arms, but as he spoke, Baiying Yin near the window almost fell off: ‘Eh? How about me? What about me? I can do it, too!’

Baiying Yin felt like it had become a bird that lost its dreams.

“Let’s include a few more.”

So, under Lilith’s selection, the Royal Guard, led by Cat Lingling, Cat Yiyi, and Cat Erer, was established.

The Guard’s three captains were Cat Lingling, Cat Yiyi, and Cat Erer, and under their command were 12 tiny Rat Clan Fairies, protecting Bailuo’s safety from the most hidden corners.

So if one day Bailuo opened a drawer and found a rat having breakfast inside, it should be no surprise.

That was basic procedure!

Additionally, there were four Dog People, all dressed in suits, wearing ties, black on a white background, and donning sunglasses.

Whenever Bailuo traveled or received guests, they would search meticulously like security guards.

Among the Dog People’s Fairy Magic was a special spell to enhance scent detection, which not only made their sense of smell acute but also allowed them to smell malice on a person.

Having them guard the gates and pave the way for Bailuo’s travels put Lilith at ease.

Last were six Fairy Citizens from the Feathered Tribe, resembling parrots, doves, nightingales, magpies, cuckoos, and sparrows.

Their leader was Baiying YingYingYing, who had retired from the navy.

“With this setup, nothing can go wrong.”

Looking at this humor-filled fairy squad, Lilith was quite satisfied, “You’re busy, master. I’ll continue my research on blessing runes.”

“Ah, yeah.”

Bailuo suddenly felt that his office had become a bit crowded, filled with fairies that had transformed back into their animal forms.

“Your Majesty, would you like some coffee?”

“Hl have a cup.”

Because the fairies woke up, Bailuo’s work was interrupted, and he took the opportunity to enter a temporary rest period.

He turned his chair around to face the massive window, looking out at the forests, rivers, and Azure sky.

“It’s strangely…”

Bailuo stroked Cat Lingling in his arms, took a sip of coffee, and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Yatun Island: “quite pleasant.”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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