After Reincarnating into Ancient Times, She Bound a Express Delivery System

Chapter 238: Letter from an Old Friend

Chapter 238

Upon receiving the news, a ripple of emotion stirred in Li Shuchen's usually calm eyes.

A barely perceptible smile curved his lips as he stood up from his wheelchair and strode swiftly through the courtyard corridors.

Today, the sunlight seemed especially warm, and the breeze was just right.

As he took long strides, his dark robes danced in the wind. If he could have used his inner energy, he would have already employed his lightness skill...

A short while later, he swept Qi Huan up into his arms.

Hearing his slightly rapid heartbeat, Qi Huan clutched his collar and looked up with her bright, sparkling eyes. "Shuchen, put me down quickly."

"I don't want to. Be good, Huan." After a few deep breaths, Li Shuchen's breathing gradually steadied. "You've walked so long in the tunnel. I can't bear to let you walk anymore."

As soon as he finished speaking, the thoughtful Yan Wu arrived pushing a wheelchair!

Yan Wu's eyes darted around, and upon seeing His Highness's gloomy expression, he instantly understood.

His Highness cared so much for Miss Qi, he must want to offer the wheelchair to her!

He got it!

So he preemptively invited Miss Qi to sit: "Miss Qi, please have a seat."

"I'm fine, let Shuchen sit," Qi Huan shook her head, struggling out of Li Shuchen's arms. She took his hand and walked him to the wheelchair.

"I'll count to three. If you don't listen, I'll go back the way I came!"

Her red lips had barely parted to say "three" when Li Shuchen had already sat down.

So obedient.

Qi Huan's eyes softened, and she couldn't suppress the smile tugging at her lips.

Just as she was about to push Shuchen's wheelchair, Yan Wu swiftly stepped in: "Leave this tiring task to me!"

As an excellent subordinate, one must be perceptive and anticipate His Highness's concerns!

His Highness surely wouldn't want Miss Qi to tire herself, so he took on this laborious task first, eagerly awaiting His Highness's praise!

However, Li Shuchen didn't spare him a single word. Instead, he extended his elegant hand towards Qi Huan, his voice like a gentle stream: "Huan, come here."

Based on his earlier obedience, Qi Huan placed her delicate hand in his palm, only to be suddenly pulled onto his lap. Her arms instinctively wrapped around his neck.

As their eyes met, a tender affection blossomed between them.

Behind them, Yan Wu pushed the now heavier wheelchair, secretly delighted with himself.

He truly was His Highness's top bodyguard!

Another day busy facilitating His Highness's love life.

The hidden guards along the way were equally astute, efficiently clearing the path of servants, tacitly making way for Li Shuchen.

As the breeze wafted through the long corridor, Li Shuchen grasped Qi Huan's slender waist, turning her to face him and shield her from the wind. He then complained playfully, "Didn't you say you wouldn't come to see me?"

"Whoever comes is a puppy, hmm?"


Qi Huan's cheeks flushed red at his words. She struggled to get down, but his iron-like arms held her tightly in his embrace, her soft hands pinned.

Embarrassed and annoyed, she bit down on Li Shuchen's shoulder with an "awoo," venting her frustration.

Feeling the slight pain, Li Shuchen paid it no mind. He pointed to his lips and said softly, "Huan bit the wrong place. Come here."

"You're terrible," Qi Huan mumbled, her chin resting on his shoulder.

Li Shuchen chuckled, whispering in her ear, "Yesterday, my grandfather and uncle praised me repeatedly."

"They must be very pleased with me as their son-in-law."

At that moment, Li Shuchen didn't know that a rude awakening was coming, as swift as a tornado...


Qi Huan had brought Li Shuchen some hand warmers and chatted with him for a while before returning the way she came. She boarded the carriage back home, carrying a red wooden letter box.

Upon returning to Qinghuan Court, she was about to read the letters when Ruo Lan lifted the pearl curtain and entered quietly, curtsying: "My lady, Elder Madam Song has come and is waiting for you in the main hall, having tea."

"Alright, I'll go right away."

Qi Huan put away the half-opened envelope, stood up, smoothed her skirt, and walked into the main hall with a smile.

"Aunt, did you need me for something?"

Elder Madam Song quickly set down her teacup and stood up, warmly taking her hand: "Huan, the young man who saved An'an earlier, was his name Yan Qinghe?"

"That's right."

"Oh, it seems my memory is still good." Elder Madam Song first praised herself with a smile, then returned to the main topic.

"You said he was your former neighbor in Mo County. Do you know where he's staying now?"

"He saved An'an and is our Song family's benefactor. Your uncle and I want to invite him over for a meal to express our gratitude."

Understanding Elder Madam Song's purpose, Qi Huan answered truthfully: "He seems to be staying at the Duke of An Manor."


Elder Madam Song's expression faltered slightly as she twisted her handkerchief.

The social status seemed a bit high...

She sighed softly: "I see. Thank you, Huan."

It was almost dinner time, so Elder Madam Song didn't stay long. She left some seasonal fruits and bid farewell.

She knew Huan didn't lack money, but her three children had received many favors from Huan, which she always kept in mind.

If she gave money directly, it would seem too impersonal, and Huan probably wouldn't accept it.

Therefore, she tried to treat Qi Huan generously in terms of food, clothing, and daily necessities, while secretly saving up more for her dowry.

Although the restaurant dividends were substantial, the Song family was accustomed to frugality, and they could gradually save up a considerable sum...

Qi Huan personally saw Elder Madam Song off at the courtyard gate, completely unaware of her intentions.

After dinner, she took out a lamp from her space and began opening the envelopes.

The first was from Yue Ming, a thick stack of paper that almost burst the envelope.

"...Huan, on the hundred and first day since you left Mo County, I finally learned how to make tomato and egg noodles... but my husband says you prefer plain noodles."

Reading this, Qi Huan's pupils suddenly constricted.

Distant memories began to assault her...

However, at this moment, she did indeed miss the plain noodles Shuchen used to make.

Refocusing, she continued reading.

"...Huan, do you think I might be infertile? My husband has been trying so hard, but my belly shows no signs of life..."

Qi Huan was surprised. Hadn't Xiu Wen told Yue Ming about the contraceptives?

Before she left, she had asked Li Shuchen to leave them plenty of birth control products, probably enough to last a year or two.

When they were almost out, she planned to have merchants bring folic acid...

After finishing the letter, Qi Huan spread out some paper, weighed it down with a paperweight, then took out a pen from her space and quickly wrote back to Yue Ming, answering her series of questions...

As for Xiu Wen and Mr. Xu's letters, they were more formal. After brief greetings, they mainly discussed business matters.

Both were very capable, and with them in charge, the business in Mo County gradually reached new heights.

The fourth letter was from Chen Jinyou, whose handwriting was truly a challenge to read.

Qi Huan struggled through it, rubbed her eyes, and slowly broke into a brilliant smile.

Chen Jinyou had managed the off-season vegetable business well, and with the harvests from his various farms, he had gradually become a wealthy local landowner.

Not only had he stopped collecting protection fees, but he had also learned from Qi's Restaurant, distributing porridge once a month as charity...

"My father, seeing me so focused on making money, has given up all hope for me. After his and my mother's unremitting efforts, my younger brother was born, chubby and cute, though perhaps not quite as handsome as me..."

Qi Huan burst into laughter, highly amused.

Chen the county magistrate had always hoped his son would pursue the imperial examinations, but since the "elder version" was a lost cause, he had to work hard on the "younger version"...

After replying to the letter, she instructed Tao Su to prepare some longevity locks and other gifts to send back with the letters.

Having read her good friends' letters, Qi Huan looked at the remaining half of the box, her willow-leaf eyebrows slightly furrowed.

Who could these be from?

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