Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 42: The days are changing

Chapter 42: The days are changing

1007 AF Seedmonth

Day 46

The responsibility of the Under Marshall was to take charge of the footmen and the equipment.

Arial, Kyle, Lisa and Helia were among just ten Under Marshalls in the Academy, not to mention they were the youngest to ever be given the title.

Arial had been given the charge of ten men, all at least three years older than him. Helia and Lisa had nine men each, while Kyle had seven.

They were spending the day training their footmen, kitted out in brand new armor. The elated smile on Kyle's face stretched from ear to ear.

Arial began by evaluating his men's strength. They had strong, capable bodies, but very basic swordplay skills and underdeveloped internal energy.

Since they would mostly be using spears and carrying supplies, Arial focused on training their core and internal energy.

But most of them will probably reach commander level at the age of 40 in terms of internal energy strength

He is different because of his internal energy pool is cultivated since he was a child. He also decided that he would teach them some spear technique but most importantly he will train them to cooperate with each other.

Any army need disciple and teamwork

As evening approached, the four friends met in the Under Marshall common room.

After greeting the Knight Brothers, they settled into plush armchairs beside a crackling fireplace, and swapped stories of their training.

They had all decided to train their men in different ways: Lisa had decided to focus on working their core, Kyle's men were improving their strength and cooperation, while Helia's plan was to concentrate on one thing every month, first strength, then internal energy, then teamwork.

Arial was impressed; his friends had all taken to their new responsibilities better than he had hoped.

Night descended and the friends left the common room to return to the new house they had been granted as Under Marshalls.

Along the way, they passed Harald Alan skulking through a hallway, and Lisa bumped into him accidentally.

"What do you think you're doing?" Harald shrieked, a look of repulsion on his face. Students who had been passing paused to watch.

Arial look at this and in his eyes there is fury. He then shouted

"Is that how you speak to your ranking officer?!" said Arial sternly.

Harald gulped.

Outside, he was a respected lord, but within the Academy walls, he was just another recruit. A ranking officer could make a recruit's life hard.

A furious ranking officer could make his life hell. But a furious ranking officer who happened to be Lisa Lethe he would wish for hell rather than suffer her wrath.

"Well, Recruit? Is that how you speak?" Lisa said.

Her confidence had flourished since they returned from the quest, and she was no longer the subdued common girl she'd been when they had arrived.

"I'm sorry," Harald muttered, staring at his shoes. Arial smiles.

"What was that? I'm jolly?" said Lisa.

"I'm sorry," said Harald, more clearly.

"Louder, Recruit!" shouted Lisa.

"I'm sorry!" Harald's cheeks flushed as he yelled.

"That's better. Keep up the good work, Recruit," Lisa laughed, and patted his back. Harald hurried away, and Kyle and Helia grinned.

"That was epic," said Kyle happily, gazing at his sister in admiration.

"It was pretty funny," Helia agreed. "His face looked like a blowfish!" Helia puffed out her cheeks like a blowfish, and they all laughed.

They carried on their way and arrived at their new house. Arial enter his new house and he felt the tiredness of today.

The space of his new house is spacious.

Arial open his armor and put it aside. The walls of his house are eleven ft. high, with red brick and the roof is brand new. The windows provided great lighting and are useful for bringing the spring breeze in the house.

Night had fallen fast, so Arial lit the many lamps that lay around the house, before throwing the flame into the fireplace.

He sank into a deep-cushioned chair, watching the fire spark and grow until the flames were licking the red brick wall.

He just needed to rank up to Knight Brother, then he could return home. But not alone, Kyle and Lisa must join him.

Helia too, he thought, she was a strong-willed and valuable asset.

It meant he'd have to go through many simple quests rather than face hard ones by himself, but he was resolute: they would return home together.


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