All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 150 Radagak's Secret

Radagak and all the others who had betrayed Damian were happily exploring the tunnel that led to the underwater city. They never thought Damian would return, and the only thing inside their minds was to be the first to reach the next tower level.

Once the underwater city was before their eyes, and Radagak noticed there were no other humans, meaning they were the first ones to arrive there, he couldn't help but smile, just like all the others, who were joyfully looking around the city.

"We are the first to reach this place," Radagak said, opening his arms, "Now, all we have to do is find the way out."

When they stepped inside the city, all the mermaids and tritons looked at them but said nothing. Everyone there expected other humans to arrive, and now that the tower was open, it would turn into a common sight.

Radagak and all the others firmly believed they were the first to arrive there and could not wait to have their names on top of the ranking ladder, but little did they know Damian had a plan for them.

With a bit of chit-chatting here and there, it wasn't that hard for them to discover where that level's exit was and about the beast they would have to face, like the massive dog on the first floor.

"We have to think of a formation to fight this beast. Let's start with our strengths and weaknesses..."

Radagak talked with everyone about their abilities, what they were good at, etc. If they wanted a better chance of winning, creating a decent battle formation was necessary, so they talked with one another.

They dared to go near the sacred lake only after one hour and start the fight against the beast. Damian was there, hiding with his invisibility cloak, waiting for his chance to plot against them.

'One hour to create a formation just to die by my hands. Fools.'

A gigantic mix of a snake and a fish emerged from the sacred lake, scaring the shit out of Radagak and the others, who were not waiting for such a majestic creature to appear, making all of them look like ants.

"Don't freak out! Keep the formation!"

Those with body-enhancing abilities were on the front, acting like tanks to soak up the damage, while the others supported from afar. In the first stages of the fight, everything was going in the right direction, with them blocking the attacks the beast tried, and no one lost their lives.

But the beast got progressively more powerful as the fight went on, and the first casualty was a bulky man who could shift body his arms into shields, acting like the primary tank of the party.

The beast dived in with its long sharp fangs, piercing through his shields — basically his arms — ripping them apart! The man got stuck in one of the fangs, so the beast pulled him into its stomach, sealing his fate.

It was only the first death out of many people, but that one shook the group, and many saw them as the next victims of the beast. Radagak had to keep yelling, trying to make them focus on the fight and not get lost in scary thoughts.

Then another one died, one of those sending attacks from the back, a man who could control fire. It was not the best ability to use in that environment, but the beast decided to kill him second for some reason.

Things started to go downhill, but even after two casualties, Radagak kept the remaining party members on track, saying that the beast would soon die, which was what they should look for.

There were visible wounds on the beast's body, which only gave them hope of overcoming the fight. But something appeared something that was like a nightmare to some of the crew members.

What if Damian returned? Despite Radagak telling them it was impossible, the fear was still present, but as they ventured more profoundly, especially after reaching the underwater city, the fear vanished.

'He is truly dead.'

Their common sense shattered as a familiar figure wearing a black mask appeared, flying right next to the beast's head.

"I-Impossible!" Radagak said, retreating a few steps.

The crew Damian had betrayed him, yes, but the person behind everything, the person who shot the cannonball that almost killed Damian, was Radagak. If any of them should be scared, he was that person.

He couldn't believe Damian was there and subconsciously retreated. When the others around him saw their leader scared, it spread to everyone, and soon no one had the high spirits as before, and what they wished to do was run!

"Please, don't, grrr," one yelled as a black spear pierced his body.

Damian created many spears with his Slime Ring, flying above all the superhumans, seeing them as ants that had to be crushed.

"Remember when you betrayed me? Now you want me to stop? None of you will leave this place alive!"

The attacks were endless, a torrent of spears flying from the sky, piercing the crew members underneath. Some of them dodged the attacks using their body powers, while others used their weapons and abilities to avoid them, and some unlucky ones died in the first wave of attacks.

Radagak cut all the spears that went his way using his curved swords, while the man with a white eye dodged everything as if he knew precisely where the spears would hit.

If it was only Damian, the one trying to kill everyone, it would be impossible. But the beast was there, fighting alongside him, attacking the crew members as they tried to dodge the spears.

That made the attacks almost impossible to dodge, and the number of corpses near the lake kept increasing. Only a few stood their ground against the multiple attacks, and Radagak was one of them.

"Dawn, we can talk through it. I made a mistake when betraying you!" Radagak said as he dodged one of the spears.

"Mistake? You almost killed me! I am lucky to be alive! Betrayal is not cheap, mother fucker!"

Damian's body erupted with warmth, a fury, every time he looked at Radagak or any other man or woman who betrayed him. Nothing would make him let them go; no matter what fancy words Radagak tried, it would all be useless.

The only thing that would bring Damian peace was their lifeless bodies lying on the ground, so he kept sending his attacks repeatedly. 

"Please, don't attack me! I was forced to go with them!" 

Another member of the crew was asking for Damian's forgiveness. He looked at it and remembered that guy who fought the octopus with him, creating the massive tree.

"Why should I trust you?" Damian said as he kept attacking Radagak, swiftly dodging the black spears and the beast's attacks.

"I can help you kill him," the man said, pointing at Radagak.

Damian looked at the man, a youth like him, and did not know if he should believe in him. Everyone betrayed him the last time he did that, and the feeling still lingered inside of him, telling him to kill everyone and not trust a single soul.

But before Damian could even say a word, the youth got to action, taking out some seeds from a bag, and soon many vines and roots came out of the ground, flying toward Radagak, who was already busy dodging Damian's and the beast's attacks.

Attacks from three different locations simultaneously were not something he could dodge. Soon, the vines wrapped around his left ankle, restricting his movements by a second, yet that period was more than enough for Damian to capitalize.

A black spear pierced his leg right on the thigh. Damian chose that location to hinder Radagak's movements even more, and with that, the other spears quickly reached him, piercing many different parts of his body: legs, arms, and shoulders.

Damian did not want to kill Radagak quickly, no. Radagak had to suffer for everything he had done to him.

"Why did you betray me?" Damian said as he flew toward Radagak, who couldn't move an inch.

The scene of Damian descending from the sky, with his black robe flapping, sent a shiver down Radagak's spine, and he was lost for words.

Despite being under control, Damian watched the youth who could control plants, as he couldn't let his guard down.

"I will put the bag right here while you deal with this," the youth said, placing his leather bag on the ground and moving away.

That was where all his seeds were, so it was like a peace offer. Damian liked that and decided not to kill the youth, at least not at that moment. He would if he sensed anything strange, as being betrayed once was okay, but twice was stupidity.

Radagak's body was a mess, with many wounds and blood. He would soon die even if Damian stopped attacking him.

"Any last words?" Damian said.

Radagak laughed like crazy, "I am only the first to come, we will get you and your blood!"

Damian frowned, unable to understand what Radagak meant.

"What do you mean?" Damian said, moving closer to Radagak, yet it was too late.

Radagak killed himself before uttering a word.

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