All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 164 Siora, The Naughty Queen

The queen heard the word about the accident Damian had taken part — the killing inside the cave by a mysterious enemy.

She got worried about him, especially after hearing how wounded Damian was, therefore she sent them a feast. It wouldn't change the horrible things Damian saw, or bring back those they had lost, but it would at least help him recover.

"Yummy! These elves may be pissed because we are outsiders, yet their food is tasty!" Frederic said, eating like a maniac.

"Calm down. The food won't disappear," Damian said.

Damian was eating with him inside their temporary house, but his mind was in something else: the mysterious actions of Ailred.

'Ailred speaks with a mysterious group of people and now wants to take the power from the queen? This is not looking like something good.'

The actions of that elf called Ailred were odd, and Damian wanted to find out more about it! He was not connected to the elves by any means, but helping them with that may grant him their friendship, which would ultimately help him leave that forest.

That's not even counting the amount of information the elves could share with him. — elves lived a long time, way more than humans, almost like immortal beings, so they knew more of the past, and the past was something intriguing to Damian.

'I'll go look for those mysterious people tomorrow. For now, let's just eat and rest.'

While Damian and Frederic were resting, Ailred went to the cave he and his fellow partners in crime had decided to use to end Damian's life, and when he arrived there, the scene made him throw up!

"What the hell is this?" Ailred murmured, looking at the body pieces scattered on the cave.

The scene was so disgusting; he threw up and took a while to recover. Only after a few minutes did he recompose himself and went looking for clues to see who or what did that.

Damian was not on the list of people he saw as guilty.

'There's no way that brat did this. This is the work of a beast or a cruel person. Could be the ones helping me get the throne?' Ailred thought.

It looked like something only a starved beast or a madman would do, and Damian did not fit any of those criteria, so Ailred's search was aimed at something else, and not Damian.

He looked around the cave, trying to see any tracks of the battle.

'Their footprints, and the footprints of that human after he ran away. The elves probably tried to hold the enemy, and the human did not stay to help. Well, not that he has the strength to help with anything,' Ailred thought.

Damian had prepared a fake track of footprints before leaving the cave. He used his Telekineses to float during the fight, so there were no footprints of him inside the cave. Therefore, nothing for Ailred to find that would lead to Damian.

Everything was neatly planned by him. Damian would not kill those elves if he was not sure he would have the skill to escape.


The night came, changing the atmosphere of the elven village. Every elf inside the village already knew about the accident — Ailred returned after finding nothing, and the news spread.

No one blamed Damian for running away, and were glad at least one survived the attack, yet the question remained inside their heads.

'Who or what did it?'

Ailred was trying to search the culprit by himself, using his connections and those who were against the queen, so the queen did not know about his movements.

The queen did the same, and tried her best to get more answers from Damian, like by calling him to a private meeting inside her house.

"The queen is waiting for you. Go in, but try something funny and we will attack you," an elf guard said.

Damian only nodded and then went inside. The place where the queen lived was not in the same building as her throne room, but a separated house at the top of the highest tree within the village's perimeter.

It was a place no one could enter, only those who had a personal invitation from the queen. The number of guards protecting the tree's perimeter was incredible; the most secure place within the entire village.

'Why did she invite me? To get answers about what happened inside that cave?'

That was the only reason Damian could think of why the queen had called him there. He did nothing else in his time inside the village, and despite her acting friendly with him the first moment they met, that was it.

"Excuse me?" Damian said.

The living room of the queen's house was gorgeous, with a couch made of elven wood with ornaments on it, and the sofa upholstery was of unknown materials, yet Damian could see it was softy just by looking at it.

'Let me try it.'

Damian noticed the queen wasn't there, so the most respectful thing he could do was wait in the living room until she arrives, so testing the sofa was the way to go.

He jumped on it, and it was as good as he imagined.

'This place may have lower technology, yet it is luxurious! I think a sofa like this one would be costly in Earth.'

The place even had paintings, making Damian wonder who the artist was because of how good the paintings looked.

"I painted them. Did you like it?"

A female voice echoed behind Damian, and when he turned around to face the person, it was the queen.

She only had a towel around her body to hide her parts, and her soft blond hair was still wet.

Damian was surprised to see her undressed. That was not the way a queen would see her guests.

"You painted it? A talented lady you are," Damian said.

The queen's cheeks got red with the compliment, and she could not deny that Damian was a good-looking man.

"I am queen Siora Favyre. Nice to meet you. Please sit and wait while I get dressed."

"Damian, my queen," Damian said, bowing to her.

Siora went to her bedroom to get dressed, choosing a long white and green dress that looked vulgar, showing her big breasts.

'Is she doing this on purpose to get answers from me? Ha, a delicate move, but it won't work,' Damian thought as he looked at her.

She not only returned dressed, but with a cup of tea for Damian, who was still awaiting in the living room.

"This is a tea from a special leaf only found inside the elven forest. You will love it, I am sure," Siora said.

The scent of the tea was good, but Damian was unsure if it was a safe tea to drink.

'What if this is something like a paralyzing herb or worse? But I need to drink it or I will look rude.'

"Thank you, Siora," Damian said, accepting the cup of tea.

He sipped it, and it was just like the queen said, delicious.

"I liked it. Now, why did your highness invite me?"

"Don't need to act so respectful in here. We are alone," Siora said, smiling at him, "As to why I called you, I just wanted to know if you were okay, considering what you have been through recently."

That was a discreet way to ask a question. Damian liked she was not pushing it.

"Indeed, that was terrible and scary. I am glad I survived," Damian said, sipping his tea again. "My energies are back all thanks to the foods you brought me."

Siora chuckled, "That was nothing. You can stay here as long as you want to recover."

"Really? Are you saying I can stay here with you?"

The queen was once again with red cheeks, sipping her tea to mask her shyness. "If you want it, sure."

It was then that Damian felt something was off with the tea. His manhood was getting harder without his command.

'Aphrodisiac? No way! But she drank it too!'

Siora and Damian chatted for some time. She tried to learn more about what happened in the cave, and Damian did everything possible to avoid the subject, like not telling he was the one who killed the elves.

"It is getting late. Maybe you should go," Siora said, getting up from the sofa.

"But you said I could stay here."

"Right, you can. Come, I will show you an empty room."

The queen's house was massive, so she had a few spare rooms, and Damian got one right beside Siora's.

"Goodnight. See you tomorrow," Siora said as she closed the door.

Damian sat on the bed, but sleeping would not happen. The aphrodisiac tea Siora gave him made his dick hard, and he needed to relieve that accumulated energy.

'Masturbation. She wouldn't mind, right?'

He undressed and started doing it. Damian did not know, but Siora wanted to relieve the energy too, and she spied him through a small gap!

All the rooms had something like that — it was a way to protect the queen from those who were staying inside her house — but Siora was using it for something else.

'His body is so… Look at the size of that thing… Ah, I want it!' Siora thought as she moved her hand down to play with her pussy.

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