Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 753: 735 consecutive king eight boxing

Chapter 753: 735 consecutive king eight boxing

Chapter 753 Chapter 735. Consecutive King Ba Quan

The golden lion's fighting style is similar to that of an enraged ape.

There are as many subtle tricks as violent fists.

After the body has activated more considerable power due to the Qilin Cang Horn, now there are enemies coming to the door, which makes this golden lion feel a burst of ecstasy!

Roar! Roar!

The sound was like the long cry of an ape, which sounded excitedly.

According to the grand leader, the golden lion is actually a creature that is difficult to hunt.

But its "difficulty in hunting" does not lie in its lack of ability. On the contrary, the reason why golden lions have difficulty obtaining food is because their momentum is too strong!

Even the footprints left after walking for a long time can still retain a terrifying pressure.

They dont know how to restrain themselves, or they dont bother to restrain such a powerful momentum.

In short, every time they come to a hunting ground, their momentum will first scare away the prey in the hunting ground.

They themselves are a type of monster that focuses on fighting and have no special skills in tracking, which makes hunting difficult.

Now, the food and battles delivered to the door are still the most exciting time when it has gained new power!

The Golden Lion is in a high mood right now!

Its two hind legs kicked hard, and its entire body shot directly into the sky!

Then at the highest point in mid-air, the black and gold body formed into a solid ball of flesh, and then suddenly fell down, hitting the two hunters!

The captain seemed to be very familiar with the golden lion, and he immediately swooped to the side to dodge.

Lan En immediately followed suit, and at the same time, his eyes became dark.

Spiritual Visionis turned on.

Since this golden lion was called by the grand leader as a monster that can even scare an ancient dragon, Lan En automatically became more vigilant.

As expected, the golden lion with gorgeous golden hair showed more agility than any monster Lan En had seen so far.

Generally speaking, the large weight of monsters is their biggest advantage in the wild natural environment.

But when facing hunters with small targets, high sensitivity, and high damage, although large monsters are not slow, their flexibility cannot be improved at all.

It takes more than a second to turn a corner, and it takes half a day to adjust the center of gravity after an attack, and so on.

Hunters can often suppress monsters based on their own experience and reactions and their flexibility.

But when facing the Golden Lion, the hunters advantage in flexibility was completely wiped out!

The overall body structure is similar to that of a gorilla, and the body shape and weight are not too big, making the golden lion's physical flexibility no worse than that of a hunter!

When attacking, he can punch one punch after another, and there is no so-called "gap" at all.

This made Lan En feel like he was not fighting a monster, but a powerful and violent 'person'!

[Turbid CurrentDestruction] is not suitable for this scenario, at least until [Spirit Vision] collects enough information about the golden lion so that Lan En can judge its action trend through vision. The heavy sword is not suitable for this. Scenes.

But Lan En doesnt even have time to change weapons now!

Because the Golden Lions attacks are too powerful and coherent!

The battle entered a state of high intensity in an instant.

The splashed coral reef debris has the same lethality as shotguns and fragments. The oppressive and violent momentum was crushed down, making people unconsciously breathe heavily and quickly.

This is indeed a terrifying power that is no less powerful than the ancient dragon!


turbid currentannihilationThe iconic collision sound like a church bell sounded. Lan En, who blocked the big sword in front of him, was forced to receive the golden lion's punch head-on.

There is no skill at all in this fist, it is purely the fighting instinct of the golden lion.

But in the face of this overwhelmingly superior physical fitness, Wang Baquan is also a sure-fire skill!

The golden lion bloomed with golden hair, and each of its punches was almost the same as the claws of the Nergigante standing up, using its weight and strength to strike down.

In terms of impact force alone, it is at least a hundred tons!

But the light red fighting spirit flames on Lan En's body bloomed almost together with the golden lion's boxing.

Although [Spiritual Vision] has not yet observed enough information from the Golden Lion's body, Lan Enguang is definitely a top warrior with his own skills and reactions.

He perfectly grasped the fleeting time window with the "Iron Mountain Reliance" skill of the great sword in the hunter system.

He just pushed against the golden lion at the moment when it was not fully exerting its power!

So a punch with an impact of at least hundreds of tons only made his palms numb and pushed his whole person back seven or eight meters.

But before Lan En could stand upright after being pushed backwards by the impact, a huge shadow enveloped him.

The golden lion is now standing upright, with its terrifyingly muscular arms raised high above its head, in a pose that looks like it is showing off its muscles in a bodybuilding competition.

But Lan En didnt feel the funny sense of the orangutan posing in a toned posture.

Facing the ferocious look of the golden lion looking down, he felt like the nerves in his brain were about to be broken!

Positioning like a bodybuilding champion is the purpose of the Golden Lion to increase the crushing area!

A moment later, the golden Rakshasa pounced forward, and the whole body was smashed down like a mountain.

The destructive power of a smash comes not only from the weight, but also from the hardness of the object.

Although the golden lion's weight is not that big among large monsters, this body has been able to withstand Qilin lightning strikes before, and now it has re-evolved muscles. When tightened, its hardness is definitely higher than steel weapons!

If you are an ordinary hunter, facing such a dense attack from monsters, even if your body can hold on, your mind will be panicked.

But Lan En has become accustomed to dancing on the tip of the knife, and even enjoys this 'art'.

So, in a blink of an eye, the light red fighting spirit flame exploded with a 'bang' sound again!

Second company!

He once again pressed his shoulders against the broad and heavy sword, completely locking his joints to form a 'whole'.

Then the golden lion's crushing force from above pushed Lan En backwards again.

But this time, the pupils in those cat eyes became sharper.

Giving up the stability of the whole body, it will take some time for the flexible body of the Golden Lion to stabilize its posture again.

Now, after two [Tie Shan Kao], Lan En's fighting energy activity has directly exceeded two thresholds!

Having reached the level where [TrueCharged Slash] can be used!

The flames of Dou Qi are like flames exploding, and with the breathing, they are completely pressed on the surface of the sword and the body.

The hilt of [turbid currentannihilation] was held by Lan En's face, and the sword body, which was as wide and thick as a piece of iron, was swung back because it was too long and hit the ground behind him.

The whole body is like a fully drawn bow! ready!

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