Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 762: 744 French Seal Variation

Chapter 762: 744 French Seal Variation

Chapter 762 Chapter 744. Seal variant

The communication efficiency of the cone-shaped crystal is indeed worthy of being positioned as a trial work.

Lan En did get in touch with the magical world, but the contact was not like a phone call, but more like a message on the landline.

I dont know when one will be sent.

Perhaps its because of the time flow between worlds.

.Zi~Zi, hello? Can you hear me?

After sending this sentence back, Lan En waited for more than three hours before receiving a reply.

That was Margarita's overjoyed voice, but in the conical crystal communication, it was turned into a noisy female voice like an old-fashioned telephone by various background noises.

"Ha! I succeeded! This communication magic can be used! I just said that the magic circle I derived will not be wrong!"

Lan En, let me be concise and concise, we consume too much magic power here.

Even though he had expected it, the fact that cross-world communication was successful at once still made Lan En feel a little unreal.

He held the cone-shaped crystal in his hand, looked left and right, and finally shrugged.

Scientific research in this field is not right for him, and he cannot see anything more.

As a result, Lan En could only concentrate on his current affairs.

I have some trouble here and need technical support from magic experts.

Subsequently, Lan told Margarita about the appearance of the deer-headed spirit in another world.

It also shows that this deer-headed spirit is completely different from ordinary goods and has become so powerful that it is difficult to handle.

But the most difficult thing now is how to find a few kittens in a vast area, otherwise there will be no chance of fighting with the deer-headed spirit.

Deer-headed spirit? Margaritas voice revealed surprise.

Wait a minute, if its a question about monsters, then I may not be familiar with it. I have to go to Berengar for consultation.

Then there was another long period of waiting.

After that, Margarita asked Tissaya to take over the cone crystals communication.

Margaritas talent for conjuration is top-notch, but she still habitually asks for help from her teacher when it comes to dealing with affairs and emergencies.

Tisaya's calm, smooth and efficient voice was transmitted into Lan En's mind from the cone-shaped crystal.

"According to the information recorded by the wolf sect's demon hunters, the extremely rare ancient deer-headed spirit among the deer-headed spirits does have the talent to open undirected portals. The one you met should have opened the portal by itself and ran away by coincidence. Past.

"But like you said, the biggest problem you face now is to find the person who was cursed by the deer-headed spirit. If Rita or I are by your side, then this is easy to do. Divination of internal organs and divination of pottery shards are both easy. Can lock down an area.

But considering the witchers spellcasting ability.

Tisaya didn't finish what she said, but the unfinished tone of her voice already made Lan En aware of the headache on the other side.

For a sorceress, casting spells is the first choice to solve problems. But they are not with Lan En now, and Lan En's own spell-casting abilities are also far apart, and even remote guidance is impossible.

The situation is a bit stagnant, and the magic of the distant world does not seem to be of any help at this moment.

Lan Ens brows furrowed, but after a moment, he seemed to think of something again.

The cone crystal was reactivated after a long period of silence.

"Then don't mention the target in advance." Lan En carefully considered his words, trying not to cause misunderstandings during this precious cross-world communication time.

Tissaya, do you and Margarita still remember the Witchers [Axisi Sign]?

"I need you to help me improve it so that it can produce a spell effect similar to [two-way telepathy] with the demon hunter's spellcasting ability. Can it be done?" After a long period of waiting, a message came from the magical world. Margarita's slightly speechless voice.

You ask the two abbots of Arethusa to improve the witchers cantrip.

She paused for a moment, seeming to curl her lips.

Then you asked us can we do it?

.You know who you are talking to now, right dear?

The witcher couldn't help but let out a chuckle.


"By the way, I still need a favor from you. I need to contact the lady in the lake. No, it's nothing. I just think this can be used as a two-hand preparation."

Following up, Lan En and the Grand Leader stayed at the research base of the third phase of the regiment for another two days.

In the past two days, Lan En developed a variant release method for his [Yaxi Sigil] through the cone-shaped crystal and under the guidance of the two Aretuza deans.

In fact, it only took Tissaya and Margarita half a day to improve the [Yaxsi Sign] to a state that meets the conditions.

After all, the ability [telepathy] is as basic as a passive skill for any wizard or witch with a professional background.

Even the most proficient in spellcasting ability, the Griffin School of Demon Hunters, has never focused its research on this field.

At the end of the day, they are still a group of warriors and part-time scholars, and the development direction of [Yaxi Sigil] in their hands is still mainly focused on [mind control] and [thinking confusion].

Otherwise they will be developed very quickly.

These two days were mainly spent on cross-world communication.

Teaching is something that requires two-way communication to learn quickly. The Magical World provides "textbooks" to Lan En. Lan En needs to feel the uncomfortable points in the learning process and give feedback.

Tissaya and Margarita will then focus on enhancing this aspect of the explanation.

In one round, the current communication efficiency, which is similar to leaving a phone message, only lasts two days.

This is because Mentos, the interstellar civilization-level learning device, is working. Otherwise, if an ordinary demon hunter is to learn a new variant of the sigil, it would take more than a week even for face-to-face teaching.

When Lan En was able to use this new [Yaxi Sign] stably, he called the Grand Commander that morning and walked out of the research base again.

Do you have any idea? the head of the regiment asked in surprise. "The thief adventure group hasn't come back yet."

Its too passive to just wait. After Lan En and the Grand Leader stepped out of the research base, the demon hunter looked up and seemed to have determined the direction, and then started to immerse himself in the journey without hesitation.

I have a more proactive approach, that is, I need to find a helper.


The Grand Leader scratched his blond hair. He couldn't understand that there were only a few thousand humans in this new continent.

The Coral Platform is an area that has not been fully explored. What kind of help can you find?

Anyway, just follow along.

Lan En looked like he was too lazy to explain, just follow along.

As they continued to advance on the terrestrial coral platform, they passed various colorful terrestrial corals.

The head of the regiment looked at the increasingly dense black thunderclouds in the sky, as if he finally understood something.

He looked at Lan En in surprise, who was leading the way.

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