Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 782: 764 Chasing Mutation

Chapter 782: 764 Chasing Mutation

Chapter 782 764. Chasing mutations

"Also, don't pay attention to what this **** Taller says. Although I do think there is no harm in letting Yada communicate with you, she still has to spread the bloodline for my family after all. I remember that witchers cannot have children. Wait. , are you an exception?"

As he spoke, Foltest confirmed with Lan En quite seriously.

Okay, now you, the king, are also here to collect information?

Lan shook his head.

I should also be unable to have children, right?

"Really, it's a pity." Foltest sighed, "Although you are only the first-generation noble, I still hope that you can have a child with Yada."

Oh, then you hope.

Lan Enpi responded with a smile.

In the aristocratic class, the naked and cold inheritance of family lineage, lineage and power made Lan En feel a little uncomfortable.

They are really a bit like pimps. The blind date requires the woman to be present.

You know, there are more than just Temerians in this village.

Based on Tallers intelligence summary.

Lan En didn't finish his words, but his meaning was very clear.

The sudden change of the witcher made Lan En miserable for seven days.

"And I sincerely hope you won't reveal anything crucial to them."

Beside Lan En, Foltest's voice continued calmly.

"for example?"

So, in fact, I have taken advantage of you.

Lan Ens hand holding the wine glass froze in mid-air. Although it returned to normal after a short time, it was indeed a long time compared to his reaction speed.

Foltest was keenly aware of Lan En's unhappiness. Although he didn't understand why based on his experience, he still responded quickly and changed the subject.

Foltest looked at the witcher sincerely: "Do you want a share? I've prepared it over there, including the accounts, and you can check it yourself."

He once communicated with the great master of the Wolf School in the Broccolion Forest, hoping to get the opportunity to further his studies at the Wolf School.

For example. Foltest paused and whispered. "A witcher's knowledge of mutations."

It was also for this reason that Vesemir opened the door to Kaer Morhen to him after finally recognizing his morals and ideas.

Foltest's words uncontrollably brought Lan En's thoughts back to the past.

"This can be said differently, but it's a bit unfair for you to accept the benefits of others and then turn around and point out the people who came here."

Its been a **** honor to serve you.

Foltest did not refute, but just sighed.

The Temerian intelligence chief sitting on the other side of Lan En bowed slightly in a dramatic manner.

"Hey, I promised them to let the spies in, but I didn't promise to help them hide it. Just like the fisherman you met when you first came in, he is the Redanian intelligence chief and a subordinate of Dijkstra."

"The news that Kaedwen, Aedirn, Redania, and even the northernmost Kovira often haunted here was sorted out at the first time. Later, in order to send people over, they contacted Temeria's border trade Benefits were given in the agreement."

Foltest continued.

In the past few months since you disappeared, the number of witcher commissions issued by nobles and state agencies in the northern countries has increased sixty-seven times.

"Those monsters that have been wreaking havoc for a long time but rarely come close to human settlements, and only kill one or two unlucky ones a year, and no one ever thinks they need to be cleaned up, suddenly all become very harmful and can't be ignored. It's interesting, right? "

"But maybe it's because all demon hunters have received basic education and have seen the dangers of the world, so few commissions have been taken up so far. By the way, this makes me respect this profession even more. .

Taller interjected from the side. During the short silence of the witcher, Foltest put down his wine glass, looked at Lann seriously, and made suggestions.

"I have heard about your mutation process, Sir Lane. Mutation, distortion, and great risks. At the beginning of this operation, Arzu and his teacher Malaspina have consumed the lives of countless young people. , creating countless monsters that were so deformed that they lost their human form."

With the investment of resources from several countries instead of just two warlocks, the scale of the experiment is simply unimaginable. We must learn from the lessons of our predecessors and let this kind of surgery disappear.

No more people should die from this twisted surgery.

Foltest took good care of the children kidnapped by Lann after he killed Stytha.

Although this was also for his political purpose, it gave Lan En some recognition for him.

This is still a humane king.

From what he said, Lan En also felt that it was indeed possible.

His power was so impressive in the last war that it was even shocking.

Although the demon hunters basically feel that it is the same as talking about the heavenly book, other people who are blinded by the power will not be as calm as the demon hunters who have experienced mutation and transformation.

The witchers know that they cannot reach even one percent of Lan En's level at that time, but do others believe it?

Do they think this is because the mutation formulas of other demon hunters have not been completed well?

Do they think that they actually have a chance to regain this power?

Lan En's destructive power in that war far exceeded that of all the small countries in the north.

As long as those small countries succeed once, their military strength will be greatly improved, and they will not have to invest any money in the logistics and maintenance of this military force.

For military investment, there is simply no business more cost-effective than this.

Ideas breed ambition, and ambition tramples on human nature.

I will instruct all the witchers I can contact to abolish or take care of the mutation knowledge of their respective schools.

Lan En touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

But after all, I dont know everyone in all the schools, so I can only do my best.

Foltest raised his glass to Lan En: "As long as the knowledge of mutation can be prevented from being spread, a lot of people have been saved."

After finishing the glass of herbal wine, which he didn't like very much, the witcher got up and left the tavern.

The king of Temeria, the king's bodyguard, and the intelligence chief are still sitting inside.

Taller's hand reached towards the cup Lane had used.

"Don't touch it. Roche, take it and wash it."

Foltest scolded without looking back, and the loyal bodyguard immediately obeyed, while the intelligence chief curled his lips and smiled.

We are already friends with him. Our previous contacts and behavior have made him have a favorable impression of us. This is an advantage.

Aretusa College is in Temeria, and our relationship with the college has always been good, which is also an advantage.

"Don't destroy your advantages with your own hands just because of a little bit of it. Do you still need me to teach you, Taller?"

No. The intelligence chief tilted his head and spat on the ground with a smile. I just want to see if you are still awake, Your Majesty. In the face of such a beautiful and decisive power.

Foltest glanced at his intelligence chief unhappily.

"I should have cut your head off someday, Taller. Do you know how many times I've wanted to do that?"

It doesnt matter how many times you think about it, whats important is that you always stay in the thinking stage rationally.

Foltest's mouth twitched when faced with the intelligence chief's nonsense, but he finally controlled his emotions.

How are the fishing boats and fishermen prepared? the king asked softly. "We can now confirm that every time he comes here he goes to that island and then disappears for several months."

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