
Chapter 160 The Glass Class

A couple hours later

Lee Seng sat in front of his desk in his shorts and t-shirt. He drummed with his fingers as music blared out of his earbuds. The desk light lit up his desk area as he had his laptop off to his left and tablet in front of him. Lee Seng was reading about the Old World. His history class was in the middle of learning about the Old World and the wars that came with it.

Lee Seng read about the civil war that happened in the United States and sighed.

'Conflict is still one of the biggest things that happens in today's age. We actually have to fight things that didn't even exist way back then.' Lee Seng thought. He continued to highlight and annotate anything of interest in the reading assignment. His history teacher had assigned them to read some chapters and take notes on them for tomorrow's class. The teacher would be giving them a quiz on it, so Lee Seng spent some time refreshing his memory and taking notes.

Lee Seng finished up the last sentences and scribbled a summary at the end. He found summarizing what he read would help him retain the overall gist of what happened.

He saved his notes on the homework assignment and shut the screen off. He leaned back into his chair and stretched, releasing a loud noise. He closed the laptop and plugged in the chargers and plucked his earbuds out.

'Finally, I'm done.' Lee Seng sighed. He put his earbuds into their case and stood up. He moved to the bathroom to relieve himself and wash his hands. He started his nightly routine of night face wash and brushing his teeth. Lee Seng popped out of the bathroom after his routine and noticed Manny wasn't back, yet. He moved over towards his desk and shut off the lights and turned around to get into bed. Lee Seng's phone buzzed in his pocket as he pulled his shirt off. He pulled his phone out and noticed Ritsuka was calling him.

"Hello?" Lee Seng picked up.

"Hey, Lee Seng, did you finish the history chapters?" Ritsuka asked.

"Mmm, I did. You stumped?" Lee Seng settled in his bed, setting his head on the pillow while he pulled the comforter over his body.

"History isn't a subject, so I was wondering if I could get some help." Lee Seng groaned and rose out of the comfort of his bed. He pushed the blankets off of him and moved over to the desk and turned on the light. Lee Seng pulled the phone away and turned it on speaker.

He grabbed the tablet and unlocked it.

"What specifically did you need help with?" Lee Seng asked. He pulled his notes up and scrolled through them.

"Well, the teacher told us to take note on this and I'm having a hard time figuring out what we need to take notes on." Ritsuka explained. "Did you figure out what we needed to take away from this?"

"Well, the chapters assigned to us are talking about different wars that happened. The last chapter, in particular, talks about the civil war that happened during the Old World era. Two different sides with two different views fought amongst each other. The main reason they fought was around slavery. There are other reasons why they fought including: state rights, expansion, industrial vs farming, Abraham Lincoln. These are a few reasons that are noteworthy." Lee Seng blurted out main points he had noted on his own notes.

"Ah, that makes sense." Ritsuka answered. Lee Seng could hear Ritsuka scribbling away.

"The headers of the textbook tell you the main ideas the textbook is trying to tell you. I usually go off of that and skim through the information."

"Ah, alright. I'll keep that in mind."

"Mm, anything else before I hang up and sleep?" Lee Seng asked. He could hear Ritsuka's pen come to a stop. Lee Seng copied his notes over and opened the mail app. He found Ritsuka's student email and pasted the notes over. He tapped send and closed the mail app.

"Uh, no. I don't think I got anything else to ask you. Thanks for summarizing the chapters. I'll give the last chapter a better look." Ritsuka answered.

"Alright," Lee Seng shut off the tablet and tapped the speaker off of his phone and raised it to his ear. "If that's it, I'm gonna sleep. If you need help, I sent you my notes to view. I summarized every chapter after my notes so just use that to get a general idea of what happened and go through the chapters quickly."

"Ah, you didn't have to. I think I understand it with your general summary already." Ritsuka spoke. Lee Seng nodded and shut off his light. He moved back into his bed and pulled the covers over him, again.

"All good. Look at it if you need more clarity. I'm off then." Lee Seng spoke.

"Ah, alright. NIght. See you tomorrow."

"Mmm, g'night." Lee Seng hung the phone up and grabbed his charger and set the phone and shirt on his nightstand.

Sometime Later

All of Lee Seng's advanced general classes went by fairly quickly. The history test wasn't too hard and Ritsuka had told Lee Seng his notes were easier to digest than the textbook. Lee Seng offered for the two of them to go over whatever stuff Ritsuka needed help on with history. The two split for Specialization class and Lee Seng found himself moving into another gymnasium hall.

A woman stood near the men's locker room as Lee Seng approached. She had her arms folded and turned to look at Lee Seng. His fox tail swayed behind him as he moved closer to the locker room. The woman moved a couple steps towards him.

"Mr. Lee Seng Chang, I presume?" The white-haired woman asked.

"Y-yes, ma'am. Who are you?" Lee Seng asked her. He stopped a few feet in front of her. The white-haired woman studied Lee Seng for a while and then simply nodded. Her blue eyes looked at him, coldly before she unfolded her arms and handed a folded sheet of paper to Lee Seng.

"I'm Ms. Amanda Winters or Ms. Winters. I'll be your Glass teacher starting today." Ms. Winters introduced herself.

"Oh," Lee Seng saluted her and Ms. Winters waved at him.

"No need to be so formal. I think the whole saluting thing is just a waste of time." Ms. Winters bluntly spoke. Lee Seng released his salute and nodded. "That has the locker you'll be using when you attend my class. Change and meet me in the gym over here, alright?"

,m "Yes, ma'am." Lee Seng nodded. He watched Ms. Winters turn around and enter the gym. Some students were moving into the gym, saying their hello's to Ms. Winters as they followed her in.

Lee Seng opened the men's locker room and unfolded the note.


CODE: 8471

STUDENT ID: Lee Seng Chang, registered

Lee Seng pushed past the rows of lockers and noticed a lot of the guys were in his locker row. They all watched him as he passed and moved to locker 134. He punched in the code and listened to the locker beep. The light flashed green and Lee Seng pulled the door open. He began to change into his gym clothes and stuffed his things into the locker. He slipped his phone into the zip compartment and shut the locker and turned to leave.

The male students were all watching him as he began to leave. They all stood up and started to circle around him. Lee Seng's eyes casually glanced around and came to a stop.

"You're the new student joining us today?" A blonde male student asked. His eyes reflected the color of blood as a slight scar made his smile seem even more sinister.

"Yeah." Lee Seng answered. The scarred blonde nodded. He stuck his hand out and the tension grew.

"Never thought I'd meet the Creator's son here. My name's Felix. Felix Chrome." Felix smiled. Lee Seng nodded and shook Felix's hand. He could smell the scent of ozone growing.

"Lee Seng Chang." Lee Seng introduced himself.

'Someone's gonna get burnt.' Lee Seng thought as he attempted to pull his hand away. Felix's hand tightened and his sinister smile grew larger. The group of Glass students were starting to grab at him and Lee Seng sighed. His body began to vibrate as a smile grew on his face.

"You run a posse of Glasses or something?" Lee Seng asked. He could hear some of the guys around him muttering about the vibration he was giving off. Felix's sinister smile stayed plastered across the crimson-eyed boy's face. Lee Seng tightened his grip and watched Felix's smile immediately fall off.

"O-ow!" Felix shouted. Lee Seng held the squeeze, leaving the pressure there.

"Don't try this, again. Remove your hands before all of you go flying into a locker." Lee Seng growled.

"D-do it!" Felix commanded. The boys removed their hands on him.

"Move back." Lee Seng commanded. The boys all moved backwards and Lee Seng released Felix's hand. Felix recoiled backwards, clutching his hand to his chest. "If you're gonna jump me, do it with more than Glasses. Especially since you're facing someone who excels at close combat."

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