
Chapter 177 Catalyst Hound

Evan watched as the electric ball flew off of Olivia and flew straight for him. The ball charged with electric energy as he threw his shield up. The ball collided with Evan's shield, sliding him backwards as the golden hound watched Lee Seng shove the metallic ball back at him.

"Catalyst: Return." The golden hound spoke. The metallic flew back into his right hand as he immediately tossed it. "Catalyst: Amplify." The ball changed from a metallic noise to a jingle of bells. Bells rang and the electric ball amplified.

"Dammit…!" Evan grunted as he slid backwards. Liz whipped around and glared at the golden hound. The air around her began to spark and distort in purple and black.

"Psionic Blast!" In a quick flash, a beam of condensed purple-black electricity flew out Liz's finger and straight towards the golden hound. The golden hound threw the jingling ball in his right hand at the beam and Liz watched as the ball began to absorb the energy.

"Wrong move." The golden hound made a finger gun and Liz listened as Evan began to scream. The purple-black lightning bolt flew out of the electric ball, sending Evan backwards into Ritsuka.

"EVAN!" The group shouted. Lee Seng dashed forward and swung at the golden hound. The hound flicked his wrist and red hound armor flew up, blocking his attack.

"Gotta do better than that, Eleven." The golden hound chuckled. Lee Seng slashed the armor back into the ground and noticed tiny metallic balls on them. The golden hound created distance and shook his head. "Observant one, aren't we?" The golden hound threw the jingling ball up in the air and pulled a third metallic ball off his belt. The metallic ball crackled and shook as he tossed it in the group's direction.

"Catalyst: Scatter." The golden hound spoke. The ball began to disperse into tiny balls. The balls flew straight for Lee Seng, Ritsuka and Liz. Lee Seng threw up his hand and in a single motion, the White Fox Cloak lit up. The fox mask started to manifest itself over Lee Seng's face, catching the attention of Manny and the golden hound. Lee Seng grabbed the mask and ripped it off before it could fully manifest.

"Freeze." Lee Seng commanded. The balls froze in mid-air, stopping mere inches from the group's bodies. Lee Seng flicked his finger towards Manny and the balls flew straight for Manny. Manny shut his eyes and listened to the balls slam against the wall besides him and at the metallic plating over him.

"Oh, this one's crazy!" The golden hound chuckled. The glowing red and blue eyes moved to glare at the golden hound.

"Who said I was crazy?" Lee Seng asked. The balls cleared the smoke, swirling around Lee Seng as the metallic plates fell to the ground.

"I didn't know you'd be that brutal." Manny shook his head. The green aura faded as Manny wiped the blood off of his forehead. "Your aim needs work."

"Shut up." Lee Seng glanced at Manny. "You know you like the pain."

"Is this a really good time to be making comments?" Ritsuka shouted. He dashed forward past Lee Seng. "Black Void: Scatter Augment." Obsidian Glass manifested in his hand and the dark energy moved together and ripped off the walls and created floatings swords. Ritsuka slashed upwards at the golden hound. The ball morphed and grew into a shield, sparking hits as Ritsuka's swords began to barrage attacks onto the shield.

"Catalyst: Repulsion." The metallic shield pulsed and Ritsuka flew backwards, pushing him into Liz and forcing the both of them onto the ground.

"Ritsuka!" Lee Seng shouted.

"Liz!" Manny shouted. Liz grunted as Ritsuka peeled himself off Liz and groaned.

"You okay?" Liz asked. Ritsuka nodded as the floating swords hovered above him. Liz turned to look at Olivia and Evan. Evan was out cold while Olivia was peeling herself off the ground. Manny dashed forward and swung at the golden hound. The hound retracted the shield and blocked the attack with his arm and immediately pulsed the ball out of his hands. The ball slammed into the side of Manny and sent him flying into the wall.

Lee Seng dashed forward and swung at the hound. The hound dodged and lifted his hand to the side.

"Return, double." The hound commanded. The electric ball and jingling ball flew back at twice the speed, narrowly hitting Lee Seng in the head as his ears alerted him. He managed to pull away from the golden hound who held the two balls in one hand.

"Disappointing, really." The hound shook his head. He twirled the balls in his hand as he pulled a fourth metallic ball from his belt. He lifted it up and looked at it. "I thought Academy students would put up more of a fight. Especially Third Years. I guess I was wrong…" Lee Seng lifted his sword up and started to dash towards the golden hound when he threw the single metallic ball at Lee Seng.

"Stay." The ball extended and clamped down on him. Lee Seng didn't even have time to dodge the thing. Lee Seng grunted as the metal wrapped around him. He was stuck.

'My arms can't move all that well in here. I'm pretty much bound to the metal.' Lee Seng realized. The gold and white wisps fluttered off of him as the golden hound plucked one of the metallic balls in his left hand out and tossed it in the air.

"To think all this happened because of you." The golden hound shook his head. "Tch, pretty disappointing. I guess you were just beginner's luck. Nothing more than a failure."

"Shut up! You don't know anything about me!" Lee Seng shouted. The golden hound chuckled and extended his right arm out. The ball pulsed and crackled, shifting the armor plating around the ball.

"A loner. A problematic child. You fit into the same category as me. And look where that got me? Under a larger roof than you could ever imagine. The freedom to do whatever I want and take orders only from a select few people. Ha, you wish you were me." The golden hound pulled his arm back. The helmet blinked at the six different individuals. He could see the young lady in the back was slowly standing. Olivia's body twitched as she let out a deep breath.

"You're so annoying." Olivia spat. Her brown eyes stared daggers into the golden hound who chuckled at her. Olivia took a step forward and the golden hound watched. He was curious as to what the girl was going to do.

'If I remember correctly, she had an interesting power. She stopped the energy men like nothing… Probably means she can disrupt the energy within a person's body.' The golden hound guessed. Olivia slowly moved past Ritsuka and Liz. Parts of her outfit were smoking. An unfamiliar aura oozed out of her.

"And what're you gonna do about it, kid? Stop me? Ha, you wish you could."

Olivia sighed as she raised her arms and stretched. Her body cracked as she rolled her neck. She flicked her wrist, cracking her wrist and brushed the dust off of herself. Olivia dashed forward, pulling the metal scraps and balls towards her. They began to disassemble around her as she cleared the distance. The golden hound threw the metallic ball towards her and the mess around Olivia swept and spun opposite to the ball, stopping it in mid-air. Olivia grabbed onto it and forced the intricate ball to pull apart. A lit fuse ignited brighter from the disassembled ball and Olivia quickly tossed it forward, wrapping the bits and pieces around her. The electricity sparked and flames burst forth. The electricity bounced and snaked their way through the metallic pieces as she shoved the bits and pieces forward.

Her index and thumbs touched, creating a triangle. She connected all of her fingers together and moved her hand to show the head of the golden hound.

"Flash stun." Olivia whispered. The golden hound ignored the scraps bouncing off of him. A weird energy pulsed from the way Olivia was holding her hands. Before he could even pull his gaze away, his body froze up. Olivia dashed forward and uppercutted the golden hound's helmet. The helmet dented, forcing the golden hound to look upwards. Olivia slammed her palm into his stomach and pushed him backwards.

The metallic ball in his hand flew forward and bounced on the ground. The golden hound chuckled as he fell onto the floor.

"Catalyst: Retribution." The golden hound commanded The ball spun, lighting up.

"Olivia!" Ritsuka shouted. Manny turned and jumped onto Olivia. The ball shattered, exploding in a fiery ball of fire. Lee Seng turned away as the fire licked at him. He could hear the screaming of his friends.

"No!" Lee Seng shouted. The metallic plating around him started to bubble and burst. The metal shattered as the small gravity bubble destroyed everything a couple of feet around him. He watched as the explosion of fire instantly died down. Manny and Olivia were slumped together near the crumbling wall while Ritsuka and Liz were underneath rubble. Evan had shot further down the tunnel and Lee Seng could feel his body shaking.

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