
225 Chapter 225

"Noah! What's the matter? Did something happen with Kaede?" - Ian

Rushing ahead of the group, I place my hand on Noah's shoulder as he turns away. His mumbling mess stops as his whole body shook in surprise. Turning toward me, Noah's distressed expression vanishes, but what replaces it wasn't that much better. With an awkward smile, and sucking in his breath, Noah starts to explain the situation.

"Ian, there is a major problem. I… I don't know how to say this because I'm still not 100% sure of the situation but Kingston, Gibing, David, Gopopo, Frank, Yor, and Ken all disappeared into a white door. They were pushing through a tunnel and fought against the same monsters as us, but at the end of the tunnel was a white door.

Like us, it wasn't shining, so they approached it carefully but once they let their guard down, it swallowed them. Kaede happened to not be with the main group and wasn't taken with them. She ran back to the Krepost, telling Celine and Stellar about the situation. Celine gave her a Zivotinja to ride back here as soon as possible. " - Noah

"Alright, I understand the situation. Kaede, come here. Are you alright? It wasn't your fault that something happened okay?" - Ian

"But-but-I I left them, there. I turned away for a second, and they are gone. I didn't know what to do. I dropped everything and ran back to the Krepost. Stellar and Celine tried to comfort me, and they did help, but I was still not feeling well, and then they told me I should tell you about everything.  So, Celine gave me a Zivotinja, and it rode me all the way here, but when I got here you weren't here, and then…" - Kaede

"Okay, okay, slow down. Kaede, slow down. Noah has told me the general gist of things but with you talking so fast and panicking we can't do anything. I want you to relax, have Lucina check you and get some food first, okay? Kingston is with your brother, so I'm sure he is fine. The rest of them should be able to handle themselves pretty well." - Ian

"But-but" - Kaede

"No buts. Get something to eat first and calm down okay?" - Kaede

"Okay…" - Kaede

"Good. Solar and Melody can you go with her?" - Ian

"Of course. Come, Kaede, I'm hungry too. Let's have Lucina feed us!" - Melody

"That's right. Eating and rest will relax you. There is nothing to be worried about.." - Solar

Solar takes Kaede away, leaving Noah, Melody, Howard, and Gobi with me, Gewari, and the rest of Evan's group. Awkward glances were exchanged between the two groups before I start to introduce them.

"Everyone, this is Evan and Rebecca. They are people close to me, and they have traveled from a far place to get to HavenFall. I have already accepted them into HavenFall when I went and saved them from the monsters on the plains.

Likewise, this is Noah, Howard, and Gobi. They are one of the most important people in HavenFall and are the ones that keep this place running if I am not here. Noah manages the logistics around here, whilst Howard and Gobi help with the militaristic aspects. Of course, there are others that you have yet to meet, but for now, this is more than enough to get an understanding."

"Pleasure to meet everyone, I am the one and the only Elves_or_Nothin also known as Evan." - Evan

"Hello, I'm Rebecca or Bec. Let's all get along." - Rebecca

Smiling at the successful introductions, I ask Noah to help out with moving Evan's group around so that they can relax in HavenFall as if it were their own home.

"Noah, can you help find them a place to stay as well as find Lucina to get food and water for them as well?" - Ian

"Of course my lord. Melody had already instructed some people to move in with each other to make some space. I'll bring them over and have food and water ready for them in the dining hall as well. May I know who will be the representative or who I will be speaking to most of the time?" - Noah

"Cassidy, can you take care of everyone? I would like to be with Ian for a bit and understand more about HavenFall." - Evan

"You can count on me! Everyone~ Follow Noah!" - Cassidy

"Alright, Howard and Gobi, I want you to look out for the white door in the cavern. Make sure no one gets close to it until we find out the cause of the disappearances. Make sure Gyumi also knows about this and make sure she is alert at the gates. Have another group watch out for the path next to the waterfall. Even though we just came from that direction, I'm not sure if anything will follow us." - Ian

"Got it. Gobi, tell Gyumi about the situation. I'll get a squad ready to defend the waterfall path as well as the cavern." - Howard

"Right, I'll go there as soon as I can. Ian, there is a box of the unique loot in your house already. We placed it there already so whenever you are ready, you can look through it." - Gobi

"Thank you, Gobi. I'll head there now. Evan, babe, follow me." - Ian

Dismissing the meeting and making sure everyone had a job to do, I bring Evan and Rebecca to my house. As we made our way there, I could see them intrigued with everyone around them. From the brick path to the medical herb garden and even the many active kilns. They made various comments about the houses and the clothing everyone wore. Evan also commented on how cool the spider legs on my back were, whilst Rebecca was worried about them. Eventually, we made it back to my house and I sat them down at the table.

"So, how do you find HavenFall so far?" - Ian

"Bro, I know you said you were putting in work in this place but I… I didn't expect this… This is amazing but this is just the start. There is so much we can improve on and so much we can create using the knowledge we have of past generations. Bro, this is crazy!" - Evan

"This is great and all but I got a question for you, babe. Who was that girl?" - Rebecca

"Huh?" - Ian

"Dude, Rebecca are you serious? I'm here amazed about the different architecture, the weaponry, the connection between humans, demi-humans and monsters, and you are jealous? Doesn't that just make me cringe?" - Evan

"Quiet Evan." - Rebecca

"She is just a friend, Rebecca. Everyone here is like family." - Ian

"Hmm… Friend. I get it. Don't worry when we get out of the game we are going to have a nice long chat. Where you learn about boundaries. Even if it is in a game. Okay?" - Rebecca

"Wait, babe-" - Ian

"OKAY?!" - Rebecca

"Okay…" - Ian

"ALRIGHT! Back to the point. From what has happened in the past few hours maybe less but there has been an accident with Kingston. The problem is that he disappeared in front of a white door, which to my understanding is one of the Pillars of Light. Now there are many of these Pillars of Light which mean there are many doors, which also means that he is probably not the only person to be 'kidnapped'." - Evan

"The forums will be going crazy the moment the game ends for the night. We can definitely get information on the forum then, but for now, there isn't much we can do right?" - Rebecca

"We can go to the door that was close to Kingston now, and be ready for the next night?" - Ian

"What about the one near you? If you end up going to Kingston what happens here? The whole reason the both of you split up was to take care of both sides, HavenFall and the Krepost. There are also not enough people here to take care of… No. You do have enough people." - Evan

"Us. Right?" - Rebecca

"Right, I was thinking about having you guys stay here while I went to Kingston. The Pillars of Light disappeared today and I can only guess it was at the same time when Kingston 'disappeared'. If I take a couple of people with me and leave the rest of the troops here with you then we can still protect HavenFall. I will, however, have to take a few with me to go to the Krepost since they will be needing more people." - Ian

"Wait, we just got together and you want to leave already?" - Rebecca

"Rebecca, it's technically better this way since we are kind of on the weak side." - Evan

"No! I want to come along, plus even if I die, it's not like we die forever. I'll just come back tomorrow. " - Rebecca

"She is also not wrong about that." - Evan

"I don't want you to die though." - Ian

"It will be fine. I won't die. I can protect myself." - Rebecca

"What are your stats and your skills? Babe, I know you aren't strong enough. You are going to die to one random mob monster." - Ian

"What about the copper armor and stuff? Can't I use that? I'm pretty sure it has high defense." - Rebecca

"What? My armor? I can't just give you that?" - Ian

"Why not? You have spider legs, better stats, just do something with your skills." - Rebecca

"She has a point too." - Evan

"Alright. Alright. I'll lend you the armor and you can come with me." - Ian

"Great!" - Rebecca

"Is that it? Pretty short conversation if you ask me. So what happens here while you are gone? Noah going to handle everything or like, what's up?" - Evan

" I'll have Noah handle the logistics. Your people will only have today to get used to things before they get into a fight. They are not trained to fight properly with my troops so it is best to split them up and have them slowly assimilate into the army.

I will also have Gobi stay behind as the lead General for the army. He and Noah will be who will take care of the fighting. Evan, you will be here as well. Lead your people and help them. I'm sure Cassidy will be of great help to you as well and the both of you will need to get used to working around here." - Ian

"Alright. I'll work things out around here. Now, then you said there was some loot right? What do we have?" - Evan

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