Dawning Skye

Chapter 139

139 Order Issues

Skye wasn’t sure how to process what Magnus had just told her. To be honest; she wasn’t even sure that she and Shasta actually got along. Drunk and sober were two completely different states of mind. Skye’d seen plenty of people who’s decisions and judgement were compromised by alcohol.

Their joint performance during the victor’s banquet wasn’t the only reason Magnus thought the two were friends. Shasta had seemed friendly to the princess during dinner the night before the trials. When the trials were going on, Shasta had rested her arm on Skye’s shoulder as they’d talked. Anyone else watching would’ve come to the same conclusion: that the princess and the VC were friends.

The king was beaming like he’d done Skye a huge favor. She smiled back, but it was completely fake. Magnus knew her well enough to tell that she wasn’t thrilled with his order. There were others he could’ve assigned, but Shasta truly was the best fit for her.

Due to her stature and his duties, Tidas couldn’t train Skye. Shasta was the best at evaluating a person’s capabilities and deficiencies, and she was the second fastest person in the kingdom. The princess could easily defend herself from magical attacks, but physical combat was her weak point. She needed hand-to-hand training, and Shasta’s stature was closest to the princess’ size.

Magnus cleared his throat; “It wasn’t easy to make the Vice Commander of the RMC free to train you. Both Zas and your husband are picking up her slack so you can benefit. Whether you two get along or not, don’t waste this opportunity, Skye.”

“I thank ye, Magnus. I look forward to learning as much as I can,” right as Skye replied, the guards outside the doors began to yell.

A familiar, angry voice called out for the ‘MacArthur Men’ as the doors flew open. The guards landed with heavy thuds as Shasta marched up to the table. She glared at all present; especially Skye and Magnus. Her fur was bristled, and her ears were flat as she let her fury be known.

“Why the fuck did I get pulled from my duties to babysit the princess?!”

“Watch your tone, Shasta! You’re speaking to your king!” Tidas yelled at his VC.


“Oh, shut it! She’s Your wife: YOU train her! I’ve got more important things to do!”

“You do have something important to do: following your orders!” Tidas snapped back.

“Are you refusing my direct command, Shasta?” Magnus spoke as he walked over to her; “Because you know what happens if you disobey.. Do you really want to risk it?”

Shasta stared wide-eyed at the king before she replied; “You’d really go that far just to have me train this spoiled little-”

“Hey! Watch it, house cat,” Skye snipped out of irritation.

Confused by the king’s threat, Skye whispered so only Tidas could hear; “What happens if she disobeys?!”

Tidas smirked before replying; “He’ll cut her cream supply off..”

The princess didn’t want to train with the VC either, but the king had a point. Tidas had told her of Shasta’s abilities. She’s a current Pillar, and the Vice Commander of the RMC. Skye knew she could learn something from the surly fur ball, if she ever got the chance..

Shasta spent a good ten minutes or so, trying to argue her way out of it. She tried to use the victors and other recruits as excuses, but Magnus explained that Zas and Tidas were taking over some of her duties. To accommodate her need for more time. Training others was still part of her job, just not the main focus.

The king knew better than to mess with her sparing matches. It was good experience for the recruits, and a safe way for Shasta to let some of her aggression out in a controlled environment. Tidas would be taking over the majority of her paperwork; he usually wound up doing it for her anyway. Zas would take over most missions she would’ve been assigned, so long as his size wasn’t a factor.

After their heated discussion, Shasta left in a foul mood; off to drink her weight in cream. Skye felt terrible that she was being forced to train her when she Clearly didn’t want to. She didn’t particularly like the VC much either, but knows how strong she is. Even if all she did was kick the crap out of her, Skye would learn whatever she could.

The group sat around chatting for a couple hours before Skye and Tidas had to retire for the night. Tidas still had work to catch up on, and Skye had packing to do. She babbled on and on to Marie and Maevis about how excited she was to go home for Yuletide.

She learned through her studies that the Yuletide she knew was a mash-up of many traditions from ancient times. Numerous different religions and cultures melted together to create the holiday that gave her such happiness.

As they walked down the hallway, Skye told Tidas of how she felt about the Shasta situation. He listened intently until she’d finished, then asked why they didn’t get along in the first place. She stopped in her tracks, and in the middle of the hallway, nearly screamed indignantly; “I have NO idea!”

“I’ve never met her before comin’ here and I don’t recall offending her.. Other than when she was disrespectful first,” Skye paused to breath; “I just don’t get it!”

The prince wasn’t sure what to do with the situation. He wanted to smack Shasta for how she was acting. It wasn’t surprising that she’d been defensive with Skye. Her past was a tragic one, and Tidas understood why it was so hard for her to trust people.

Shasta was a loud, obnoxious person in general, but she was also quite kind, and very private. She played with children any time they stopped her. On the flip side of it, she couldn’t stand adults pestering her. Being a Pillar meant being in the public eye, which she hated, but not all of it was bad.

She often drank and ate for free, and received discounts on most of the things she bought. The humans she interacted with still looked down on her for being a beast man, but none were stupid enough to say it to her face. Although their expressions were enough to get their sentiments across.

Skye and Tidas were still talking when they reached their quarters. Peggy was bustling back and forth between their storage room and their bedroom. She was packing up the things she knew Skye would need for their travels, but not now. They’d discussed the clothes she’d wanted packed beforehand, but was still torn on a few of her dress choices.

Some of the dresses Marie had picked were in her trunk, and she was second guessing her selection. Tidas washed up and took off his jacket and vest. He didn’t need to look presentable to do paperwork, and felt uncomfortable in his full suit while sitting for extended periods of time.

The couple had continued the subject of Shasta, prompting Peggy to throw her opinion out; “I think the cat woman is jealous! Not because she has feelings or what not for the prince, but because she’s losin’ him all the same.”

“Some day, hopefully sooner rather than later; ye two will leave the palace. Ye have yer own home waiting,” Peggy continued her work as she called out as she worked; “And yer own family to start. Unless she wants to downgrade to mouse catcher, she’ll have to stay here.”

Peggy’s words surprised the prince. He didn’t think to see the situation from that perspective. Shasta and Zas were Tidas’ best friends; Shasta particularly. She’d bonded to him, and they saw each other like siblings. Tidas also imagined that Peggy could relate slightly to her.

Since they’d married, Skye’d spent less and less time with Peggy. Coming to the palace had them spending even less time together. All servants had tasks assigned to them upon entering. Whether they were with guests or relatives, everyone pulled their weight. Peggy was both loved and hated by the other servants due to her work ethic. She’d kept busy, but that didn’t mean that the two didn’t miss each other’s company.

Skye and Peggy were futzing with her clothes when Tidas asked; “Should I say something to her?”

The two women whipped around and yelled in unison: “NO!”

“That’s like when a mother yells at other children for picking on their child. It will only make the situation worse,” Peggy stopped her task to speak, undistracted.

Tidas put his arms up in a defensive manner; “Ok! Ok! I won’t say anything to her. I’m going to go finish my work, then I’ll be in for bed. I’ll be back shortly..”

The prince kissed his wife, then hustled out the door. Peggy and Skye shared a look before sharing a laugh. Tidas had ran out before any traps could spring on him. Peggy loved to mess with him, but sometimes it was too easy. They chatted about the Shasta development a bit more before Skye decided to go to bed. She fed Zazzy and cuddled up to the shiny egg.

Skye doubted Tidas would actually return to bed, so she kept Zazzy with her. She made a make-shift nest from her pillows, just like she had during her honeymoon. The shiny black of the shell made Skye think of Tidas’ armor, and how good he’d looked in it. As she drifted off, pictures of her husband filled her head; sending the princess into a peaceful sleep.


Skye stuck her head out of the side of the stagecoach as the approached Moonstone Castle. The familiar sight warmed her heart as the cold snow pelted her face. It’d been snowing almost nonstop since the day she’d gone to the marketplace. It wasn’t anything new to the princess, but the sight of her parents home covered in white reminded her of countless fairytales.

Peggy and Nicolas were in the stagecoach behind the couple. Maevis caught a cold and couldn’t travel. Skye assumed it was from the temperature extremes they’d experienced at Olympus Blacksmith. Maevis was the only one who’d gotten sick, and she’d been the only one not to get a winter suit from Athena. Skye felt bad she had to stay at the palace, but was too excited at the moment to think on it.

As the snow and wind burned her face, the princess smiled broadly, then yelled; “Ima Home!”

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