Dawning Skye

Chapter 500

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Zas waved to Tidas, Skye, and Peggy with everyone else until they were mere smudges in the distance. He was surprised not to see Ralph, Klaus, Kari, and Ronnie on deck, but he had a sneaking suspicion that Skye and Tidas didn’t know that they onboard to begin with..

‘Genie probably knew since he signed their permission papers to enter the kingdom-republic. Not kingdom, Republic.. Gotta remember that..’

Zas’ thoughts turned random as he, and everyone else started to walk away from the docks. As they headed for their horses and coaches, King Magnus invited everyone back to the palace to drown their misery together with some ale and Highlander whiskey. Zas was going to decline, but Murdoc insisted that he go.

“If anyone has some good stories about those two, it’ll be you and the cat woman,” Murdoc said as he gestured to Shasta.

Looking at the Highlander King sideways, Shasta quipped; “Oh we got loads of stories, you furry giant. If you ask nicely, we might tell ya a few.. But I’m not drinking this early: I’d rather eat.”

Murdoc laughed boisterously; “Yer a cheeky kitty cat. I like that.”

Lawrence cleared his throat loudly; “And she’s married, so... Just keep that in mind.”

Most of the group laughed, then a few broke off to get to their work for the day. Doctor Gohan, Doctor Lyberth, Nora, Helen, the Helmschmieds, Alfred, and Renee all wound up leaving. While everyone else went inside the palace to warm up.


The Fae royals were leaving shortly as well, but they had to return to the palace to retrieve their things. They had stayed longer than Aero wanted to due to Skye’s departure, so he was insisting that they leave. Maevis and Nicolas were staying behind as ambassadors, despite Mae’s protests.

She had only come along in order to train Skye in the first place, and didn’t see the point in sticking around Again, if she wasn’t going to be there. Maevis had stayed after they’d gone to the Highlands as a favor to Celestia, but that obligation had been fulfilled. None of them wanted to make a scene in front of the humans, so Maevis agreed as long as she Alone reported to Warrick Forest when summoned.

Nicolas was quite irritated by her manipulating the situation, but he also couldn’t argue with it. It was the hundredth time that Maevis had been dragged out of the forest to accompany him. His insistence on uniting with the humans only pertained to Skye and Tidas in her eyes, which was causing issues with the other delegates.

It was obvious that the Fae favored Alcon, considering their exclusive trading with them. But the other kingdoms might resort to more nefarious means, if the Fae Representatives wouldn’t at least hear them out. It was a game of false flattery and eloquent dodging that Maevis wanted nothing to do with, but would be forced to by the Empress.

Telling Aero ‘no’ was as easy as breathing for Maevis, but it wasn’t as easy with Celestia. She had still managed it, but she couldn’t refuse Titania. Frustrated with her current lot in life, Maevis had opted to return to their quarters, so Nicolas agreed to drink with the kings.

Lawrence and Shasta found it far too early to be drinking, but they had promised to eat with Magnus and the others since they’d missed their chance for breakfast. They weren’t like Skye and Tidas; they couldn’t just heal their hangovers, although they weren’t nearly as bad off as Shasta had expected them to be. Thanks to Skye healing them last night a few times.

As everyone ate and drank, Jonathan McKurdy was talking up a storm with Petrie about the Cu Sith. Amara, Marie, and Lidia occasionally, enthusiastically, chiming in with questions. Magnus, Lucas, Murdoc, Zas, Lord Reinbolt, and a few others were all chatting away in the King’s quarters when a knock came from the door.

Sheri poked her head in, locked eyes with Zas, then said; “Prince Marco would like you to consult him on something, General. Might I borrow you for a time?”

Zas was torn pertaining to Sheri’s request. He was happy to have an out on the drinking, but not about the why. He didn’t like Marco even before Tidas and Skye had sat him down, and told him of the Crowned Prince’s true nature. The man had always radiated something dark, but Zas hadn’t realized that it was actually Dark and Ether magic.

Magnus had instantly looked at Sheri as Zas internally debated, and yelled to her over the people; “Tell my oldest that I am Very displeased with him for not attending his brother’s departure! I expect him to come visit my parlor by three o’clock, or he’ll Wish that he had..”

Sheri bowed; “I will inform him the moment I see him, My King. May I borrow General Zas for the afternoon, My King?”

Magnus looked at Zas, then gestured towards Sheri with his glass as he asked; “Well? Are you staying or going?”

With a smile, Zas set his cup down as he replied; “I’ll go.. Honestly it’s too early for me to be drinking, too. I’ll see most of you for dinner!”

As Zas waved to everyone and they returned the sentiment, he followed Sheri out of the King’s quarters. She was quiet nearly the entire way to the Marco’s quarters, but did ask him one question, then made one statement right before they reached the small hallway..

“How much did you drink with the King?”

Zas shrugged; “I have a small buzz going, but nothing that would impair my skills or judgement. Why?”

As Sheri reached out for the handle, she commented low; “Probably would’ve been better to be drunk for this..”

Confusion covered Zas’ face as he entered Marco’s office. He was going to look around, but his eyes were instantly glued to Draco, who was standing next to Marco a few paces back. As he began to ask what had happened to him and Karena, Marco raised his hand..

“Those things are unimportant right now. What I need from you, General, is your attention and deduction skills.”

“Okay.. What do you need?” Zas asked with skepticism in his voice.

A feeling that Zas rarely got made the fur on his backside stand up. It didn’t make sense to him, but his instincts were screaming at him that he was in danger. As Marco waved Draco off, then started to pace the room, an unsettling smile stretched across his face..

“This is the situation.. My brother has left something in your care that I need. I know that he has stressed upon you the importance of me Never touching said object, but I need you to look the other way, so to speak. Although, since I am the next King, I should decide what to do with it anyways, but I digress..”

Marco stopped pacing, and was standing right in front of Zas as he added; “I know that just telling you to hand it over won’t get me anywhere except maybe, if you’re feeling rash: into a fight. But I can promise you two things if that happens, Zas.. One: you will not survive it. And two..”

The door to Marco’s bathroom opened up to reveal Draco and Zas’ daughter standing together as Marco added; “She and the rest of your family won’t survive, either.”

As the words left Marco’s mouth, Draco held a knife up to Mary’s throat. She grunted as she tried to keep her panic under control, but she was obviously terrified. Fury and fear mixed within him in that moment, and Zas’ fur flared orange for a split second.

Suddenly, he was surrounded by Marco’s guard mages; all ready to kill him in that instant if they needed to. Marco had his hand up, stopping them from actually attacking. The only one who wasn’t near Zas was Draco. Worried that the General would do something, he pressed the knife against her neck enough to nick her..

“Don’t be an idiot, Zas.. The rest of your family is downstairs in the dungeons. They’ll be dead before you can do anything more than bleed all over the carpet. Think about it: do you really want me to kill your daughter right in front of you?!”

Zas could smell Draco’s sweat and fear, as well as everyone else’s except for Marco. The only thing that he could sense from the Prince was the same creepy feeling he got from the Ethereal Spear.. Something sinister that he couldn’t put his finger on. As desperation started to push it’s way into his heart, Marco grinned at Zas..

“Look, General: I need your cooperation. Absolutely no harm will come to your family as long as you pledge your loyalty to me. Right now.”

Zas snarled at Marco as he said; “Fuck You! YOU are Not the King! Your Father is-!”

“For now, but not long.. You have a choice, Zas. You can be my poster boy, so to speak. Or I can kill your family members one by one, right in front of you. Starting with your beloved daughter..”

Marco clapped his hands together as he walked towards his desk; “But! The rose bush offers more than just thorns, Zas. I can make you and your family very happy after you earn my trust. I simply want you to do three things.. Give me the Ethereal Spear, and continue to do your job. The third will come later..”

Zas growled as he scanned the room, then yelled; “How could I Ever trust you?! Let Mary go Now, Or-”

“OR You’ll WHAT?!” Marco screamed, suddenly in Zas’ face in the blink of an eye; “You can do NOTHING! I am not some desperate fool, or common criminal! I am the Future King of Alcon, and you Will do as I tell you. Or I will personally slit the throat of every man, woman, and child in your family: as you watch. Choose now, General.”

As Marco finished speaking, Sheri appeared out of nowhere with sealing stone cuffs in her hands. She slapped them onto Zas’ wrists before he even had a chance to react, then jumped away. As Benzo and Norvis grabbed his shoulders, they pushed the weakened General to his knees, and said; “Swear to the King.”

With a shaking, terrified Mary within his view, Zas snarled before speaking low; “I swear...to be loyal to you.”

“Where is the Spear?” Marco inquired with an almost deranged expression on his face.


Zas led Marco to the far end of the training grounds within the capital, then down into an unused cellar. The Spear was wrapped in some thin dragon hide shavings, and hidden under a floorboard that looked perfectly natural. It was one of the last places that Marco would’ve thought to look for it, and he commended Zas for his ingenuity.

Marco reached for the bare handle of the Spear, but stopped short of touching it. Zas had hoped that he would be stupid enough to, but the Prince was smarter than that. Reaching out his hand to Ahriman, whom Zas didn’t know; Marco took in some of his Dark magic, then grinned at Zas.

“I already told you: I’m no fool.. I’ve been conditioning my body for years to accept Dark magic. And now..”

Marco reached out and grabbed the Ethereal Spear’s bare handle, and uncovered it. An ominous pulse was sent out in every direction, then the spear shimmered with what looked like black lightning. It sizzled and crackled a few times as Marco’s hand started to smoke a bit, then nothing..

Marco took a deep breath with his eyes closed as he connected to the dark side of the Source of All Magic. After a few seconds, he opened them to reveal solid black eyes. As power surged within Marco’s body like he had never felt before, he looked at Zas with a grin, and said; “Now, it all truly begins..”

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