Demon Sword Maiden

Volume 11 - Yamata no Orochi: Chapter 17 – All-Female Bureaucrats

Volume 11 - Yamata no Orochi: Chapter 17 – All-Female Bureaucrats

In Okazaki Castle, Mikawa Province, Tokugawa gazed at the distant sunset from the castle tower, his thoughts as complex as the hues painting the horizon. “Lord Kamakura… defeated. Could this signal a shift in the world’s fate?” pondered the seasoned, shrewd leader, awash with uncertainty.

“Lord Tokugawa, word has it that Takeda of Kai Province, Murai of Shinano Province, even Ogasawara from the Kansai Region, alongside numerous nobles like Ijuin, are covertly pledging allegiance to Cherry Blossom Valley. This includes influential clans like Ashikaga and Uesugi

1. My Lord, it appears everyone is secretly extending their support. What shall be our course of action?” inquired Yahatarou, his voice heavy with concern.

Tokugawa’s face, marked by experience, twisted slightly as he weighed his options. “For now, we hold our silence, observe, and wait…”

Meanwhile, not all nobles shared Tokugawa’s patience. The Asano Clan of Omi Province and others, like the Takedas and Murais, eagerly anticipated a response.

In a quaint mountain city near Lake Biwa in Omi Province, Ashikaga Makoto convened with her clan members. They discussed the aftermath of the battle at Mount Ooe, where Ashikaga, along with its vassal clans, suffered substantial losses, triggering some to rebel. The once-mighty Ashikaga Clan was now a shadow of its former self.

Seated in the dimly lit tower room, Ashikaga Makoto addressed her loyal retainers. “Your unwavering loyalty in these trying times has not gone unnoticed. Despite our hardships, a turning point may soon be upon us.”

“Madam,” came the unified response, as the retainers bowed respectfully.

Gazing out the window, contemplative, she mused aloud, “Perhaps… it’s time for a journey… To Cherry Blossom Valley…”

“Madam, are you suggesting…” inquired an elderly minister of the clan, seeking clarity.

Facing her audience, she declared resolutely, “Our Ashikaga Clan will publicly announce our support for Cherry Blossom Valley!”

While the Ashikaga Clan’s influence had waned, it remained a significant force. Their unexpected declaration of support for Cherry Blossom Valley sent ripples across the region. Subordinate groups and organizations affiliated with the Ashikaga Clan followed suit, pledging their loyalty and ongoing support.

This bold move inspired other factions, previously noncommittal, to establish connections with Cherry Blossom Valley. As the world faced tumultuous changes and widespread crises, the people, confused and despairing, found the outcome of the battle at Cherry Blossom Valley more consequential than Lily could have imagined.

In the Palace of Blossom Valley, half a month had elapsed since the monumental battle. The air was thick with anticipation and a sense of newfound unity.

“Sister Lily, as of now, more than half of the clans and organizations worldwide have either openly or covertly pledged their allegiance to us. They seek our support and protection, aligning themselves with our cause. The previous battle has showcased our strength to the world! It’s a beacon to all wavering rulers that there’s an alternative to bowing to Minamoto no Yoritomo’s tyranny or facing annihilation!” Ijuin Reira proclaimed with fervor.

Ijuin’s passion was unmistakable, and Lily recognized the war’s essence as a clash between top-tier combatants. While the nobles’ support was valuable, as Ayaka had pointed out, it was crucial for the construction of thirty-six prayer altars worldwide. Lily and her sisters, despite their formidable strength, couldn’t single-handedly manage the building and safeguarding of these altars, let alone their simultaneous activation.

Ayaka then spoke up, “There’s no turning back in our stand against Minamoto no Yoritomo. In half a month, my injuries will fully heal. Plus, Lady Kimiko will recover enough to revert to her original form, albeit once, but that alone is a formidable asset. By then, I believe we can face Yoritomo’s original body and Daitengu without fear.”

“Sister Ayaka, so you’re saying…” Lily’s voice trembled slightly with excitement. The final battle’s outcome hinged not just on individual strength but also on timing, place, and opportunity. The shifting tides of the world were now seemingly in their favor. This was, after all, the battle that would determine the fate of humanity.

Little Kimiko, ever calm, affirmed, “Indeed. That will be our prime opportunity to defeat Minamoto no Yoritomo.” The sisters absorbed this revelation in stunned silence. Yoritomo, the most formidable and powerful entity within the Heian Dynasty, seemed an insurmountable adversary. The thought of planning his defeat was almost unthinkable, yet now it loomed as a tangible reality.

Shizuka Gozen’s emotions surged. The same monster who had torn apart her life was now within reach of retribution. “Lily, I will risk everything in our fight against Minamoto no Yoritomo,” she declared, her aura crackling with resolve.

Ayaka, with a note of caution, added, “Your assistance will be invaluable, madam. But please, be cautious. If anything were to happen to you, the Mirror Girl’s destiny could be jeopardized.”

Shizuka, fueled by memories of her late husband and her harrowing escapes, responded with fervor, “Fear not. Once Ayaka has fully recovered and Kimiko has regained her strength, together we will be an unstoppable force!”

“However, we must not overlook his massive army. If Yoritomo chooses to defend Heian-kyo, preparing numerous formations in advance, it would undoubtedly pose a significant threat to us,” Rei remarked, glancing towards Kimiko. “Particularly those evil, cruel sacrificial formations.”

Had it not been for one such massive sacrificial formation, Kimiko would not have sustained such grave injuries.

Sakiko contributed her perspective: “That’s why it’s crucial for us to continue expanding our alliances. We need to challenge the imperial court and Yoritomo effectively. This is more than just a battle; it’s about formulating a strategy for mutual support

2. Our current manpower is insufficient. Moreover, the various factions and clans possess their own military strengths that could aid us.”

Lily nodded in agreement. Shizuru added, “The Ogasawara Clan from the Kansai Region, which has always maintained a low profile, has extended their support to us. Among them is an expert swordsman, a double-soul Big Dipper.”

The world was vast, and though these fighters might not rival the likes of Yoritomo or Tamamo-no-Mae, their prowess was not to be underestimated. A single-soul or double-soul Big Dipper could decimate a large formation, making them valuable allies in the coming conflict.

Ijuin, filled with a fervent energy, stepped into the center of the hall. “Sister Lily, dear sisters, our campaign against Minamoto no Yoritomo isn’t just a battle; it’s an event that can change the world. If we want the support of experts worldwide, we need a solid justification.”

“Justification?” Lily asked, her tone reflecting slight confusion.

Ayaka, with a nod of certainty, affirmed, “Exactly. We need a just cause to establish our legitimacy.”

Lily, still pondering, inquired, “What should our message be, then?”

Pondering, Ijuin suggested, “Merely citing Yoritomo’s mistreatment of us or his actions against Mirror Girls might not be sufficient. We should declare our intent to reclaim the capital, and cleanse the imperial court of its corruption. The world must see the tyranny of Yoritomo, who has imprisoned the Emperor and ruled with an iron fist. That will surely rally global support.”

“Reclaim the capital?” Lily echoed, the term striking a chord with her.

Ayaka nodded approvingly. “That’s an effective way to frame our cause.”

Shiu, perplexed, raised a concern from her corner, “But aren’t we essentially invading Heian-kyo? How does that equate to reclaiming the capital?”

Ijuin turned towards Shiu, explaining, “This is about the art of governance and politics. We need to unify strength globally for a massive construction project. This isn’t just about winning battles; it’s about managing logistics

3, politics, and the governance of the imperial court. Do you understand now?”

Shiu, feeling a bit embarrassed, managed a small, bitter smile. “Yes, I understand now…”

Lily, inwardly relieved, was glad she hadn’t voiced a similar doubt.

Shizuru then spoke up, “For Miss Lily to legitimately reclaim the capital, she needs a fitting status. The imperial court won’t simply recognize her or Lady Ayaka’s authority. But, as Miss Ijuin casually suggested earlier, perhaps Miss Lily could establish a Shogunate as a Taishogun.”

Ijuin, slightly annoyed, retorted to Shizuru, “Hey! That was no casual remark; I meant it seriously!”

“Starting a Shogunate?” Lily pondered the idea aloud. An all-female Shogunate seemed like a revolutionary concept.

Kotoka expressed her concern, “But can you just declare her Taishogun like that? Won’t it cause confusion?”

“Hehehe…” Amidst this, Ayaka chuckled, her laughter raising curiosity.

“Why are you laughing, Lady Ayaka?” someone inquired.

“The title of Taishogun is traditionally granted by the Emperor,” Ayaka explained. “Our current Emperor, Prince Narinaga, who Lily has saved repeatedly and is now Emperor Masayoshi, owes her much. We have contacts within the capital. We can arrange a secret decree bestowing the title of Taishogun on Lily. She would be charged with reclaiming the capital, meeting the Emperor, and subduing Minamoto no Yoritomo. This would give her the necessary legitimacy and authority.”

The sisters, listening intently, found logic and sense in Ayaka’s strategy.

“Can we arrange for such a decree?” Lily inquired further.

Ayaka shared her thoughts with a calculating gaze, “The Emperor is seen as a mere puppet by those in power. Even under surveillance, he’s not their prime focus. With a well-devised strategy, Kimiko and I securing a secret decree should be feasible.” Her eyes then shifted to Kimiko.

Kimiko concurred, “Exactly. I’ve mentored a demon that resides as a cat in the Emperor’s garden. It has the ability to transform into a human girl when necessary.”

Lily reflected on Prince Narinaga, the current Emperor Masayoshi. Her experiences with the young, frail yet courageous boy had left a lasting positive impression.

Resolute, Lily declared, “We’ll seek the Emperor’s assistance then.” She paused, adding, “In the meantime, while waiting for Sister Ayaka’s full recovery, we should utilize this period for intensive training.”

The meeting concluded, and the sisters dispersed to their respective quarters, each immersed in their thoughts.

Subsequent to the intense battle, Lily found herself oscillating between rigorous training sessions and aiding in Ayaka’s healing process. Exhausted by the day’s events, she sought solace in the hot springs. Wrapped in a bath towel, she eased into the warm waters.

Resting against the smooth rocks, Lily let out a sigh, “Ah…” The strategic discussions and planning, she realized, were surprisingly more draining than the physical exertions of combat or training. Yearning for simpler times, she acknowledged the necessity of her current role in these turbulent times.

Ayaka, also wrapped in a towel, her hair loosely draped, joined Lily in the steaming waters. “Lily,” she began with a note of concern.

“Sister Ayaka,” Lily greeted her.

Ayaka, sensing Lily’s unease, gently probed, “You seem troubled. What’s on your mind?”

Lily’s expression grew pensive as she shared her apprehensions, “I’m worried… After our encounter with Yoritomo’s clone, he simply vanished without a trace. He hasn’t returned to Kamakura, and there’s been no word from Heian-kyo. I can’t shake the feeling that Minamoto no Yoritomo is plotting something


Ayaka nodded gravely, “It’s often the case. When there’s a lull in news about Yoritomo, it typically forebodes the brewing of further turmoil.”


Robinxen: Honestly surprised Uesugi wasn’t more vocal about their stance.

Robinxen: Alliances are 90% logistics, for real.

Robinxen: Huh, author knows as well.

Robinxen: That’s extremely self evident.

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