Demon Sword Maiden

Volume 11 - Yamata no Orochi: Chapter 20 – Sudden Attack

Volume 11 - Yamata no Orochi: Chapter 20 – Sudden Attack

Oda Nobutora, leader of a small samurai clan, had risen to power with Lily’s assistance and his own capabilities, overthrowing the Shiba clan to take control of Owari. Upon hearing of Lily’s approach, he personally came out to greet her and deliver supplies.

Guided by Oda, Lily’s group was accommodated in Kiyosu Castle. They strolled through the city streets at night, illuminated by numerous lanterns, a rare sight in the current world. Since the large sedan couldn’t enter the city, they switched to an ox cart. Lily, peering out, addressed Oda Nobutora, “Lord Oda, the city has transformed since my last visit.”

“Without General Lyn-hime’s support, my Oda clan wouldn’t have achieved this much,” Oda replied courteously. “We might not compare to the Punitive Army, but we can contribute five thousand troops, including a two-thousand-strong regiment of elite gunmen.”

Most of the seventy thousand-strong army camped outside the city, while Lily’s group occupied the top floors of Oda’s castle. During a night meeting about the march route, a kunoichi burst in, visibly panicked.

“General Lyn-hime, Lady Ayaka, it’s urgent!”

“What happened?” Lily asked, perplexed about what could disrupt their powerful army at rest.

“Calm down, explain clearly,” Ayaka instructed.

“Mi- Minamoto no Yoritomo, he’s appeared…”

“Where? In Heian-kyo?” Lily asked, deeply concerned about Yoritomo’s activities.

“No, in Suruga Castle!”

“Suruga Castle? How?”

The kunoichi reported, “Last night, a black-armored army stormed Suruga Castle and killed Imagawa. Minamoto no Yoritomo’s banner was seen among them.”

“Was Yoritomo personally spotted?” Ayaka inquired.

“Reports mention a large sedan, but no confirmed sighting of Yoritomo. Suruga is now engulfed in flames and chaos.”

The group was stunned by this sudden development.

“How did Yoritomo get behind us? Why send troops to Mutsu?” Shimizu questioned.

Before their campaign, Lily’s group had considered the possibility of encountering remnants of Yoritomo’s forces in Mutsu and Dewa. However, they did not view these forces as a significant threat to their large army, nor did they have any crucial defensive positions in those areas. Cherry Blossom Valley was safeguarded by its maze formation and puppet soldiers, and in cooperation with the Takeda and Murai families, they should be able to hold off any of Yoritomo’s forces from Mutsu and Dewa. Moreover, Cherry Blossom Valley wasn’t a critical point that required strict defense, so they hadn’t paid much attention to it.

If mere remnants from Mutsu and Dewa were attacking, they could be disregarded, but Minamoto no Yoritomo’s direct involvement signified a grave threat. Their march towards Heian-kyo would be futile if Yoritomo was orchestrating maneuvers from behind with an elite force.

Moreover, if Yoritomo wasn’t in Heian-kyo, simply capturing the city wouldn’t end the conflict. Ayaka frowned, musing, “It might be a diversion by the remnants of Mutsu and Dewa.”

Rei, with a chill in her gaze, speculated, “We might have been too complacent. Both Mutsu and Dewa are Yoritomo’s strongholds. There’s likely a teleportation array leading to Heian-kyo hidden there. Despite the Ashikaga’s takeover of Kamakura city, we’ve overlooked Mutsu and Dewa. If Yoritomo uses a teleportation array to move between Mutsu or Dewa and Heian-kyo, it would complicate things considerably.”

Ayaka added, “Indeed, our oversight is evident. Teleportation arrays are relics from antiquity; Yoritomo lacks the means to create them. To my knowledge, the only array west of Kamakura city is in Mutsu. Originally belonging to the Fujiwara family, it fell into Yoritomo’s hands.”

Shizuka questioned, “Should we divide our forces to secure our rear?”

Lily’s eyes were stern as she addressed the situation, “The remnant troops in Mutsu and Dewa are negligible. But allowing Yoritomo to traverse freely between Heian-kyo and Mutsu, which lie on opposite sides of the world, defeats the purpose of our march to Heian-kyo.”

Ayaka cautiously inquired, “Lily, are you suggesting…”

Lily continued, “Yoritomo’s tactics are unpredictable. Dividing our forces would only invite unnecessary risk. While the likelihood of Yoritomo moving to Kanto seems slim, securing the array in Mutsu is imperative to eliminate all doubts and potential threats.”

Rei nodded in agreement, affirming Lily’s decision, “Right.”

“But the distance to Mutsu is considerable. If we redirect our army now…” Shizuka expressed her concern.

Ayaka clarified, “Turning our entire army around isn’t feasible. Yoritomo may move freely between Heian-kyo and Mutsu, but he won’t likely make an abrupt appearance in northern Kanto. We should focus on capturing the weaker Land of Mino with the army and the Oda clan. Securing Mino will fortify Kanto’s entrance, allowing our elite troops to then target Mutsu and seize the array.”

Lily nodded, deep in thought. “Before we launch an attack on Mino, there’s something else we need to address first.” She referred to the Tsukuyomi Swordstyle’s fourth stele. According to an ancient map, it was located on a small island to the south of Owari, a destination she had planned to visit after reaching Owari.

“Now that we’re already here, it makes sense to retrieve the stele,” Lily mused. The prospect of crossing the seas, which once seemed an insurmountable challenge during her initial travels to Owari, was no longer daunting. Despite the perilous nature of the endless seas, the map indicated that the island was just a few hundred miles from Owari’s southernmost tip. The chances of getting lost at sea were minimal.

What was once a journey of several hundred miles, impossible for the Lily of the past, now seemed easily achievable with her current capabilities.

Lily initially planned for little Kimiko and Shizuka to remain at Kiyosu Castle, providing support to Haihime in the assault on Mino. However, upon learning they might head to Mutsu, Shizuka expressed an interest in accompanying them, citing personal reasons to visit the area. Consequently, Lily decided to leave Kagura behind in Kiyosu Castle, entrusting her with three blood spirit magatamas for defense.

Considering that Mino lacked any significant representatives from Yoritomo’s lineage or formidable forces from Yomi, capturing it was anticipated to be relatively straightforward. Nonetheless, Lily chose to have Kagura and little Kimiko remain there as a precaution against any unforeseen strategies or ploys.

Under the cover of night, Lily, Shimizu, Ayaka, Rei, and Shizuka Gozen departed Kiyosu Castle aboard the Twelve Nioh King Sedan Chair. Not just for carrying, this chair, powered by magatamas, could soar through the air, rivaling the speed of the ox cart.

Their small group, assembled for speed and efficiency, aimed not just to occupy Mutsu but to annihilate its teleportation array. In under an hour, they reached the southeastern edge of Owari.

Navigating through stormy skies, the sedan traversed the tempestuous sea. Inside, the howling wind and pelting rain were the only sounds, aside from the occasional flap of the curtains. As Lily moved to close a window, the sedan suddenly shook violently.

“What’s happening?” The group rushed outside to see giant waterspouts and a colossal blue-gray moray eel, its human-like head emerging from the tumultuous waters.

The group stood frozen, facing this formidable creature exuding the aura of a quintuple-soul big dipper expert. Ahead lay the island holding the fourth stele, now guarded by this unexpected and powerful adversary. The question loomed: how to proceed in the face of such an obstacle?

Lily was aware of the countless ferocious monsters inhabiting the seas. Despite her extensive sea travel on the Fuyutsuki, she had never encountered one as formidable as this. Engaging in combat here, against a quintuple-soul big dipper sea monster, was far from ideal.

The giant moray eel’s head reemerged from the waterspouts, its expression fierce. Thunder rumbled around it, its voice booming over the crackle of lightning, “Are you Genji?”


“Are you from Genji’s clan!?” the eel demanded, its voice overwhelming even the storm’s fury.

Lily hesitated. While she was aligned with Yoshitsune, a member of the Genji clan, she stood in opposition to the current head, Minamoto no Yoritomo. Strictly speaking, she wasn’t part of the Genji clan by lineage.

“No,” Lily replied simply.

“No? Then who are you?” the eel inquired.

“I am Kagami Lily,” she stated.

“Kagami, Lily?” The moray eel, with its human-like head, seemed puzzled. “An unfamiliar name, yet your strength is noteworthy.”

Lily, unwilling to engage in battle with the sea monster but also not ready to retreat, subtly exhibited her strength as a caution.

“How peculiar. A mere girl possesses such formidable power?”

“Random? Ahahaha, this person was ordained as the Taishogun and tasked by the emperor to subdue Minamoto no Yoritomo. How can she be random? Senior moray eel, who are you?” Shimizu interjected from behind, her voice steady amidst the roaring wind and rain.

The moray eel, unfazed by Shimizu’s casual tone, asked with curiosity, “To suppress Minamoto no Yoritomo? Is that true?”

“Yes, senior,” Lily confirmed, sensing the eel’s hostility wane. She gave a respectful bow, recognizing the moray eel as an ancient arch-demon.

“Ahahahahaha! So it is! For years, I’ve devoured countless Genjis who dared traverse these waters, sinking many of their ships. Yet, this is the first time I’ve met an enemy of Minamoto no Yoritomo!” the eel exclaimed.

“It seems there’s a deep-seated history between you and Minamoto no Yoritomo?” Lily queried.

“Hah, not just history, but deep-seated hatred and enmity! I am Taira no Shigemori! Slain in battle against Minamoto no Yoritomo and Minamoto no Yoshitsune years ago! Both Yoritomo and Yoshitsune are my enemies! I’m unaware of the world’s current state, but since you oppose Yoritomo, I won’t hinder your journey

1. Tell me, how fares my father, Taira no Kiyomori?”


Robinxen: Well… that’s one of things happening…

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