Doomsday: I Become Invincible By Picking Up

Chapter 106

C106 – Escape into Another Dimension

Loong Chen’s frustration boiled over as he lashed out with a furious punch.

Presently, he remained in his Titan form, making his fist even larger than Murong Fu’s.

However, in terms of sheer strength, Murong Fu, a King Level warrior, undeniably outmatched Loong Chen.

Loong Chen’s colossal fist struck Murong Fu’s ant-sized body with a violent impact, causing his muscles to contort instantly.

A powerful force propelled Loong Chen’s massive frame backward a few steps.

Surveying his trembling arms, Loong Chen took several deep breaths. The might of a King Level warrior was truly formidable.

In his Titan state, he could even vanquish a Level 6 overlord-level mutated beast.

Yet, when confronted with an assault from a King Level warrior, Murong Fu couldn’t endure a single blow.

Loong Chen’s body swiftly reverted to its original state, and the Titan’s power within him had nearly been depleted.

“You impudent brat, meet your end obediently. I may even grant you the mercy of leaving your corpse intact.”

A cold grin spread across Murong Fu’s savage countenance as he charged toward Loong Chen.

“I have no other option but to attempt this.”

Loong Chen’s eyes narrowed upon seeing Murong Fu closing in.

He harnessed his spatial abilities and tore open a rift in space.

Swiftly, he stepped through the spatial rift, narrowly evading Murong Fu’s attack.

“Escaping into the alternate dimension?”

Murong Fu squinted, his fear of Loong Chen deepening.

In this moment, Loong Chen found himself surrounded by darkness. Here, there was no air or sign of life.

This was the alternate dimension, a realm akin to Chaos.

If he had any other choice, Loong Chen would never willingly enter this place, for the alternate dimension was fraught with peril.

Besides the essential oxygen needed for human survival, numerous hidden dangers lurked within.

Accidentally encountering spatial turbulence would add another layer of complication.

Given Loong Chen’s current state, he estimated he could remain concealed in the foreign space for roughly ten minutes.

His only hope rested on Murong Fu departing during these ten minutes.

Yet, Loong Chen’s hope was about to be shattered. In less than a minute, he spotted a glimmer ahead.

Murong Fu had forcefully torn through the spatial barrier and entered the alien space.


Loong Chen exclaimed in astonishment. Could a King Level warrior be so formidable that he could tear open the spatial barrier with sheer physical strength?

“You won’t escape,” Murong Fu declared, his face contorted with a fierce expression, as he charged toward Loong Chen.

Without hesitation, Loong Chen turned on his heels and fled.

Navigating the alien space was perilous, but not fleeing posed an even greater danger.

Murong Fu pursued relentlessly, determined to end Loong Chen’s life.

While fleeing, Loong Chen pondered an escape plan. Suddenly, he spotted a whirlpool forming nearby.

This vortex resembled a distorted space and generated substantial suction.

“It’s the spatial turbulence,” Loong Chen realized, but he promptly devised a strategy.

He abruptly halted and cast a cold smile at Murong Fu.

“You wanted to kill me, right? Come and get it.”

Confronted with Loong Chen’s fearless demeanor, Murong Fu also came to a sudden stop.

He kept a vigilant gaze fixed on Loong Chen, yet discerned no discernible hints.

“Could it be that this cunning fellow is deliberately trying to intimidate me and hinder my advance?”

Murong Fu contemplated, uncertain whether Loong Chen harbored ulterior motives.

Nevertheless, surrendering without a fight was out of the question.

“Prepare to meet your fate!”

Murong Fu bellowed and charged toward Loong Chen, delivering a powerful punch to his chest.

Loong Chen made no effort to evade the attack, absorbing the blow into his body.

Despite coughing up a substantial amount of blood, Loong Chen wore a chilling smile on his face.

Observing this sinister grin, Murong Fu cried out, realizing the impending danger, and attempted to retreat.

Regrettably, it was too late.

Loong Chen ensnared Murong Fu in a firm grip, propelling them both toward the nearby whirlpool.

The whirlpool emanated an astonishing gravitational force. It had gone unnoticed from their previous vantage point, but as they drew near, its inescapable pull became evident.

“It’s spatial turbulence!” Murong Fu’s extensive experience and knowledge allowed him to identify it in an instant.

Panic surged through him. If he got sucked into the spatial turbulence, even he would be in grave peril.

“Are you insane? Entering that spatial turbulence is a fate worse than death!”

Murong Fu raged in anger, but Loong Chen’s response was a cold smile.

“The one facing a fate worse than death is you, not me.”

Loong Chen’s voice sounded, though it did not originate from behind Murong Fu.

Murong Fu suddenly turned toward the source of the voice and was taken aback to see another Loong Chen materializing before him.

Murong Fu swiftly turned his head to inspect the situation. Loong Chen, who had his arms wrapped around him, remained in place.

“What’s happening?”

Even Murong Fu found himself perplexed. Why were there suddenly two Loong Chens?

“Savor your final moments.”

In that very instant, the Loong Chen positioned behind Murong Fu sneered and promptly fragmented into glimmering starlight.

Simultaneously, Loong Chen’s mirrored image clone had already resolved to take this course of action upon detecting the spatial disturbance.

His intention was for his mirror image clone to entice Murong Fu into the spatial anomaly.

“You insolent brat!”

Murong Fu finally reacted, bellowing in fury.

Regrettably, he was already being drawn into the vortex and found himself unable to break free.

Once he was engulfed by the vortex, his chances of survival appeared exceedingly slim.

Loong Chen breathed a sigh of relief upon observing that half of Murong Fu’s body had been drawn into the vortex.

He turned to depart but suddenly felt his feet sinking.

It was as if something had clamped onto his legs.

Loong Chen rapidly glanced down and discerned two hands clutching his legs, with Murong Fu as their owner.

Remarkably, his arms had extended to a length exceeding ten meters.

“He’s actually a body type Awakened of Exceptional Ability!”

Loong Chen promptly comprehended the situation, his eyes widening.

Concurrently, Murong Fu’s frenzied voice echoed.

“If I’m determined to die, then let’s perish together! There’s no escape for you!”

With determination, Murong Fu exerted a powerful force, instantly yanking Loong Chen toward the swirling vortex.

Loong Chen found himself powerless to break free, on the brink of being drawn into the chaotic spatial turbulence.

Filled with rage, Loong Chen vehemently cursed, vowing, “Even if I perish, I’ll never meet my end alongside you!”

Loong Chen began channeling every ounce of spatial energy within him, struggling to manifest a spatial portal.

In this unfamiliar realm, spatial stability was tenuous, making the creation of a portal an arduous task.

Even if he succeeded, the spatial turbulence’s influence meant the portal’s destination remained uncertain.

There was a risk of it inadvertently transporting him to a forbidden and perilous location.

Consequently, Loong Chen was reluctant to employ this method.

Nonetheless, with circumstances having reached this critical juncture, this remained his sole chance for survival.

For if Murong Fu succeeded in dragging him into the spatial turbulence, whether torn asunder by the tempestuous spatial storm or slain at Murong Fu’s hands, Loong Chen faced an inevitable demise.

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